Tips from a Marketing, Advertising, and PR Professional for 9/11 Truth Activists

Report from a Grassroots Development Conference Call by Thursday, April 24, 2008.

Expert on the call was Mr. Tom Monahan one of the nation’s top advertising gurus.

Here is a partial bio:

"Tom Monahan has trained over 200,000 people in the US, as well as in Canada, Europe and Asia in creativity and advertising. His company, Before & After, serves major global companies such as HP, Frito-Lay, AOL, Virgin Atlantic and Dunkin Donuts, as well as many other companies large and small, plus numerous professional organizations and educational institutions internationally.

During his former career as one of the top creative directors in advertising, Tom was a founder of Leonard/Monahan, an agency that served major marketers, was one of the most highly awarded ad agencies in America and was a launching pad for many of today's top advertising talents. Tom was featured in The Wall Street Journal's creative leaders series.

He was also named MVP of the New England Creative All-Star Team and honored as one of the top 10 copywriters in the country. He has been published in many periodicals, written The Do-it-yourself Lobotomy, published by John Wiley & Sons, was the regular ad columnist for CA and has won an Emmy for television editorial writing."

Mr. Monahan fielded questions from Paul Deslaurier and Jason King of the Steering Committee for Some of the topics and questions covered included:

* Provide a fundamental overview of marketing, PR, and advertising. And how is it used on a grassroots versus regional level

* What is the psychological component in the science of marketing, and how can we use this in our promotions?

* If someone has formed a deep seeded belief about a product or story, like a pattern of buying the same brand your mother bought, what is the science to change the belief? How can we apply this to the truth movement?

* How does branding of products work and how should we apply this to grassroots activism?

* What are marketing “target groups” and how do we craft communication to the different groups?

* With hardly no budget what is the best way to promote local events like speakers, movies, workshops, street action ….

* How do you make a good marketing plan?

* If you had a mandate to market a national event in September, where you would like all citizens to participate as a show of democracy, like a general strike, what strategy and process would you propose?

NOTE: The conference call was recorded and will be available for download at a later date from

In the meantime, here are some of the short answers and themes that Mr. Monahan provided (paraphrasing) from notes we took:

"If people don't know your issue or product matters, it doesn't matter how good your product is".
"PR is far more affordable than advertising"
"Don't worry too much about the MSM, the new media is more important"
"Don't go too heavy too fast"
"Don't slap people around with your method or your message"
"Don't alienate"
"Forget the hard cases"
"Go light (no more info than necessary) to get them to buy in"
"Marketing is to get people to sample the product"
"You are trying to raise awareness and get them to look"
"Loyalty to a product or service requires simplicity"
"Using a big hammer does NOT work!"
"Find something that they can embrace most easily"
"Don't say things that sound too incredible (even if true). People want to believe in their governments, political systems and values like democracy"
"If you do use the MSM, don't try to score a touchdown with a Hail Mary pass. Be methodical and gain yardage"
"Being right is not important. Being credible and believable is more important"
"Don't over-state your case"
"Appeal to the widest possible audience or lowest common denominator"
"Segmenting may work (different target groups) but you must assess how realistic it is to convince them and how much time or resources you may need to spend (and whether or not it is worth it)."
"Networking with other groups on issues of commonality can help"
"You have to earn your way in with people with respect and not force your way in to the market"
"Don't be confrontational"
"Show respect and don't call them an asshole because they don't immediately get it"
"Incrementalism is what governments do, so we should do this too"
"Aggressiveness or too much info does not work"
"Don't discount entertainment"
"Keep it simple"
"Repetition is important"
"People not only need awareness, they need to identify with you or your message"
"A national ad campaign is probably not worth it"


We thought that this may interest you as well:

9/11 Truth Sales and Marketing - A Positive Approach to increasing public awareness about the 911 issues: Article by Wayne Prante (Published in December 2007) mp3 (interview on Unbought and Unbossed Radio)


The Best Solution: Be the Media ... but also be the marketing department

Generally, it's best and prudent to ignore the major News and Talk media, or at least don't rely on them or expect that they will do the right thing. "Be the media" has been our mantra and our most effective tool, and there is no reason to change course. We can however, be savvier about PR and marketing. We have to realize that we, as individuals, are the sales department. As well, accept that bad press IS worse than no press. We don't have a PR department to fix public relations failures, nor time and energy to waste looking back. So it is incumbent upon each of us to think things through before acting, and realize that what each of us does, will reflect on the movement as a whole. There are so many ways to get out and inform people civilly and positively and they cannot defend against that, short of declaring martial law, which will blow their cover and expose the agenda.

