Premiere -- Able Danger -- The Reflecting Pool

Able Danger and The Reflecting Pool, two separate motion pictures based on the non-official version of what happened on 9/11, will be premiering this January. The two independently made drama films confront the viewer with the facts that 9/11 could not have been perpetrated by the 19 hijackers and deal with the question who might be behind the crime of the century. Able Danger premiers Monday 28 January at the Rotterdam Film Festival in the Netherlands. The Reflecting Pool will premiere on 31 January in the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, USA.

Able Danger

Able Danger is a movie based on the fact of an official unit called Able Danger, comprised of United States intelligence personnel. The unit observed ringleader Mohammed Atta and his hijackers, but was not allowed to provide the FBI and later the 9/11 Commission with their data. More than a year before the attacks on 11 September 2001 it destroyed the gathered information, worth 2,5 terabytes, equal to one fourth of the printed books in the Library of Congress. In reality, says Webster Tarpley, author of Synthetic Terror - Made in USA, Able Danger