NY Lawmakers Shocked At Bush's 77% Cut In 9/11 Health Funding

Source: qgazette.com


New York lawmakers in Washington who have been persistently pressing the White House for increased funding for healthcare programs for ailing 9/11 World Trade Center workers were jolted last week when President George W. Bush's proposed budget slashed those programs by 77 percent.

Only last Wednesday, they pointed out, a White House spokesman had issued a statement that the president's 2009 budget would "reflect his continued commitment" to WTC workers. In reality, the budget issued appropriated a paltry $25 million, down from $108 million in the present spending plan.

"This dramatic and unwarranted cut flies in the face of common sense, compassion and just plain fairness," Senator Charles Schumer declared as he promised to "fight these cuts tooth and nail to ensure these heroes receive the health care they need and clearly deserve".

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton stated she was "disappointed and saddened to see that the president chose not to acknowledge the clear healthcare needs of these heroes", and Congressmember Carolyn Maloney said it was "shocking that the president would use his final budget to take an axe to the 9/11 healthcare programs".

Maloney (D- Queens/Manhattan) noted: "Just a few weeks ago, the administration canceled a program for 9/11 responders from around the country because they said it lacked funding, and now they release a budget that doesn't even ask for the money they said they needed.

"The administration has failed in every single one of its budget proposals to deliver adequate help to the heroes of 9/11. Sadly, it looks like this is yet another problem the president will be leaving to his successor."

Maloney pointed out that the Fiscal Year 2008 budget had for the first time included $25 million for 9/11 health programs, even though the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimated these programs would need more than $200 million.

The administration at that time promised more funds would be provided, but nothing more was added.

Ultimately, under pressure from the New York congressional delegation, the administration relented and provided $108 million for sick responders, residents, and students, plus another $50 million for 9/11 health needs in an emergency spending bill.

How do you slash 77% of NOT ENOUGH?

What a bastard.

MP3 Audio Clip - National Public Radio

Wednesday January 23, 2008
New York Public Radio Reports About Rudy Giuliani And Air Quality Reports After 9/11

* source = http://www.wnyc.org/news/articles/92318

More MP3 Audio Clips >

I was thinking

bastard would be a mild word that comes to mind. I was also wondering if our contoled media reported on this?.... I am going to go out on a limb here and bet the farm that they have'nt.
What the hell is it going to take to wake americans up?


The real dracula (he was human) was a vicous sociopath . . . we have modern versions I'm afraid

How can the Bush pig continue to get away with these despicable,

outrageous acts??? He & the other traitors should spend the rest of their lives in Guantánamo!!!

Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here: http://www.911blogger.com/node/13321


I seriously want to spit. I can't handle reading this stuff.

Mark in Philly

Loose Change Final Cut at Netflix

"In this controversial documentary, filmmaker Dylan Avery examines the facts of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, refutes official reports and sets forth his theory that the U.S. government was a partner in one of the most shocking events in history. Featuring news clips and eyewitness accounts, the film seeks an untold truth and questions whether, at the very least, the United States government was negligent in allowing the attacks to occur."

(This may be old news but its the first time I've seen it here - I wrote a review - a couple of reviews saying Popular Mechanics "debunked" all the conspiracy theories")

Doesn't surprise me.....heartless....arrogant indifference

Is it the Bush Administration believes, if anyone's stupid enough to expose themself to the toxic conditions of ground zero, they deserve what they get? They don't believe in heroic acts since it's impossible for the psychopathic mind to understand anything beyond self-centered acts?

Is it the Bush Administration goading the public into revolt with their outrageous acts so more laws for more restraints can be justified?

Is it the Bush Administration believes you secure your own money and don't expect assistance from the government? In the psychopath's mnd, we got our money and not going to give you anything! We don't care if you're sick!

Is it the Bush Administration has left reality, some time ago, to inhabit the rarified atmosphere of some psychotic fever? They simply don't realize how far out the administration appears to everyone else and far too disturbed and dangerous to be told?

Just too many examples and this act of arrogant indifference and heartlessness is just one more reason....you...
...don't believe them!