Advertising campaigns are not successful due to consumers seeing one flashy advertisement, hearing one slogan one time, nor reading one review. Repetition and regular exposure, including at the subconscious level, leads to brand name recognition. If consumers see a product or material often, hear jingles often, read our slogans often, they will take it in at a subconscious level and begin to process that information, whether they like it or not, until it eventually comes to their conscious mind. You want them to try the product and become sold on it, and make a conscious decision to buy it, or in our case, to investigate further and buy into our view of things. This is also how the 9/11 story was sold and is perpetuated.

No matter what product or service you are selling, shoving it down someone's throat will not convince them of anything, except perhaps that you are rude, some kind of kook, or worse still, a dangerous kook. Forcefulness evokes a negative reaction, a closed mind and no sale. We have all experienced a pushy salesperson when walking into a store. Most people prefer to be acknowledged, but allowed to look around. That doesn't mean that we should not be proactive. We need to be, but with proven sales methods. Exposing people to our product (9/11 facts) is a selling job, not a telling job nor a yelling job.

Leading off with closing statement is not really productive. In other words, if you lead off with "9/11 Was an Inside Job", there is no room for a discussion. Invite your subject to investigate 9/11 by showing them a problem or paradox and having them try to solve it, based upon what they know about 9/11 or about physics, etc. Multiple choice quizzes can be fun. As well, do not give your customer or subject more information than they can handle or have time to process. A few facts about 9/11 opens the door to further enquiry, at a later time. Just being there and portraying a positive, intelligent image is also a victory, because when that person later hears or reads negative comments in the MSM about 9/11 Truthers, it will not ring true to them. In that instance, we have also discredited the media.

As sales people, we want to educate, not alienate, empathize, not criticize. Establish a rapport, find commonalities and build bridges, not burn them. Try to get people to agree with you on as many things as possible before giving them the essential pitch. Then offer alternative facts, explanations or solutions, not just opposition or dissent. No matter what we do, we should do our best not to close minds, nor give those we hope to reach any reason to fear us.

Many of us are not great public speakers (or writers), or for one reason or another, may not be willing or able to put their name or face into the spotlight, but have other talents to offer. These people can be the media by creating handbills and posters, or helping to distribute them in public places where people will at least see images or slogans, or help themselves to essential information. Consider micro-broadcasting too. With a small, inexpensive FM transmitter attached to your computer, you can broadcast your own shows or re-stream others from the alternative media sources to your neighbourhood and beyond. You can then advertise this in your fliers and posters that you hand out.


Get out and spread the truth, as best you know it, and as best you can individually and in small groups. Be civil and smile and know that you are right, that you have proof and history on your side, and that you we are doing the right thing. Don't argue with idiots. Just move on to the next person with an open mind. Exposing people to a new product (in this case, new facts and alternative views) requires positive energy and and a positive image. Give people a choice to hear you or to view your information. Don't set yourself up for rejection and failure.

To reiterate, 9/11 Truth is not about telling or yelling, but about selling.

What to consider in developing a "marketing strategy" which can be adapted for 9/11 Truth activism:

  1. Know your product or service: Know your facts, know yourself, your goals, your weaknesses and strengths, and know your competitor's product, arguments, goals, plans and strategies too
    (competitor in our case is the MSM and other proponents of the official story)

