Time to defend State Senator Karen Johnson <-- attacked in Arizona Republic


An odd group: Karen and the 'Truthers'
May. 7, 2008 12:00 AM

Karen Johnson, a Republican state senator, is showcasing on the 9/11 Truth Movement Web site her "My Turn" column, "We deserve the full truth about 9/11" (Opinions, Saturday).

Karen and other "Truthers" of this movement believe the controlled-demolition hypothesis that the World Trade Center wasn't destroyed by terrorists but by explosives planted in the buildings with drones hitting the Twin Towers as cover.

Kook groups will always form to further their own agenda.

Their "proof" has more holes than Swiss cheese, but they don't care.

Tossing Johnson out of her state Senate seat today would not be too soon for me. - Robert W. Galusha,Phoenix


I left a comment and gave thumbs up or down to other comments. Let's make our presence known, shall we?

Karen Johnson - Media

Monday May 5, 2008

Alex Jones talks with Arizona Senator Karen Johnson, who believes there was a 9/11 cover-up

(20 Minutes - 5 Meg)


Wow, so many stupid people out there.

Everybody needs to write in to Karen's support.


"Karen and other "Truthers" of this movement believe the controlled-demolition hypothesis that the World Trade Center wasn't destroyed by terrorists but by explosives planted in the buildings with drones hitting the Twin Towers as cover."

<SARCASM>That's all we're about.</SARCASM>

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

Shock and Awe


Here we go again

Yes Jon, i agree that she would probably get attacked in more subtle ways or maybe not at all if she would talk about, hm, lets say, 'foreknowledge', instead. Why is that?
I for one think its great that Karen Johnson has the guts to speak out about the heart of the matter, and that she does not seem to model her talk according to the medias reaction, but tells it how she sees it.

email your support to Senator Johnson at kjohnson@azleg.gov

Give the lady some love!


I have published her essay "Backing my claims about 9/11 questions," in full at


I did and she quickly wrote me back.

To: Karen S. Johnson
Subject: In times of universal deceit...

telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell

Thank you Karen Johnson . You are one in a million.

Joe Stokes
Dallas , Texas

She stated that Orwell is one of her favorites

I'm going to guess that you're "Nordic" there,


Well done and thank you, Vesa!

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.


That's correct!

Nice work

I'm on as Louie1.

When a person

in a up scale position is exposed to the truth and speaks up. EVERYONE in the truth movement should support them !

Thumbs up everyone that was

Thumbs up everyone that was a good show of support!

hit piece in the AZ Republic--register your discontent

Let Philip Boas know how you feel about him publishing this uninformed hit piece on Senator Karen Johnson. He is editor of the AZ Republic editorial page, his email is phil.boas@arizonarepublic.com and his phone number is 602-444-8292. Please be civil, love is the only way forward (as someone else here likes to say) but firmly let him know that he is wrong.

Drinking the 9/11 Kool-Aid

The Arizona Republic
Apr. 24, 2008 12:00 AM
Politics on the edges has an odd circularity to it sometimes.

The extreme right and the extreme left have a way of connecting, almost cosmically. They often link arms against foreign entanglements such as Iraq and the intrusions of the national government into our private lives.

For vastly different reasons, they share the (not outlandish) belief that centralized power in Washington, D.C., is a dangerous thing. They just tend to . . . take . . . it . . . a . . . bit . . . far.

Which brings us to the great unifying essence that connects eccentrics at both our political poles: the conspiracy theory. On both the far left and far right, the totem at the tippy top is that they're out to get us. And we all know who they are.

State Sen. Karen Johnson, R-Mesa, recently demonstrated her membership in this club.

The state Senate, at long last, appeared poised to finally - finally! - end the debate over what sort of remembrance phrases Arizona's 9/11 Memorial should include. The legislation would have extracted some locutions that appear to be critical of the U.S.

A vote in the Senate Appropriations Committee had the measure passing narrowly - until it came to Johnson, whose vote against changing the memorial's phrases created a tie, killing the legislation for now.

"There are many of us that believe there's been a cover-up," she told Capitol reporters about the terrorist attacks.

The senator gave details about her theories. The World Trade Center buildings could have been rigged with thermite to melt girders. The aircraft could have been drones rather than the commercial airliners most of us thought we saw crashing into the Twin Towers. As to what became of the missing passengers in the aircraft that (theoretically) did not explode against the towers: "That's what I would like to know," she said.

Now, we take no issue with private citizens believing whatever fever-swamp nonsense, however outlandish, they wish about their government.

We do take serious issue, however, with a public official affecting public policy on such grounds.

If Johnson truly maintains mere "questions" about the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks, she should have declined to vote. The likely truth of it, though, is that she really does believe her government capable of destruction of the highest order and is happy to express her delusions not just as a private citizen but as an elected official.

Johnson reportedly will not seek re-election this fall. After hearing her 9/11 fantasies, we heartily approve.

Yet another hit piece...

"9/11 theories: We deserve better from a leader"


Commentary by Raymond Moers
May 7, 2008 - 11:25AM

Pathetic attempt to slam Sen. Johnson.

Register and express your opinion!


Return fire on this one! easy target!

Thanks for the heads up! Just left my wake up call. Easy registration, quick access, let's hit back. This is a good lady!

Great work....

Everybody send some mail....lololol. Check out the way folks are voting......we are winning.

Support Senator Johnson

I emailed her to say thank you and posted a comment on the forum.

We need to let the frantically faithful Cheney/Bush supporters know we will not be insulted and intimidated into silence.

America is the CONSTITUTION, not the people currently in charge.