Two Members of We Are Change arrested last night at Laura Bush event

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BREAKING STORY: We Are Change Reporters Unlawfully Arrested at Laura Bush Event Over Exercise of Free Speech

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - UPDATED: 11 PM CST

Luke Rudkowski indicates that two We Are Change activists have been unlawfully arrested outside of a speaking event with Laura Bush and Jenna Bush in New York.

Gary– an active member of the New York chapter– reportedly refused orders from the Secret Service to move from a sidewalk where the Bushes were entering the building. Shortly afterwards, while Gary was trying to ask Laura and Jenna a question, a plainclothes man escorting someone in a wheelchair started a fight, according to sources within We Are Change.

The fight was broken up, and both men were taken to a police precint. However, the man who started the fight was released without charges while Gary is still being held.

Inside the event, We Are Change reporter Matt Lepacek attempted to interject a question during Laura Bush’s speech and was reportedly dragged out by police. Rudkowski reports the police intentionally bashed Lepacek’s head against a door or wall. Lepacek used his cell phone to video the Bush question, but it was confiscated by the police. Lepacek previously stirred controversy when he was arrested for asking a member of Giuliani’s staff a question and subsequently arrested.


Watch the video

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it


Confronting major figures certainly has value but ultimately may not be sufficient for bringing about a new 9/11 investigation.

However, similar coordinated efforts nationwide applied toward current members of congress is what will generate a new investigation and will be met with much less resistance.

A new investigation can happen but it must be made to happen with public pressure upon the right people.

Another fantastic job by We Are Change!

The S.S. agent who identified himself to Gary as Tom Flynn was unprofessional, belligerent, and was overstepping his authority. Later, Gary was beaten up by an agent provocateur. Gee, what a coincidence!

Matt was assaulted & ejected because he asked the Bushes REAL question, something they can't handle.

Matt & Gary ended up educating the cops (who lost 60 of their brothers & sisters to the 9/11 inside job) on what the Constitution is! It's the highest law of the land!

Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here:


The Right Stuff.

WE have to expose the dirty laundry of the $ecret $ervice.

It is fascinating to see how hard they seem to be working to protect the Bu$h women today from a lone Citizen with a camera standing on a PUBLIC SIDEWALK when they did nothing for over 15-20 minutes (at least) during 911 when BUSH was busy reading My PET GOAT while the Two Towers were being hit by those Planes Nico Haupt can't seem to see.

There was an airport in the vicinity of Booker Elementary and the $$ were as cool as cucumbers not bothering to follow standard protocol to evacuate the Presidential A-Hole in Chief - to at least protect the Kids from becoming collateral damage.


Where the HELL were the Protective ZONES AROUND WTC 7 - a $$ office - AFTER 8.46 A.M. - 1st Strike WTC North?

The $$ can see FAA radar data. And a whole lot more.

Protective Zones around PUBLIC SIDEWALKS ARE SUCH AN ISSUE, why ,pray, tell us weren't the Airspace around the Pentagon protected when a major Airbase is just 10 mins away?

These $$ "$uperdefenders" believe in PROTECTION? AND ZONES THAT ARE PROTECTED?

And he is telling us to look it up on the Internet under USC guidelines?

That's some strong kool-aid the $$ boys are drinking in the Treasury Department.

I wonder if they are being paid in Euros or Rubles now. Its going to be worth a lot more since the A-Hole in Chief still is clueless of the state of the economy.

Angel is next. Sure it is.

The $$ boys should work on their My Pet Goat Protective Zone Strategies for the Bu$h Ladie$.

It apparently worked for their paymaster on 911.

We on the other hand are not goats.

Just well armed sheep looking at a WOLFowitzish govt.

Armed with knowledge. And the Wisdom to understand the True Purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

Thomas Jefferson would probably be assaulted by an $$ agent if he were here in this day and age.

Mohandas K. Ghandi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela were all arrested for their beliefs.

WAC you are in good company.