  1. Know your market area: Geographically, demographically and assess the potential for success visa vis the investment (of time, energy and resources)
  2. Identify potential customers: who they are, their wants and needs, and their ability / desire to buy (in our case, it is virtually anyone, but you can focus on how they have been affected by 9/11, and assess their ability / desire to accept what you are offering)
  3. Devise your marketing strategy: How best to you reach potential customers, what mediums are at your disposal, what will appeal to potential customers, what will not, and why.(how you reach potential converts – ads, fliers, posters, 9/11 DVDs, 9/11 music CDs, screenings, personal conversations)
  4. Direct marketing: Speak to or appeal to your potential customers (subjects) directly and as much or as often as possible. Don't allow your competitor to define your product or service for you.
  5. Network: Identify and generate allies who can give greater exposure to your product or service, without compromising it (note: their image or other issues that may not necessarily reflect your's, or their way of doing things may potentially give you a black eye – choose carefully).
  6. Build lasting relationships: Service your customer's needs and get testimonials from customers, especially high profile people. Have customers sell your product for you by word of mouth (in our case, this may mean finding local shops, such as book or magazine stores that might be on board and who would willing to post info or make space available on the counter for fliers, DVDs etc)
  7. Build a sales team: The more people you can employ who are sold on your product and who buy into your plan, the more potential for sales you will have (in our case, grow your group)
  8. Franchise: Have new recruits expand into new markets (geographical areas or target groups)
  9. Protect the market: Keep your product pure. Avoid public relations catastrophes, but be prepared for them and be prepared to act quickly to respond to negative publicity. Prevention is far less costly.

Be the change we want to see!

Full post:

Download a PDF copy here:

We also highly recommend this video:

Psychology and 9/11
: Ken Jenkins discusses the importance of understanding 9/11, 9/11 as psychological warfare, counter-productive pessimism (panic vs. a sense of urgency), the silence of the left, a visit to the nightmare time, and finding a sense of hope - Video


This is fantastic.

Should be mandatory.

Agreed, Vendetta911

This should be mandatory and we should encourage training along these lines at group meetings and conferences.


The truth shall set us free (sooner, if we promote it intelligently).

Love is the only way forward.

Everyone needs to read this blog!

This is a very important and long overdue subject that everyone involved in activism needs to understand as completely as possible if we are to succeed.

This is public relations and marketing 101, which is basically just common sense applied to interpersonal communications.

Along with understanding cointelpro operations there is nothing more important than a thorough understanding and proper application of these principles.

Let me highlight some of the above listed statements:

"If people don't know your issue or product matters, it doesn't matter how good your product is".

"Don't worry too much about the MSM, the new media is more important"

"Don't go too heavy too fast"

"Don't slap people around with your method or your message"

"Don't alienate"

"Go light (no more info than necessary) to get them to buy in"

"Marketing is to get people to sample the product"

"You are trying to raise awareness and get them to look"

"Using a big hammer does NOT work!"

"Find something that they can embrace most easily"

"Don't say things that sound too incredible (even if true). People want to believe in their governments, political systems and values like democracy"

"If you do use the MSM, don't try to score a touchdown with a Hail Mary pass. Be methodical and gain yardage"

"Being right is not important. Being credible and believable is more important"

"Don't over-state your case"

"Networking with other groups on issues of commonality can help"

"You have to earn your way in with people with respect and not force your way in to the market"

"Don't be confrontational"

"Show respect and don't call them an a***ole because they don't immediately get it"

"Incrementalism is what governments do, so we should do this too"

"Aggressiveness or too much info does not work"

"Keep it simple"

"Repetition is important"

"People not only need awareness, they need to identify with you or your message"

I have been trying to get these points across with people here and with whom I do street activism in my own way, it's great to finally have these points made here by a recognized expert in the field. Please study these and take them to heart, you will find your efforts much more productive and rewarding.

To the top of the list I would add: Be friendly.

In the end this all comes down to the politics of perception, and we have a lot of control over how we are perceived if we exercise that control thoughtfully and carefully.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

I couldn't agree more :-)

One of the most useful things I have ever read related to 9/11.

I particularly like the part about not worrying too much about the MSM. Let them descend into irrelevance on their own as people turn to the internet for information.

Btw, one thing I would add to the list is:

"Don't act like you have all the answers."

Agreed, I'm never afraid to say "I don't know

and that's exactly why we need new investigations". This almost always draws the person you're talking to in and reinforces the fact that there are way too many unanswered questions.

We always need to remind ourselves that we are the 9/11 truth movement and NOT the 9/11 speculation movement when doing public outreach.

As for the msm, nothing short of a massive paradigm shift will cause them to start telling the truth about anything. The shift is coming, but not until after we succeed.


The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

So true...

