Civil Informationing in the Fraser Valley, B.C. April 26th, 2008

Saturday, April 26th, 2008

Chilliwack, B.C. Six members Fraser Valley 9/11 Truth were on hand in Chilliwack on this day from 2 pm until 6 pm and set up at the Five Corners intersection in the centre of town, and were later joined by 3 more. We met up at the adjacent parking lot. On our way there, we noted that there was another information booth set up near the corner. It belonged to the RCMP Citizen's Patrol. We also discovered the Canadian Armed Forces had an event just up the street. We found this to be a bonus!

See intro video: WE WANT TO REPORT A CRIME

Direct Link:

As we approached the "Five Corners", a member of the Citizen's Patrol saw us and immediately approached us, handing us brochures and asking if we would might like to volunteer too. We took their info and then explained that we were very interested in crime and justice, and doing a citizen's patrol of sorts ourselves and were particularly interested in having the murders of 24 Canadians on 9/11 investigated. They seemed somewhat perplexed, but after we set up our table and got our DVDs etc ready, I went over and gave them some of our fliers and a few DVDs and a few general problems with the official story. One of our members also went up the street to the Armed Forces display and spoke to them for a while and gave out a few DVDs. He encountered no problems.


Once we were set up, we garnered interest almost immediately, while our friends from the other citizen's patrol looked, unfortunately, like the "Maytag Repairmen" and seemed to not get any interest from passersby. About an hour later, they packed up and departed. Even a street person named Bernie joined us and asked what we were up too. We told him and he too agreed there was something really fishy about 9/11. We gave him a T-Shirt and food, and he hung out with us for several hours, enjoying our 9/11 Truth music and the great conversations we were having.


In all, we gave out about 70 DVDs and loads of fliers. As usual, many of the passing motorists honked their horns or gave us a thumbs up. A number them doubled back to get a DVD. Many who stopped by were of the local First Nations population and they were also very suspicious about what happened on 9/11 and the intent of the US and Canadian governments in Afghanistan and Iraq. There were perhaps 2 or 3 motorists in total (of the thousands who passed by) that gave us the finger or shook their heads. We just laughed.


Later, we all went over to Terry's place where he and his wife put on a great BBQ dinner for us and we got to socialize, get to know eachother better and discuss various aspects of 9/11 and the War on Terror, as well as our own journeys on this path.

It was a great day for Truth indeed, and a great day for us all - for ourselves, for freedom, our country, and for those complete strangers whom we met who thanked us for providing this service.

Seriously folks, if you are still fearful or are unconvinced that this type of activism is helpful, you have no idea what you are missing! It's also a whole bunch of fun.

(The City of Chilliwack, British Columbia is a community of approximately 76,000 people, located in the Fraser Valley, about 100 kilometers east of the City of Vancouver.)


Applause for excellent work. Particularly useful would be deeper disussion of how to approach military folk positively.

My objection to CI remains the same. What you do is great. Why can't you call it "outreach with warmth" instead of CI?. The term CI is designed to imply civil disobedience cannot be equally civil to CI, which implies Gandhi and King were meaningless.

This Sound Good.

Thanks for posting this.

It is encouraging to see effective truth activism.

Please keep it up and keep us informed on any further updates / activism.

1 Question: How is the response from young people?

Do you see any great concern from Young People with regards to Fascism, Loss of Liberties, Threat of False Flag Domestic Terrorism / Tyranny?

Any response from students / student groups with regards to 911 Truth and its FULL IMPLICATIONS TO PERSONAL LIBERTY AND LIFE for that matter?

Are you getting through to the next generation in your area, you think?

In my case, I find it easiest to talk to the youth - they seem to grasp the fundamentals a whole quicker than their elders.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it