Someone in the Treasury Department has missed the Connecting Flight Between COMMON SENSE and REALITY.

They were probably on board that invisible plane that crashed into WTC 7 and brought it down.

I recommend any $$ agents paid to read websites such as these please reduce your prescription of Kool-Aid.

Its not working.

I recommend you increase your dosage of Common Sense - by Thomas Paine.

Look THIS up the Internet Treasury boys.

And try not to miss any Connecting Flights.

Hate to see your $$ offices come crashing down into pulverized dust of concrete within 7 seconds again.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

A lawyer

I heard Luke saying this afternoon at the Alex Jones' show that they needed a lawyer to give help about
Gary being in jail for nothing. You know what I vote for Dr. William F. Pepper .... Why not?
You can't hide a lie for long. Truth shall come out.

Textbook agent provocateur crap.

However, the man who started the fight was released without charges while Gary is still being held.

This is classic agent provocateur shenanigans. The agent was probably released just as soon as he informed the arresting officers that he was "on the job".

Don't be fooled...this is a nascent police state we're living in right now. The fact that these tactics are being concealed doesn't make them any less real.


ATTORNEYS NEEDED! Update on WeAreChange Arrests

Update as of 12:20PM EST:

Recently confirmed with Officer Peter Kenn; Gary has been transfered to Central Bookings and is still being held on Assault 3 charges. The arrest number is: m08635912. We have been informed it is not likely that he will see a judge before this evening. Gary has already been held for over 13 hours, overnight. New York City Central Bookings Phone Number: 212-374-3921 (option 4)

We are in need of east coast based attorneys who are willing to donate or offer reduced fee's for the criminal defense of Gary & Matt Lepacek. We will also pursue legal action against the NYPD and security at the 92'nd street YMCA. Please email if you would like to offer legal services or provide a recommendation.



I have been saying this before.

Legal Professionals & Lawyers for 911 Truth.

Its high time.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

If were licensed in NY...

Sadly Im not licensed in NY so I cant help out. From what I gathered from your description of the events, I would either expect the charges to be dropped at the pre-lim hearing or pressed to trial to try and bankrupt you/harrase you. Alot depends on who you will get to represent you at the first hearing date sadly. Remember, the prosecutor knows his witnesses are lying bags of crap and would be destroyed on the witness stand by any competent attorney. But Im sure the "political" pressure is very great and some a-hole upstart will be assigned the case. I would ask the local ACLU if they might have some suggestions on possible attorney options. Personally, I would love the chance to make a "name" on a case like this. My mouth would water at the opportunity to put the SS on the stand and supena them to find out who the "agent provacateur" really was. Think of 12 lay people from NYC in the jury box! Get a few who lived near lower Manhatten and the trial would be over in 2hrs flat.
What ever does happen, remember that they are lying, you are not. They will lie (its their job to lie), you dont have to. This is a "politcal" prosecution and resources will be allocated accordingly by the "State". Lets hope, the City of NY has better things to do with their money than play "Bush's" ball game.

NY Courts

One problem WAC should be leary of - the New York Courts are among the most corrupt in the country - more so for Civil than Criminal, but a good lawyer is needed as Mr. Bill points out.

Be careful with all this extra advice...

... but one thing that jumped out and had me swearing at the inter-telly... was the SS man's quip, "don't tell ME about the constitution."

What? He knows ALL there is to know about it, thus does not need a sidewalk lecture about it's extraordinary importance into understanding the very job he is tasked with?

Or, because his fantastic training in sycophantic allegiance to a Unitary Executive has shown him that Might is Right, the people BELONG under his boss's feet, thus he can disregard any thought of the delicacy that is civilization... and understanding the very job he is tasked with?

"Mr. SS Man... please tell the court your personal opinion about that ruddy old parchment. If it's simply that you've come to understand it as 'outdated and toothless in this dastardly modern world of Scare-er-ism with tin darts and lamp oil... a world impossible for the old founding farts to imagine when they set out on their fool's errand dreaming of a world that just can't be'... please, do tell us.