...often "I don't know that's why we need a new investigation" is the best answer.

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." -The Declaration of Independence

Fascinating angle on spreading truth! Clever tips!

Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here:


I just want to throw something out there for possible discussion. I did spend 20 years in broadcasting and advertising.

What if we developed a single logo which was consistent across the board?

What if, instead of using the term 911 Truth, we claimed the single word "TRUTH"? The buttons, stickers T-shirts would all have the same logo, and the same moniker, "TRUTH". It is simple, and yet it can apply to 911 Truth and several related truths. Truths about past false flag operations. Truth about the Federal Reserve. Truth about any future event that will be covered up.

Many already abbreviate in writing and conversation by calling it the "Truth" Movement.



Truth lapel pins. (this is brainstorming so the thoughts are not necessarily organized) How could anyone object to the word "Truth" on your lapel at work?

If we developed a consistent logo, the message will imprint more efficiently into the minds of those who see it.

I am sure there are some great graphic designers in the group.

We could even have a logo competition. Then decide on one and stick with it.

Just a thought.

It works for Tide.

It works for Coke.

Why couldn't the word "Truth" be ours?

Just a thought.

Let me know your thoughts.

I appreciate your thoughts here,

but I just don't see mere "Truth" as an effective marketing tool for the foreseeable future.

Why do you assume that many people outside the truth movement will know its specific meaning? I'd think it would just be seen as promoting a bland generality, akin to "good government" or "Jesus loves you" or "have a nice day." Truth is good, and there should be more of it, but our movement needs people to get a lot more focused than that.

I don't see much comparison with Tide or Coke. They're real products with highly specific meanings. We want people to begin to consider that there's some alarmingly fishy stuff about what happened on 9/11 that their government and mainstream news sources have withheld from them. Or something like that: I only wish I had some optimal formulation of what our united message should be. But "Truth" as a stand-along slogan is surely insufficient until such time as the general public is much more abuzz with doubts about the official story.

Great advice

I agree that this is an excellent article - I especially agreed with:

1) Don't worry too much about the "mainstream" media, the internet is more important. Hell is going to freeze over before we see a reasonable treatment of 911 on NBC news or the New York Times. We can better spend our energies on consolidating and upgrading our internet base.

2) FORGET ABOUT THE HARD CASES. Disrupters have perfected to an exact science the art of getting us twisted up in knots trying to convince the unconvinceable. We should be speaking to reasonable people with reasonably open minds and just forget about the lunatic fringe. This futile battle with disrupters has consumed huge amounts of time and energy that could have been much better spent elsewhere.

Thanks for an excellent and much needed article.

Tim Howells
The 911 Agenda, 911 and our political system

911 Truth IS America

911 Truth IS America Reborn.

911 Truth IS America Awakened.

911 Truth IS Counter-Terrorism.

911 Truth IS Loving the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

O! say can you see by the dawn's early light........

911 Truth is that Light.

This is Our 1776.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Thanks for your feedback

I was just applying tried and true principles of advertising and brand awareness.

Sticking with 911 Truth, which is already established may indeed be the best direction to take. The concept of just "Truth" as the logo, however, does not imply that you would just leave the logo out there without having all the same supporting data that we already share. It would just be the logo. You know, the brand. The difference between Coke and Tide and Truth, is that they used boatloads of advertising to associate the brand with the product.
Using "Truth" as the brand would take a word that already has a positive reputation, and is already defined, and claiming it. It is like the hermit crab who takes the sea shell as his home. It is already built, he just moves in. We then would use the truth logo in conjunction with the 911 information. As I have noted earlier, many already call it the Truth Movement.

Anyone with advertising and branding experience see what I am driving at? I am not giving up on it just yet.

You may be right that sticking with the 911 Truth brand name is best, since it has been established and is known. I would still propose that there be a unified presentation, a logo, that is the same on every sign, every t-shirt, every banner, every letter head etc.. It is no accident that this is what they do for most successful products. 911 Truth is our product. We want it to be known by as many people as possible. We want the movement to be credible. We want to occupy space in peoples minds. Repetition sells more effectively when the same simple message is presented in basically the same form. This does not mean you could not delineate all aspects of 911 Truth, it just means when you write 911 Truth, it looks just like the last message about 911 Truth. Packaging the message, if you will. A single slogan, and a unified logo. This helps imprint the message into the minds of the consumers. We are selling this product to the same people who are buying the LOGO products. This is how it is done most effectively. Like it or not, we are selling 911 Truth.

