Big news: History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks are an Inside Job!

I spotted this link on the WeAreChange New York website:

Also here:

I fell that people often

I fell that people often fail to include the Anthrax attacks as part of "9/11".

Given the undeniable proof that US military grade Anthrax was used, it is yet another clear indicator that 9/11 was carried out in part by US agents.

The alternative that some rogue was sitting on the Anthrax just waiting for an event like 9/11 to occur is absurd.

"war on terror"

its part of the domestic war on terror . . . there is also the strange fatal crash of Senator Paul Wellstone's aircraft that resulted in shifting control of the senate to the GOP (Darth Cheney)

we are not the nuts!

Make it very clear--we're targets!

Thanks for the link, great stuff. I'm going to try to see the whole thing if I can?

Let's make it very clear, at the least, we're obstacles and can easily turn into targets just as those in Iraq and Iran are in the way!

In hindsight, if you don't allow yourself to be distracted by MSM, it's abundantly clear that the anthrax attacks were meant to terrorize and eliminate those in the way!

Trillion spores per gram, Ames strain, pure Synthetic Terror Made in the USA.

...don't believe them!

love your signature

makes me smile every time I stumple upon it

It fits perfect for this whole issue!

What about the supposed 17

What about the supposed 17 world reknown microbiologists who reportedly specialized in knowledge of anthrax that were reported to have all died "coincidentally" in an 18 month period following the anthrax attacks? Was this true?

A year or so ago, The Washington Post ran an article about the anthrax attacks and how the case was still open within the FBI and how it looked like they weren't actively seeking closure . . . I corresponded with the reporter and asked him about these coincidental deaths . . . he seemed interested, but our conversation died and I never heard or read anything more.

Anyone know anything about these 17 scientists deaths? If true or false?

Yes. Here is an article from 3/3/02 stating that at least 14

world-class microbiologists died between 9/11/01 and then! (If I remember correctly, some later articles had a list of about 2 dozen dead microbiologists, many of them young & having died from "suicides" or weird "accidents.")

Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here:

Esteemed Professor and Law Expert Warns Of Police State

Alex Jones was joined on air this week by a leading American professor, practitioner of and expert on international law to discuss his detailed knowledge of the cover up of the 2001 anthrax attacks, which he is adamant were perpetrated by criminal elements of the US government in an attempt to foment a police state by killing off opposition to hardline post 9/11 legislation.

Dr Franics A. Boyle literally helped write the law with regards to terrorism, as he was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 that was passed unanimously by both Houses of Congress and signed into law by President Bush Snr.

Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign. He holds a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science, both from Harvard University. He has also served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and represented Bosnia- Herzegovina at the World Court. "

Dr. Boyle is a highly esteemed University of Illinois Law Professor

In Boyle's book

he identifies two other experts who believe the US government was probably responsible for the anthrax:

Dr. Jonathan King, Professor of Molecular Biology at MIT, and Dr. Barbara Rosenberg, Chair of the Federation of American Scientists' Working Group on Biological Weapons.

2/8 Francis Boyle Will be speaking with Kevin Barrett

February 8th

Fri. 2/8 Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law, University of Illinois, impeachment activist, author Palestine, Palestinians and International Law:,+Francis Francis Boyle was among the first to point out that there was no hard evidence linking Bin Laden to 9/11--he even said so on Fox News on 9/15/01! Now the FBI agrees with him: It took me five years to go on Fox News and make the same point in stronger language:

4-6 pm CT, "The Dynamic Duo" on GCN: Network 4

So how do we break thru the media barrier???

Jesus, I wish I had more help on this.

Bill Douglas

The world deserves a better

The world deserves a better vehicle of 911 truth than Alten's mediocre novel.

WTC 9-11-2001 was a Neocon-Zionist conspiracy,
but Jews DID NOT do 9-11 -
The WTC was destroyed by controlled demo-

Oh, how rude!

The person who sees absolutes and exhibits certitude, where a thoughtful person sees nuanced shades of meaning
and exhibits open-minded objectivity, should be questioned as to agenda and state of mind.

Anthrax Video Pesents an Excellent Overview 14 min

beware of doublethink usage

While it seems policy for HC to have many shows (sometimes whole marathons) regarding mysterious phenomena (ghosts, aliens, monsters, etc), yet run shows that deny possible existence of government complicity in big crimes (9/11, JFK) itself a sort of doublethink (whether or not it is intended or a byproduct formulated by coincidence theorists)
(i.e. coincidence theorist: If HC runs shows on mysterious phenomena why would they bias a show to deny 9/11 to be an inside job?)

beware of the doublethink potential that coincidence theorists (self proclaimed 9/11 inside job debunkers) will use.