Or might you see it as an extraordinarily rare and precious effort... striving and struggling to place into always fallible words, attempting some of the highest thoughts on the hierarchy of civilization, a people's contract with the very bodies WE create for rudimentary affairs of public works management... and a formal body around witch to organize our common defense...'? please, Mr. SS Man... do tell."

Why is WAC NY playing to lose?

How do the other WAC chapters feel about being brought into this, as they inevitably will be?

From a pure public relations standpoint, what is to be gained by aggressively confronting the First Lady and her daughter?

Go to the event, hold up big signs, ask questions calmly.

If you are hassled by the Secret Service, quietly ask them about the clear violation of procedures at Booker Elementary School on 9/11/01.

From a tactical and strategic standpoint, has WAC NY considered the implications of their actions?

1) Members of WAC NY are arrested and branded as criminals by the media. The first stories (no matter how false) are the ones everyone remembers.

1a) IF WAC NY can successfully prove that this was an agent provocateur incident (if, in fact, it was) and get this out into the media, then they can turn this to their advantage. What is the likelihood that they will be able to do this? Do they have the resources to do this? Do they have the media access?

2) If the arrests stand, WAC NY will be considered to be a criminal "gang" by the NYPD and treated as such by them and portrayed as such by the media.

3) Other WAC chapters will then come under suspicion and be viewed in a different light by their local law enforcement agencies and their local media. Some will very likely also be targets for similar set ups (if this was a set-up), especially in other large cities.

Let's see, what is that HR 1955 bill (now S 1959) called? The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007, isn't it? Perhaps WAC NY wants to assist in its passage, they certainly are helping it with actions like this.

We need to pay attention to the history of political movements in this country, especially the civil rights movement.

If we really want to succeed, then we have to be as disciplined as we are determined.

We cannot allow emotion to override reason and permit instant gratification or reflexive impulse to sabotage our long term goals.

Considering the warnings given by Dr. William Pepper on this very subject on this very site, I would think most people here would understand the importance of this and not allow themselves to be so easily manipulated to their own disadvantage.

Finally, one has to wonder how this will effect the ongoing effort to collect signatures for the NYC ballot initiative.

While I was not there, and the details are somewhat sketchy, I think it is safe to say that this was not a positive thing for WAC NY, WAC or the 9/11 truth movement, in general.

More light and less heat, brothers and sisters.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

I have to respectfully disagree on some points

Mohandas K. Ghandi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela were all arrested for their beliefs.

I believe there were times they must have felt that they had to raise their voices.

Especially when addressing a crowd.

Note: Gary was raising his voice to be heard by the Bus$h ladies WHO WERE ACROSS THE ROAD.

Yes. He was Loud when the time came.

But what can we expect when we are not allowed to approach these people and are even harrased for standing by a public sidewalk.

What crime did Gary commit?

The crime of trying to be HEARD?

I too believe we need to be professional and Calm.

Gary was calm when he was effectively threatened by the $$ guy.
He raises his voice when it was time to be HEARD by the Bu$h Ladie$.
He gets assaulted (by verbal testimony from eyewitness since the camera is also a victim in the assault) and he gets arrested.

Similar things happened to Ghandi, Mandela and MLK. Except there were no portable cameras or Internet those days.



I don't see Matt acting unprofessional when he calmy educated the arresting officer on the Constitution.

We don't know exactly what happened inside as his handphone had been seized, however how criminal is it if he raised his voice to be heard on something as important as 911 and the 1st Responders.

Its been almost 7 yrs people.


There are whispers that will reach the ears of the wise.

But sometimes you just have to raise your voice to WAKE UP the dumbed down public.

Under the circumstances, it was handled well.

Expect the heat to be turned up.

The Establishment is going to HIT BACK REAL HARD IN THE MTHS AHEAD.

I don't think WAC people are naive and are prepared for a major assault / offensive from the forces controlling the Bus$h administration to neutralize, eliminate or discredit them.