If we are supposed to be the media...

...we should get going on a 9/11 Truth PAC (Political Action Committee.) We could raise millions of dollars from people all over the U.S. who know the truth about 9/11 and want to help. Even if they can only donate small amounts, 5 or 10 dollars, that could still generate millions of dollars for our cause. Imagine if we had a money bomb for 9/11 truth, how much could we make that day? I would set this thing up myself but unfortunately I am not an American. Someone with the right set of skills and a passion for 9/11 truth needs to head over to the IRS website and download these forms needed to start a 527 PAC for 9/11 truth. They say don't count on the MSM, but what if we don't need to? What if we could raise millions of dollars and buy time on MSM like everyone else. It would give 9/11 truth the mainstream credibility it needs. We already have distinguished spokespeople to state our case eloquently. What we need is time on tv to let them get the message out. To do that we need to raise money. A Political Action Committee is how we could raise that money.

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." -The Declaration of Independence

Develop your "9/11 Elevator Speech" out just a few of what you consider to be the most compelling facts...keep it short and plant the seed of doubt in the Official Fairy Tale. Some intriguing items that will spur that person to want to look into it on their own.

It takes time for most people to come around as there is so much information to absorb (a friend of mine who has given out thousands of DVDs estimates, based on his experience, that it takes a year for most people to fully absorb and accept 9/11 Truth). Another tip: carrying around a small DVD player, as Joe in Dallas does, showing the collapse of WTC7 or Mineta's testimony, is a pretty effective way of getting an immediate reaction.

As I've stated here before (I"m using Mr. Monahan's advice about "repetition" :), some of my personal favorite talking points, besides "7", are:

That "the Twins exploded, not collapsed", into steel and dust, at a rate of 7 FLOORS PER SECOND". How is that possible without controlled demolition? (capitals are just to show emphasis here, not recommending you should yell... :)

That "Bush was left to dawdle in the classroom for at least 7 minutes AFTER THE SECOND PLANE HIT AND EVERYONE KNEW THE NATION WAS UNDER ATTACK. How did the Secret Service know he was safe and why was Bush not acting as Commander and Chief?"

Or that, "For more than 34 minutes after the SECOND Twin Tower was hit, the NATION'S CAPITOL was still left unprotected and the Pentagon was hit. How is that possible with fighters from Andrews Air Force base 10 miles away?"

PNAC and its RAD document, Operation Northwoods, an investigation fought against for 441 days, historical examples of false-flag terror (this is good to use when they ask "why" the government would do such a thing...people always want to know motive, although FFT is more of a tool than a motive, of course),....the list of other facts and unexplained questions goes on and on. Just cherry-pick the 3 or 4 you like best and then answer questions (if you can...and "I don't know, I didn't plan the attack" is a perfectly acceptable response, IMO).

One more thing, when people ask why they should care about what really happened on 9/11, I always say the the administration always falls back on 9/11 to justify anything they want to do, whether it's aggressive wars overseas or setting up a surveillance state at home. They always use the trauma of that day to stifle dissent. 9/11 Truth takes that away from them, if object to the direction the country has been taken in since that day.

Thank you adanac for posting Mr. Monahan's terrific advice.

9/11 Truth ends the 9/11 Wars

This is the Right Perspective...

...on how to get an idea disseminated. So many of the points clearly show the sort of techniques that I prefer to use, but then i have been working in advertising for some years.

"Don't argue with idiots. Just move on to the next person with an open mind. Exposing people to a new product (in this case, new facts and alternative views) requires positive energy and and a positive image. "

It should not be our focus to reach the "hard cases". The focus should remain reaching as many open minds as possible, and there are plenty. We are trying to influence the mass mind not "fight against" anything.

I also like that impacting peoples subconscious minds is included above.

And it isn't explicitly stated but seems clear that this type of activism is best done regularly, locally and in small (independent) groups.


...."Pick the Low-Hanging Fruit"....

