CIA Tape Investigation: Another Whitewash in the Making

After the co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission said that the CIA (and the White House) "obstructed our investigation", attorney general Mukasey appointed a prosecutor to conduct a criminal probe.

Sounds good, right?

Well, the prosecutor:

  • "will not serve as a special prosecutor such as Patrick Fitzgerald, who operated autonomously" (AP)
  • There's nothing really "outside" about [prosecutor] John Dunham. He's a career DOJ prosecutor, the number two official in the U.S. Attorney's Office in Connecticut. . . ." (former DOJ official Marty Lederman, )
  • The prosecutor "will report to the deputy attorney general", acting Deputy attorney general Craig Morford (Washington Post)
  • The prosecutor will lack independence, contrary to the Justice Department's own regulations:

"While I certainly agree that these matters warrant an immediate criminal investigation, it is disappointing that the Attorney General has stepped outside the Justice Department's own regulations and declined to appoint a more independent special counsel in this matter. . . .

The Justice Department's record over the past seven years of sweeping the administration's misconduct under the rug has left the American public with little confidence in the administration's ability to investigate itself. Nothing less than a special counsel with a full investigative mandate will meet the tests of independence, transparency and completeness. Appointment of a special counsel will allow our nation to begin to restore our credibility and moral standing on these issues." (House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers)

Bottom line: Just another whitewash.

Note: Hat tip to Salon for its many useful updates.


Article. I hadn't seen Conyers' statement.

Who Is? Archives

Off Topic but Chris Rock is funny . . .

Chris Rock:

"Everyone says Giuliani was great on 9/11. Great on 9/11 . . . What about 9/10?"

"Our government's not trying to get bin Laden, they're trying to get Barry Bonds".

yes it is already and will further be

a whitewash. And worse, Hillary, the Rothschild's anointed one, will 'win' the presidential election. Bill has already suggested that he and GHWB go traveling around the world to mend international fences (i.e., promote and bolster up the hegemony) which further implies that Georgie jr. will never have to answer for any crimes. (Cheney may, but he is a throwaway. ) The Same thing happened to all of the ongoing investigations of Reagan and the Contras et. al., when Clinton first took office. He and the democrats said ... 'let us let go of the past and look to the future..." Clinton and a good portion (now more so) of the Dems always were and forever will be NWO players (note Billy's and George Sr.'s cocaine smuggling through Arkansas back during Regan's time supporting Iran Contra. and funneling additional drug money into black ops.)

There will be no real investigation of anything at anytime. Let alone now.

9/11 truth, I fear, will be lost as a movement within the huddled masses of Muggles gleefully enraptured by a 'Democrat' president. No longer concerned (if they ever were or are) about loss of Constitutional freedoms, endless war (though toned down from the neocon's playbook) and complete and utter control of the massed and hypnotized minds of the American public. And all will carry on as before.

Pardon my bleak prediction for the 'New' Year. I'd love to be completely wrong.

"There are none so hoplessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." (Goethe)

MP3 Audio Clip - Jeff Farias (47:25 10 Meg)

Wednesday January 2, 2008
NovaM Radio's Jeff Farias Spends Time Going Over The Assassination Of Benazir Bhutto, Her Apparent Slip And The Conflicting Evidence Surrounding The Apparent Death Of Osama Bin Laden

* source =

More MP3 Audio Clips >

"9/11 truth, I fear, will be

"9/11 truth, I fear, will be lost as a movement within the huddled masses of Muggles gleefully enraptured by a 'Democrat' president. No longer concerned (if they ever were or are) about loss of Constitutional freedoms, endless war (though toned down from the neocon's playbook) and complete and utter control of the massed and hypnotized minds of the American public. And all will carry on as before."

Exactly. Which is PRECISELY why we cannot depend on a Ron Paul or a Dennis Kucinich or even a Cynthia McKinney to bring our movement onto the main stage. As well intentioned as they MIGHT be, they are no more a force to be reckoned with any more than we are here on this website.

The solution? And most everybody seems to shy away from (not comment about) it...we're going to have to organize large-scale street mobilizations until the media is forced to cover these issues. We already have the numbers, now we just have to bring ourselves out of cyber world and into the streets.

Sorry guys...if we want our movement to succeed, we're all going to need to meet eachother face to face. Period. But by all means, ignore this until we have officers/cameras stationed on every street corner in the U.S. Until then, we'll just bitch and moan and dissect the CD of the WTC till we're blue in the face (I already am blue in the face from it all, btw). I've been ready for non-violent direct action for a long time now. Only thing is, most people in this movement are content to stay at home. I'm a bit angry about that and don't mean to ruffle any feathers. But it's time for action. Enough talk. That's all we ever fuckin do. It's growing tired at this late stage in the game. There's the possibility that another false-flag event is in the works and we have no time to waste. Considering the fact that Loose Change Final Cut wasn't the global phenomenon we all hoped it would be, we need to regroup and formulate our own plans...perhaps a national, or even global "9/11 truth strike"? Maybe this July 4th? Anything? Anything at all?