Such forces also tried to do the same to MLK, Ghandhi & Mandela.

No matter what they try to do to us, they cannot BREAK OUR SPIRIT, if we do not let them.

No, I don't think they (WAC) are playing to lose.

On the contrary, the line in the sand has been drawn.

Justice then Peace.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

The very premise of this "action" is questionable, imo,

and your arguments don't hold up under scrutiny.

Let's start with the first question: what is to be gained by aggressively confronting the First Lady and her daughter?

Do you really think that Mohandas K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela would have participated in such an activity, let alone decided to get arrested for it?

What "belief" was being espoused here?

The main point here is that we need to be very careful about picking our battles, choose those that benefit our cause and that have a reasonable chance of success.

I have no problem with people getting arrested when it makes sense and serves a larger goal. But I see no upside to getting arrested for heckling the First Lady and her daughter, do you?

I have been provoked many times in my life, in a variety of venues, one can consciously choose to not take the bait.

In this case, members of WAC NY were being provocative and got a response in a situation they have no control over. Indeed, it was one where they could expect the worst. Was this the response they wanted? What response did they expect to get when they heckled he First Lady and her daughter in public?

Why make it easy for them to discredit WAC NY and the larger truth movement over something like this?

How does this promote the larger goals of the truth movement?

What "line in the sand" has been drawn?

Our struggle is essentially a political one and we must never forget that we are dealing with the politics of perception, first and foremost.

We need more light and less heat, brothers and sisters, if we are serious about realizing our goals.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

The whole purpose of

The whole purpose of Ghandhi's movement was to Provoke the British to take action.

As Mike Rivero from has wisely said, The best way to EXPOSE A (COVERT) DICTATORSHIP IS TO FORCE THEM TO ACT LIKE ONE.

Ghandhi's movement, MLK 's strategies were very provocative in a non-violent manner.


As long as we have the Moral High Ground and Are Non -Violent we can, through persistence change the tide of public opinion. Capture the Imagination of the American People.

And let those dark forces know that WE WILL NOT BE SILENT. WE WILL NOT GO QUITELY INTO THE NIGHT.

Yes. The battle has to be Won in the Courts of Public Opinion before it goes to a renewed Judiciary.

In the battle for Hearts and Minds setting the example is vital.

Let's start with the first question: what is to be gained by aggressively confronting the First Lady and her daughter?

Do you really think that Mohandas K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela would have participated in such an activity, let alone decided to get arrested for it?

How is asking questions in a raised voice to a crowd across a street in a public sidewalk a CRIME?
What is wrong about asking PROVOCATIVE QUESTIONS when it involves the lives of TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DYING 1ST RESPONDERS AND MILLIONS IN THE FUTURE if they pull more 911s?

Why is this perceived as aggresive? Considering the number of Superbowl Fans and WWF fans we have, I think this is A WALK IN THE PARK.

I don't think WAC members decided to get arrested for it.
I am sure Gary did not decide to smash his face to that unknown man's fist.
I am quite sure no-one in WAC asked for a fist-fight.
I am also quite sure that GARY did not hit back based on the verbal testimony of an eye witness, trust and also common sense.
Gary would have lost in a fist-fight. Both morally and by being physically outnumbered. WACs know this.

What "line in the sand" has been drawn?

The line is called the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Hence where is our Free Press?

Why is Congress so COWARDLY about NOT talking about Impeachment and dealing with WTC7 and other 911 related issues?

"In the beginning of a CHANGE, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs NOTHING to be a Patriot." - Mark Twain

I respect your viewpoints and see your good intentions, however there are times we have to apply just a little bit of pressure.

The "First Lady" 's husband was unelected TWICE.

They cheated in Florida in '00 and Ohio '04. Its a given.

I don't see it as heckling at all. It is trying to be HEARD when there are so many forces trying to drown the voices of Truth.

More like a WAKE UP CALL from those who prefer America to their AmeriKA.