(i.e. Coincidence theorist: ‘Hey, HC said no inside job on 9/11, but does say inside job on anthrax attacks, if there is such an overwhelming amount of info concerning inside job on 9/11 and admitted that there was on the anthrax attacks, they have no reason to bias a show excluding the information to argue against inside job on 9/11 if there is one! therefore, history channel didn't bias their 9/11 conspiracy-debunking show’)

either way, this is a good find. it begs the question that if anthrax attacks are an inside job, what the hell is stopping the permission of suggesting 9/11 to be an inside job, based on the information specific to it?

"The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments."
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, section 191
German philosophe

trying to remember

Wasn't the amthrax sent to congressman that opposed the USA Patriot Act as a warning?

Daschle and Leahy

The sole targets of the weaponized strain of anthrax were House majority leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT). They were the strongest voices (almost the lone voices as well) opposing passage of the PATRIOT act, still on the floor at the time.
The media outlets -- ABC and National Enquirer parent in FL?? , don't remember exactly -- were hit with a rarely deadly "brown" strain [this is my memory of it, but aayers has contrary info (below)] probably just for scare effect. Meanwhile, the deaths of those two would have sent - and apparently did anyway - a very powerful message to dissenters. Look at the overwhelming positive vote, despite suspension of many key civil rights. Seems "al Qaeda" wanted the Republicans to have their way -- which flies in the face of the 2004 election meme that "a vote for Democrats is a vote for al Qaeda "-- , and would rather join common cause with them than the patriotic Democrats.

Ah -- much better: See aayers much better detailed and no doubt more accurate listing of events below my comment!

Lone lunatic kind of inside job?

It would seem they are promoting the lone lunatic meme here.

Do you think that - even with 9/11 - the Patriot Act might not have been passed without the anthrax scare?

Maybe it can be blamed on an

Maybe it can be blamed on an expendable person in the conspiracy. Someone who cannot identify or provide positive evidence against upper levels of their hierarchy.

WTC 9-11-2001 was a Neocon-Zionist conspiracy,
but Jews DID NOT do 9-11 -
The WTC was destroyed by controlled demo-

Served Multiple Purposes

Made everyone who has a mail box feel vulnerable to attack

Show "Hell, I've known for years Anthrax was an inside job. How do br" by BillDouglas


Some people are apparently voting down your comments. "911blogger" is not censoring mention of the Shell Game.

SBG has read the book and thinks it's pretty good. I have not read it.

Has it not occurred to you that your zeal in promoting the book has backfired?

Hi Reprehensor,

Hi Reprehensor,

Is everybody being moderated now, all posts queued for approval? If so, why?

WTC 9-11-2001 was a Neocon-Zionist conspiracy,
but Jews DID NOT do 9-11 -
The WTC was destroyed by controlled demo-


Please refer to this blog entry that sums up where we stand;

Note that GW is no longer a mod here.

Thanks for the

Thanks for the link!

WTC 9-11-2001 was a Neocon-Zionist conspiracy,
but Jews DID NOT do 9-11 -
The WTC was destroyed by controlled demo-

Try a different approach.

I concur, Rep. Bill's over-promoting of The Shell Game, though well intentioned has only managed to alienate those of us who have the same goals, promoting 9/11 Truth.
I don't think you're being censored Bill, just democratically ignored and suppressed.
Try changing your approach. Make it sound less like you are working for an advertising firm.


The Media Dam Is Breaking

New books are coming out, authored by mainstream (NYTimes) journalists. Any solid evidence of US government "inside jobs" helps people open up to 9/11 truth. Like the anthrax or Gulf of Tonkin or even Pearl Harbor.

The foreign press is having a field day with the Edmonds story. Another round is hitting the UKs Sunday Times tomorrow. Readers of would already know this ;-)

The new info mentioned is a link between nuclear non-proliferation front company Brewster Jennings and Edmonds knowledge from the translations. I think Emdonds knowledge re:9/11 is more related to the PROMIS software, but the Valerie Plame link should let the (foriegn) press run with the story for a few weeks.

Another front page?

The question is..
How fast can we accelerate the inevitable breaking of the media/information dam?

This is limited hangout: LIHOP

The gist of the video is the "United States is hiding a terrorist within the defense establishment." THE UNITED STATES IS THE TERRORIST!


- The anthrax attacks were concurrent with the debate of Bush s
Patriot Act by Congress and the media.

- All the senators receiving anthrax letters were trying to amend the
Patriot Act to protect civil liberties and the innocent.

- Two senators received anthrax letters mailed the same day that
Senator Feingold blocked an attempt to rush the bill through without
discussion or amendments.

