9/11 Truth and the "Jericho" Green Mile

For anyone watching the TV show "Jericho", which was just canceled, the obvious parallels between it and 9/11 are both interesting and fascinating. They took it a few steps further in the TV show, like the collapse of the government, and it was nuclear on the show, but we still have some time left for the Bush Administration (or whomever) to go nuclear on us, so it could still happen. (I don't think it will, but it could)

And, when you think about it, "Truth is stranger than fiction" wins out again.

Here are a few comparisons:

"Jericho" versus 9/11

False Flag event versus False Flag event

Blamed on Osama bin Laden, "Al-Qaeda", Afghanistan and Iraq (and others)) versus Blamed on Iran and Korea

Rogue elements of U.S. Gov't. involved versus Probable rogue elements of U.S. Gov't. involved

Jennings and Rall versus KBR - Kellogg Brown & Root (via Haliburton, et al.)

Ravenwood versus Blackwater

And they added a few other interesting twists in the show, like breaking the country up into 3 parts ("East", "West" and "Texas"), they created a new money system (I kept waiting for them to call it the "Amero", but there is no NAU in the show, just like in real life ;o) ), they printed a new history book for the school kiddies with horrendous historical revisionism, they kind of alluded to "detention camps", but that was elsewhere outside of the town of Jericho, and there were some other good plot twists and story lines and such. Overall it was a pretty good show that was getting better.

And then they canceled it. Some claim in spite of decent ratings. (they already canceled it last year, and a campaign by fans saved it for seven more episodes this year — see the link below) There is talk of some other network or cable channel grabbing it, but that is rare, so it probably won't happen.

"Conspiracy Theorists" might wonder why it was canceled. Why it was allowed on TV. Was there a reason for it being on TV. (that is, as an "anti-conspiracy theory" training exercise (perhaps a la "The X-Files")) Did the writers or creators purposely use any 9/11 Truth-like issues in the making of the show. And who knows what else. As usual, we will probably never know the real truth.

Here is a thread about it at the Internet Movie Database discussion forum where the poor souls are being schooled in 9/11 Truth:


Save Jericho Nuts campaign info: (for those who have been sleeping under a rock)


I like Jericho

I'm sorry to see it canceled again.

This show is all about 9/11. The nuclear bomb attacks on the show are repeatedly referred to as "the September attacks," and on the show they were conducted by a faction of the government that resembles Cheney and Haliburton (KBR).

Just curious Phoenix ...

What are your reasons for thinking there is no such plans for NAU via NAFTA and SPP?

I'm just not an "NWO Conspiracy Theorist" is all

Not in the greater sense. And WAY too much is made of some of that information by some people. Personally, I don't think the American people would accept an "Amero", but, if circumstances were bad enough, they might, like the collapse of our economic system like we kind of see happening right now. You never know, really. And I think the NAU is basically just another economic union, for the most part. "We" are NOT going to lose our sovereignty even if they do go through with the "NAU". (and especially not while I'm still alive and kicking) I just don't think there's a smoke-filled back room filled with seven men in dark suits pulling the strings and scheming to "take over the world". But I could be wrong. I like to keep my options open. Meanwhile, I speak out against NWO-hyperbole and such. I'm interested in the Truth with a capital 'T', regardless of what it is and where it takes us. Of course, one person's truth is another person's paranoia. So I try to keep people real. And I also fight against hyper-paranoia and other bad things like that, which are in epidemic and pandemic proportions right now. We'll see, though, on which side the cookie ends up crumbling. And even if "It" does happen, I'm still not worried, because I have no doubt that there are still a lot of people like me around that will ensure that anything untoward is corrected in time. One way or another. I also have faith in the American people. Inevitably. (and that's not blind faith or blind patriotism speaking)

The person who sees absolutes and exhibits certitude, where a thoughtful person sees nuanced shades of meaning
and exhibits open-minded objectivity, should be questioned as to agenda and state of mind.

Thanks Phoenix for taking the time to explain your position ...

I sincerely hope your right, however, after studying government documents I am afraid NAU is in the works.
Please see my article in research format:


We can agree to disagree without contempt. I wish you well.

FBI seminar hosts Hollywood scribes

(from Jan 07) http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3ic3141078f1f1...
very interesting subject, indeed

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

I watched this show last

I watched it last night and thought this clip was pretty good.....

....too bad there are only a handful of active military who would follow their oath .....I think we're in for some rough road ahead

The parallels with 9/11 conspiracy is striking

Yes the parallels are striking ... but Jericho was squashed on the wall.
I understand the second season was finished in a hurry to please the fans ...