In the beginning of a CHANGE, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned..............

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams etc were all labeled as rebels, targeted for death and probably considered "TERRORISTS" in the eyes of the Brits in their day.

This is the reality.

Nobody is asking for it. It is Part of the Price of Liberty.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

I'm well aware of the stolen elections

The 2004 elections were stolen in at least 15 states, btw.

I have no problem applying pressure, either, I do it all the time. Once again, this comes down to being wise about choosing your battles.

If you know that you are surrounded by the Secret Service, then you have to be very aware of what you're doing, what the possible consequences of your actions could be and whether the potential benefit is worth the risk. They decided to put themselves in harms way, they decided to act in a provocative manner, they decided to risk getting arrested in a situation where they knew they had little to no control over the events or how the events would be perceived.

You now seem to be re-framing this as a freedom of speech issue. What's next, are you going to stand in front of FDNY stations and accuse them of covering up the controlled demolitions at the WTC because they won't come forward with what they know, all in the name of free speech? "Mark Roberts" and his ilk would love that, as they claim that the 9/11 truth movement implies FDNY complicity in the controlled demolitions.

I thought this was the 9/11 truth movement, not a radical free speech movement.

I'm concerned that Gary was assaulted, arrested and is now in jail. I'm also concerned about Matt. I'm concerned for their personal well-being and I'm also concerned about the greater implications for all of us who choose to speak truth to power and this is why we must be very careful to pick our battles wisely.

Gandhi, MLK and others took calculated risks when they applied their pressure. I'd like to see more calculation before such risks are taken, that's all.

I find it noteworthy that you choose to not comment on the possible deleterious effect of these events on the NYC ballot initiative petition drive.

It is a simple fact that if the 9/11 truth movement is seen as violent, then the vast majority of the people we are trying to influence will reject us and our message, and our cause will suffer.

In the present paradigm the politics of perception remain paramount.

There may come a time, I think sooner rather than later, when we will have to risk mass arrests to make our point and force the fascists to reveal themselves, as we will have no other recourse. We are not yet at that point, imho.

I trust that you will keep us informed as to Gary and Matt's well-being and legal status. It's good to see that Matt has been released.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Q: "I thought this was the

Q: "I thought this was the 9/11 truth movement, not a radical free speech movement."

A: The 1st Amendment and what Gary said is considered to be radical free speech? Excuse me but are we both talking about the same You Tube video?

Q:"You now seem to be re-framing this as a freedom of speech issue."

A: Reframing this? If we lose the 1st Amendment we LOSE IT ALL. I rather have a talking sheep than a dumb sheep headed to the FEMA slaughter houses. There is a reason why it is called the FIRST Amendment.

Q:"What's next, are you going to stand in front of FDNY stations and accuse them of covering up the controlled demolitions at the WTC because they won't come forward with what they know, all in the name of free speech?"

A: That's the dumbest idea I have heard of. And a number of FDNY men have come forward as a matter of fact. So I don't see your point.

Q :Mark Roberts" and his ilk would love that, as they claim that the 9/11 truth movement implies FDNY complicity in the controlled demolitions.

A: Do you think WAC or myself for that matter cares what a shill / troll like Mark Roberts or his"ilk" thinks?

Q:"I find it noteworthy that you choose to not comment on the possible deleterious effect of these events on the NYC ballot initiative petition drive"

A: Good point. Raise it up with Luke. Contact him via e-mail. I am sure he wil be more than happy to make his case. And if you have chance, listen to today's 1st hour restream at where AJ interviews Luke in the latest developments and he makes his case on what really happened.

They have 4 eye witnesses on the assault on what you seem to think as "radical free speech".

I guess GW,TJ,and JA back in 1776 were radical too. Free too. Isn't this RADICAL FREE SPEECH such a drag.

I agree there could be some blowback. I frankly also think going after the Bush girls were not the best of ideas as they certainly did not plan or carry out 911. One's parentage is not one's choice. However WAC had made its decision and Gary asked the question on how the daughter felt about Her Father being accused of Complicity in the 911 attacks. An interesting angle.