- Senator Leahy received an anthrax threat after he expressed
reservations about the Bill. As Chairman of the Judiciary Committee,
he managed the debate on the Bill.

- Senate Majority Leader Daschle received the first Senate anthrax
letter as he led the opposition to the original version of the Bill.

- After receiving the anthrax letter, Daschle switched from
supporting a 2 year limit on the Bill, later defending a 4-year
sunset clause as the appropriate balance.

- No Republican received an anthrax letter.

-The House and Senate buildings were closed and not reopened until
after the Patriot Act was passed.

- The Supreme Court was shut down with an anthrax scare the day after
the constitutionally-challenged Patriot Act was signed by President

-All the contaminated letters contained the Ames strain of anthrax,
the DNA of which is traced to the original batch preserved in a
university lab in Ames, Iowa. This strain was weaponized in Utah
into a potent powder with an elaborate secret technique developed at
Fort Detrick, Md.

-The FBI failed to interview Ft. Detrick anthrax experts for two
months into their investigation, doing it only after the experts
complained to the press of gross incompetence on the part of the FBI.

- The FBI allowed the Iowa state lab to destroy the original batch of
the Ames strain, making tracing the anthrax type more difficult.

-The FBI overruled local homicide detectives who think that an anthrax
expert was murdered, possibly because he knew too much.


The following is a merger of A Chronology of Anthrax Events,
published by the South Florida Sun-sentinel, and the simultaneous
proceedings of the Patriot Bill in Congress as reported in the local

Sept.16 -- Anti-terrorism bill proposed.

Sept.18 Two letters containing Ames anthrax are postmarked in
Trenton, N.J., addressed to Tom Brokaw of NBC Nightly News and the
New York Post.

Sept.28 Boy visiting ABC network in New York contracts anthrax.

Oct.2 USA Patriot Act anti-terrorism bill is introduced in
Congress. Oct.3 Tabloid editor of Boca Raton Sun, Florida,
hospitalized with anthrax and dies two days later.

Oct. 3 Senate Majority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (Dem., S.D.) says
he doubts the Senate could take up the anti-terrorist legislation
before next week, as the administration had asked. Attorney General
John A. Ashcroft accuses Senate Democrats of dragging their feet.

Oct. 4 Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy
(Dem., Vt.) accuses the administration of reneging on an agreement on
the anti-terrorist bill. Some warn that lawmakers are were
overlooking constitutional flaws in their rush to meet the
administration's timetable.

Oct. 6 Under the headline, Glow of bipartisanship seems to
dim, the Baltimore Sun reports: &opposed by most Senate Democrats,
Ashcroft complained about the rather slow pace&over his request for
law enforcement powers&Hard feelings remain.

Oct. 8 Under the headline, Cracks in Bipartisanship Start to Show,
The Washington Post reports, Congress has lost some of the
shock-induced unity with which it first responded to the [9/11]

Oct.9 Senator Feingold blocks an attempt to rush the Patriot Act to
a vote with little debate and no opportunity for amendments.
Feingold criticizes the Bill as a threat to liberty.

Oct.9 Identical anthraxed letters are postmarked in Trenton,
N.J., with lethal doses to Senators Daschle and Leahy.

Dr. Hatfill is being patsied and he's fighting back legally ...

 US Attorney's Office Accused of Anthrax Case Leaks 
 By David Willman
The Los Angeles Times,0,64...

Saturday 12 January 2008

Army Dr. Hatfill labeled a "person of interest" never charged in the deadly 2001 mailings, names three federal officials.

Washington - Attorneys for the former Army physician who was branded a "person of interest" in the deadly 2001 anthrax mailings named three federal officials Friday who they said leaked investigative details that harmed their client. (see site for full article):

"Hatfill's attorneys alleged that the three officials who leaked investigative details to the media were:

Roscoe C. Howard Jr., who from 2001 to 2004 served as U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia

Daniel S. Seikaly, who served as Howard's criminal division chief

Edwin Cogswell, who formerly served as a spokesman for the FBI.

Poor guy

they reemed this guy a new one


Each time this comes up, no one (except me) bothers to bring up LT. COLONEL PHILIP ZACK, who was FIRED from the laboratory, and then filmed by security cameras in the secure ANTHRAX STORAGE AREA.

Zack was fired, not so coincidentally, for racially motivated attacks against a Muslim co-worker. Zack is a radical zionist.

"Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who
was observed entering the laboratory at night was Lt. Col. Philip Zack who
at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded
Lt. Col. Zack being let in at 8:40 P.M. on January 23, 1992, by another
conspirator by the name Dr. Marian Rippy. Dr. Philip M. Zack has not been
arrested. "

--Interesting that Google will not find this article on my own blog, that I reposted there from whatreallyhappened. Google is censoring certain search results (big no-no for them right?).

John ...

Thanks for including the Zack part, the anthrax story has been on the back burner for my time of late, so there is a great deal of research that I am behind on, and please always add these repeated hidden details for newcomers.

Also John, quote "Lt. Col. Zack being let in at 8:40 P.M. on January 23, 1992, by another conspirator by the name Dr. Marian Rippy. Dr. Philip M. Zack has not been arrested. "

(added edit)
Is that date correct 1/23/92? If so, are you implying that Zack had possession of the Ames Anthrax ten years earlier? I give your research credit I'm just confused.

wow, John, what another can of worms

I'm no longer confused, did some more research today and found the details of your post.

The only hope I have is to live long enough to see all of the criminals and corruption come to justice.

Government By Anthrax by Richard J. Ochs

Government By Anthrax
by Richard J. Ochs
(revised June 9, 2002)

Coup d’etat – a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics by a small group.

Cabal – a number of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation, esp. in public affairs (Websters).

Who spread the anthrax last October and why? Well, who has that strain of anthrax and who has a motive? Most commentators and the FBI agree that only a select group of Americans have easy access to the Ames strain of anthrax used in the letters mailed last October. But why would any of them want to kill and terrorize Americans? The clue is in the timing. A chronology of events suggests that the motivation was to boost passage of controversial legislation in Congress last October, called the USA Patriot Act. A number of unlikely “coincidences” associated with the anthrax attacks makes it hard to believe that they were random.


· The anthrax attacks were concurrent with the debate of Bush’s Patriot Act by Congress and the media.

· The Senators who received anthrax letters were trying to amend the Patriot Act to protect civil liberties and the innocent.

· Two Senate democratic leaders received anthrax letters mailed the same day that Senator Feingold blocked an attempt to rush the bill through without discussion or amendments.

· And on that very same day, the FBI told the Iowa state lab to
destroy the original batch of the Ames strain, making tracing the
anthrax type more difficult.

· Senator Leahy received an anthrax threat after he expressed reservations about the Bill. As Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, he managed the debate on the Bill.

· Senate Majority Leader Daschle received the first Senate anthrax letter as he led the opposition to the original version of the Bill.

· After receiving the anthrax letter, Daschle switched from supporting a 2 year limit on the Bill, later defending a 4-year sunset clause as the “appropriate balance.”

· No Republican received an anthrax letter.

· The House and Senate buildings were closed and not reopened until after the Patriot Act was passed.

· The Supreme Court was shut down with an anthrax scare the day after the constitutionally-challenged Patriot Act was signed by President Bush.

· All the contaminated letters contained the Ames strain of anthrax, the DNA of which is traced to the original batch preserved in a university lab in Ames, Iowa. This strain was “weaponized” in Utah into a potent powder with an elaborate secret technique developed at Fort Detrick, Md.[1]

· The FBI failed to interview Ft. Detrick anthrax experts for two months into their investigation, doing it only after the experts complained to the press of gross incompetence on the part of the FBI.

· The FBI overruled local homicide detectives who think that an anthrax expert was murdered, possibly because he knew too much.


The following is a merger of “A Chronology of Anthrax Events,” published by the South Florida Sun-sentinel,[2] and the simultaneous proceedings of the Patriot Bill in Congress as reported in the local press.

Sept.16 -- Anti-terrorism bill proposed.[3]............................


The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Some quick notes on the content

I just watched the entire program on YT.

- they talk all the time about a single person behind the attack; how could they be so sure it was a one-man job?
- they don't ask why the two Democrat leaders might have been selected as recipients
- they talk about the possibility that this was a bioterror experiment or "risk assessment" gone awry, but then somehow seem to dismiss this on the grounds that the USA had supported a global ban on the development of biological weapons and that the corresponding conspiracy would therefore have been too big
- towards the end they say that foreigners could have obtained the anthrax from the black market


And they obviously do not mention the White House staff starting to take Cipro before the attacks.

So, they are pushing the "lone gunman" theory, perhaps in the form of a "hacked" governmental experiment, but leave the door open to the possibility that foreign terrorists might somehow have had access to the stuff. At the beginning they contrast 9/11 and the anthrax attacks by saying that unlike anthrax, 9/11 was of external origin.

Was this aired in the US? I

Was this aired in the US? I looked up the History Channel show listings on their website and I didn't see this "Conspiracies" show. Is it a weekly show? I googled and found this link: It doesn't look like a US link.