And beware of shills, local or otherwise, who want to endlessly "debate" you on 9/11, thus sapping your energy, enthusiasm, and was done to me early on once, before I learned to recognize the type...don't waste your efforts on them...

9/11 Truth ends the 9/11 Wars

We're planning a 911 truth ad campaign and need...

...a truther media planner to help us. I have been an advertising copywriter for 20 years (campaigns for Coors, Disney, AOL, Microsoft, Discovery) and am partnering with an ad director from my local truth group. Once the campaign is ready, we will start seeking donations from truthers of all kinds, from those who can contribute big bucks to those who can only throw in $10.

I would like to start talking to a media planner who will donate her time (they are almost always women) just as I and the art director are doing.

Anyone know of a planner who would help us? I can be emailed at This is a temporary address, so if I am spammed excessively I will delete it and repost here. Please note, I will not delete it without first posting a notice here.

You may also contact me through my blog

thank you!

One thing i forgot to mention in the original report ....

I was surprised to hear Monahan say that Subliminal Advertising does not work or that no proof exists that it does, and that it is not used. I would beg to differ, though perhaps it is just a matter of definition.

We can be active and effective without saying anything verbally, and yet saying a lot, if we ALL wear 9/11 Truth shirts, hats or other paraphernalia regularly, or put up posters and stickers in many places! Posters or stickers need not be big or say much at all. A simple statement or slogan or some art work can do the trick.

Please watch and consider the following video. I think you will see exactly how much information the subconscious mind takes in, that can and will be recalled later upon suggestion, or upon seeing or hearing a trigger:

This is also "being the media" gives the term PsyOp a whole new, positive meaning! ;-)

There can be no doubt that the MSM and major marketing agencies know this.

- Fraser Valley 9/11 Truth
- 9/11 Civil Information Blog
... it's the other War on Terrrorism ... silly!

Choosing your terms: COVER UP

Establishing that there is a "cover up" is simple, straightforward, and nearly everyone already knows this. It isn't a hard sell to reiterate some of the many signs of government cover up, and to get agreement on that.

While you are establishing the cover up with well known glaring facts (from mainstream headlines), you can also expand their knowledge with lesser known facts -- the stuff the msm won't ever discuss.

We should also take a principled position that the cover up is unacceptable, and that as a democratic people we are entitled to the truth, no matter where it leads.

Many accept the cover up, but believe the government is using secrecy to protect us from "the terrorists." While there is an argument for some level of secrecy, the past history details of the 9/11 attacks don't fall under that category, for the most part.

There is another segment that believes the USG are covering up their "incompetence." I find this argument particularly repugnant for several reasons.

1) If they truly were "incompetent", then why is it acceptable for them to get away with it, to remain in power, and to cover it up? (Someone ask Chomsky that one.)

2) It's clearly not "incompetence" if -- as fired FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has accused them -- it is done on purpose, regardless of the negative consequences (like 3000 dead).

3) Those who accept the "incompetence" defense (not a valid legal defense) can't prove this alleged incompetence, and are using faith-based reasoning.

4) "Criminal Negligence" is proven, at a minimum, which is enough to investigate and prosecute those covering up.

5) "Obstruction of Justice" is also proven. By obstructing the investigations into the crimes of 9/11, this crime rises to the level of impeachable.

There is a long list of lies and crimes related to 9/11, and the "negligent" behavior of those at the top is highly suspicious.

There is no need to speculate or to make up "theories" in order to establish this. The other side has made this elephant-sized cover up irrelevant by focusing entirely on a bunch of theories which can't be proven.

This has damaged our progress immensely, and most "truthers" play right into their hands. There is very little self-reflection, and the same tired slogans keep coming.

You don't hand your enemy ammunition.

70 Disturbing Facts About 9/11

John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State Blog

johndoraemi --at--

What a treasure trove of good advice and strategy

Lot of common sense, no brainer stuff- "don't alienate" and other good food for discussion that will likely yield many useful applications:

"If people don't know your issue or product matters, it doesn't matter how good your product is".
"PR is far more affordable than advertising"
"Don't worry too much about the MSM, the new media is more important"

glad these guys support Truth. Reminds me of Ruckus Society non-violent direct action training

The Top 40

this should be cross-posted/linked into the "Activism" section


Any other gems like this buried in the archive?

The Top 40