On this only WAC - Luke can answer you. I still commend them for their courage and tenacity to face these Mafio$o's. They know they are risking a lot and will pay a heavy price.

Q:"Gandhi, MLK and others took calculated risks when they applied their pressure. I'd like to see more calculation before such risks are taken, that's all."

A: Pls tell us how we may present such calculations to you.

We may be too concerned about how we look we may be forgetting the sheer example of courage and tenacity that has just been demonstrated here.

People are missing the point. The Ballot Initiative is one Wing of the Eagle. There is a Another.

It took guts for them to do what they did. I see no point in further criticising them.

Frankly, the Establishment is going to hit back real real real hard and it is probably going to escalate beyond just arrests.

WAC is aware of this. Listen if you can to what Luke says at the stream about what he is willing to sacrifice and his personal commitment.

Let us not be overly concerned about how the MSM is going to spin this. The lies about 911. The lies about Iraq. About Plame. About the EPA - Dust. The average non 911 Truther out there is probably very skeptical about the credibility of the MSM as it is already.

The alternative media is growing by leaps and bound. WAC is helping generate the Content. The issues.

Radical as they seem.

There are already strong undercurrents. Pls proceed and do the best you can with the Ballot Initiative. There will be no single one strategy that will provide ultimate victory. We have to use multiple points of attack to get the final breakthrough.

There will be some defeats. We will have to learn from our mistakes. But we cannot be too afraid of making them.

Checkout their Arnold confrontation. Their momentum is strong. I respect that.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it


Some humble advice, son, hold your cards a little closer to your chest... keep your powder dry, you might need it later... simmer down, be patient, the time may come, as Leftwright says above, when mass arrests are necessary. But that time has not yet come. It is better for us to sway public opinion toward our objective by more politic means.


One might be, think about if an arrest does take place, would the arrest LOOK justified in the eyes of the public, or would it look unjust. Would a jury of one's peers look at a video of the incident and say, "These guys were doing absolutely nothing to provoke or warrant the attack." And I mean an actual jury, not an idealized one. I think in this case, most people would say these guys have a message, they have a right to their message, but they chose the wrong event to be confrontational in presenting it, and were being provocative. All that is debatable, based on your thoughts above, but that is how the average Joe is likely to see this. The marches, and songs, and non-provocative way Ghandi, or King conducted their protests were calculated to appeal to the broad masses of people. Shouting at the king's court, bears no comparison. I'd be surprised if anybody watching had any doubts they would not get slapped down.

Another is to consider how the press is going to look at it. Yeah, they're biased, so you have to calculate that into the action. The press at this event would likely record this action as harassment. Peaceful non-violence, the message of King and Ghandi, didn't prevent the press from reviling them, but when the broad masses of people saw for themselves that the movement was peaceful, the calculation that led to educating their followers to adhere to strict peaceful non-violence resulted in adding more people to the movement, the press be damned. THAT became the story. Rabble-rousing near the king's wife and daughter as a story bears no comparison.

CREATING situations that the press can easily take advantage of is not calculating the risks. That is not controlling the situation. That is handing control to your opponents. What if these WAC guys had planted a megaphone and without revealing themselves, broadcast their message. They could have stayed out of the protected zone. They would have been in control of the situation for as long as they were undetected. I don't advocate doing that at events such as this one, wrong audience in my opinion, but get my point? It's about control. Do you control the situation or do they? When a secret service guy holds control over the situation, and you have no means of gaining control, back off and wait until that time when you do have control.

How to create an Angry

How to create an Angry American

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety...............

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

angry american

And if in your anger you go off like a loose cannon, you don't do anybody any good, and you can hurt the movement.

There are those of us

more concerned about how THEY are hurting the country than how the "movement" is being perceived to be "hurt".

The anger level is going to grow. I am stating it as a FACT. Not egging it on.

EVEN HARDCORE BUSH SUPPORTERS are getting angry over the state of the economy.

Listen to Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh Calling For Riots In Denver

These are the criminals. The Provocateurs. Speech and ideas such as Limbaugh's.

Not WeAreChange NYC and not Gary Talis.

We should be watching their back. And not be afraid to speak up.

Those photos of those 2 boys are not of loose canons.

We have plenty of Fake Conservatives like Limbaugh & Hannity who can step up to that plate.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Thanks LeftWright..........

........for taking a look at the bigger picture. I get the sense you have been around the block a few times when it comes to dissent, and know how well meaning people can create counter-productive actions.

The WAC NY action was PR downer for the Truth movement, not helpful, IMHO.

IMO, getting assaulted & arrested for asking Bushes legitimate

questions is good for the truth movement.

BTW, what are you doing to help, other than criticizing our activists that is?

Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here:

It seemed that the SS goon wanted to usher Gary off to some

"free speech" zone, so that Gary's free speach could not be seen nor heard.

Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here:

Hoping it turns out well?

I feel for anyone arrested, especially, these days--and in NYC. It's clearly not safe being in police custody in NYC.

Did anyone get it on video? It would be great--if it was captured, proving a point that a lot of these actions are committed by perps out to dissuade any dissent.

This is hoping Gary is not permanently harmed and will not be discouraged by this incident?

...don't believe them!

regarding the secret service

Please don't take this the wrong way, but...

Are you out of your effing minds? As soon as this goon identified himself as Secret Service you should have immediately backed down and become non-confrontational. The first words out of your mouth should have been YES SIR, WHERE DO YOU WANT ME SIR? THANK YOU SIR.

I don't care if he was dressed in civilian attire, or in the standard suit uniform. You will never win in this situation.

these robots are the most vetted in personal security for the elites. They are the states most trustworthy and they don't give an iota of care about you or the Constitution. You might as well as tried turned the Emperor's Red Guard against him.

It ain't gonna happen, ESPECIALLY when they are on duty in a protected zone alert.


These are the people that stood down on 9-11
These are the people that stood down in Nov 63 and let a President be shot and assassinated.
These are the people that mutilated the President to cover the foul play evidence.

these people can make your life either so short, or so hassled that you will not know what hit you.

You do not fuck with the secret service.

"these people can make your

"these people can make your life either so short, or so hassled that you will not know what hit you."

The sun is not going to rise tomorrow based on the $$ boys permision or lack thereof.

The sparrow does not fall based on the whims and fancies of the employees( no matter how "ELITE" ) of the Department of Treasury.

Even if they may be paid in Rubles, Euros or Ameros. Coming Soon.

"These are the people that stood down on 9-11"

"These are the people that stood down in Nov 63 and let a President be shot and assassinated."

These are precisely the People we need to Re-Educate on what it MEANS TO BE A PATRIOT.

Precisely the People we need to EXPOSE.

And get them to realize the terrible WRONG they (at least some of them) have done.

If the German and French Resistance had the same attitude about the SS Gestapo in the days of Hitler and Himmler that your post seems to indicate then we will all be speaking German and doing the Nazi salute.

I think if a MAN like Former German Defense Minister Andreas von Bulow has the werewithal to speak about 911 Truth and write a BOOK OPENLY ABOUT CIA - INTELLIGENCE , MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX COMPLICITY, we have to realize that we have Friends in high places who are not part of the Criminal Network.


WTC7 was a major screw up.

Flight 93 was a major screw up.

They have dissension in the RANKS. And the Rank$. September 11 Stinks to a lot of people. Lots.

I will go no further.


Let's be calm and have faith in those men & women in uniform and YES those out of uniform( for specific reasons) who know the difference between AmeriCa and AmeriKA.

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson had to DEAL WITH KING GEORGE'S SS in their day.

I have a faith our people will be able to handle King George W's $$ in our day.


Have much much more to fear from tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans who are going to be really pissed of.

WAC has been under active $$ surveilance for the better part of a year+ since Luke's EXCELLENT ACTIVISM in front of the Silverstein offices early last year.

They are aware of the risk, the cost and some of the methods used.

We can be sure Centcom, NMCC etc have a good good idea who we are. And where.

I'm not fretting.

I don't pretend to be over confident either.

The threats are real.


Lexington & Concorde.

We will have our Paul Reveres.

And our George Washingtons.

There is a Price for Freedom.

We will Pay It.

And they will Pay for their Crimes.

So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impel. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly.

Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

regarding the secret service

The guy that was watching out for the Bushes was doing what he was trained to do and doesn't give a f**k about what these WAC guys have to say about anything. Yeah, they are secret service, and at least some of the SS were complicit in what we are fighting for, but not that guy, not that night. He was doing his job.

It was immature and unhelpful to stand there giving this guy a lesson on the Constitution. A constitutional scholar could have been standing there lecturing him, and he wouldn't have cared. His first duty that night was to protect his charges. Yeah, they were people alot of us could give a rat's ass about, but that guy was just doing his job.

There are enough people who hate Bush that it is a reasonable fear for the secret service to watch out for his wife and daughter's safety. It makes NO difference to the Bush women what we think about 9/11, and confronting them about it isn't going to move the movement forward by anything they think or do.

What about the people watching? Being obnoxious in a public setting like this is what people remember, seldom the message. The message is secondary to people like this. Now there is a time and place for being obnoxious, but not in this setting. Very, very few people at that event would have the least bit of influence to bring the need for a new investigation into the fore in people's consciousness.

Spare us the comparisons to Ghandi and King. The young fellows in this clip are not Ghandi nor King. They don't have the same moral authority. They got heart, but are not using their heads. We can claim the moral high ground on the issue, but standing on a sidewalk in a protected zone arguing about constitutional rights is not defending the high ground of the issue, it is promoting one's own rights. And in the legal sense, odious as the law might appear to be, the secret service guy was probably right and a judge would agree. Just back off, and find more receptive people to talk to. The confrontational approach is not helpful.

This sounds f*cked up, the

This sounds f*cked up, the POS that attacked Gary needs prosecution if the facts bare out as that lady described. Disgusting.

I hope the lady in the video

gave her story to the police. It seems weird that she was talking to the camera, rather than a cop.

I smell a spoof coming on

On a lighter note, the Bush wenches (sorry, I just can't call them ladies) may have been there promoting their new book: Photobucket

Someone with the computer and editing skills that I do not possess could work a little magic with a spoof of the book. On the Today show, Laura said she likes to ask young boys what their favorite books are. Umm, anything by David Ray Griffin.



Awesome idea buddy.

However since the women have been "touched", the Mafioso Bu$H can be expected to hit back real hard.

We have to be prepared to absorb their anger when they unleash it.

They will not take this Truth Action lying down.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Regarding the Secret Service

The Secret Service has the authority to tell you to move. But you have the authority to get his identity. You do not have to show him your I.D. Notice how the Secret Service officer in the video only 'flashed' his badge. Gary has the right to hold the badge in his own hand and to take down all of the information on the badge.

As far as whether or not Matt and Gary made mistakes? We are all trying to figure this out as we go along. I do agree that maybe the baby bushes are not the best choices for truth squadding. It's hard to find a lawyer in the truth movement that really cares, so unless you have one by your side, just be cautious about the situations you find yourself in.

I still say great work to Matt and Gary!

With you in solidarity,

Baby Bushes.

Thats a cute term. LOL.

" It's hard to find a lawyer in the truth movement that really cares..... "

That's the sad truth and we have to find a way to change that.

Mistakes we will make.

We Learn and We Grow.

Worst mistake would be to know the truth and do nothing.


Great Work Matt & Gary.

Its a Purple Heart for 911 Truth.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

I think the Bush ladies kid's book tour

are one of the best targets for asking real questions, However, I would try & do it in a more thoughfull way.