Agreed! (And btw, what the hell is going on with LCFC? Is

anyone even promoting this video? It seems to be going nowhere, fast.)

I'm afraid that's what it would take

Peaceful, legal protests on a massive scale.

As long as protesting is legally allowed.

apples and apples

That's right, Republicans are real Constitutionalists; that's why they revere Ronald Reagan and elected George W. Bush to two terms. That's why they're treating Ron Paul like the Howard Dean of the GOP, and will surely nominate a theocrat like Huckaby or Romney or a militaristic globalist like Giuliani or McCain as their candidate. Give me a break. The GOP loves big government, especially the part of the government that does its dirty work (military, CIA, DEA, etc.), and those are the parts of the government that never get mentioned.

I despise the Clintons, and I think Obama and Edwards are frauds too. But for right-wingers, conservatives, and phony libertarians to pretend that Democrats represent the left just shows that they have nobody on their own team to cheer for. Ron Paul? He'd be happy to sell your ass to the lowest bidder on the "free market," and to let the local Taliban run your school board. He doesn't even support impeachment of Bush or Cheney, and he has distanced himself from the 9/11 Truth movement publicly. I think it's time to stop acting like he represents the "real" GOP.

"Massed and hypnotized?" Yes, by TV sports, churches, flags, and corporate propaganda.

All in all, though, I do agree that we're likely to see the shell game in action in '08, and that a Dem will be put into office to act as scapegoat and to legitimize all the sh*t that has been done by the Republicans' poster boy for the past 8 years.

"People who value freedom don't glorify blind obedience to the church, the government, the military, or the 'free market'."

So what else is new?

Remember when Dennis Kucinich was going to investigate 9/11? He announced he would open a limited 9/11 inquiry beginning in 9/07. But he never did. In late September, '07, I phoned Kucinich's DC office to ask when the investigation would begin. His staffer politely claimed she knew nothing about there being any planned 9/11 investigation of any sort by the congressman.

At this point, who cares what Kucinich or Obama says? Or any of them?

Every presidential candidate and every member of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate knows 9/11 was not a Muslim terrorist attack. After all, they're not idiots.

They all know mountains of evidence contradicts the official story. Just the same, none of them will ever investigate 9/11. And it's not because they fear getting wellstoned. Instead, it's because investigating 9/11 is not in their interest. There's the Dow to think about, and reelection fundraising and other important stuff too.

9/11 was more than six years ago. Except for repeating the official story when that's called for, the U.S. government closed 9/11 out years ago. They did so by publishing the 9/11 Commission Report and by settling financially with the families of the dead.

It's over. We here who hope for an investigation and who hope there's still a U.S. in the sense we think there should be a U.S., just haven't gotten that yet.

But just like you, I'd love to be wrong.

what an odd rating

what could possibly justify a -1 rating for this post? does the truth hurt or something?

The core question

The core question is why the 9/11 commission - if they were so dissatisfied with the answers they got from the CIA - never used their subpoena power to *obtain* answers, but rather just *requested* information.
That is the question they will dodge by diverting attention to the question of whether CIA withheld said information.
Then they may hang someone from CIA out to dry, but they can maintain the sacred myth of 9/11.

Who at the CIA are the targets and why are they being targeted?

I think the "core question" is this:

Who at the CIA are the targets and why are they being targeted?

It appears to me that this "destroyed tapes" issue is not a whitewash per se, but rather an excuse for somebody in power to attack some officials at the CIA.

Otherwise, this issue would seem to accomplish nothing for the Bush regime and I see no reason why the press would be pushing it, or the Justice Dept. prosecuting it.

Mukasey and Fitzgerald

were both in on it, as they handled the bogus terror cases in the US the last 15 years. Expect nothing. Worse, Mukasey is an old friend of Giuliani. Even worser, Fitzgerald drops all terror cases on Sept. 10th, 2001. Do you see a pattern here?

Yes. And when Fitzgerald merely got a token conviction of

Scooter Libby in the Valerie Plame scandal, I knew something was very wrong. Fitzgerald didn't even indict Rove or any of the other real players.

you are right.. but not

you are right.. but not completely.

While it is true that the tight grip on the doctrinal system is difficult to break, it is also true that UNUSUAL HAPPENINGS can cause a revolution.

May I remind you of the MONDAY DEMONSTRATIONS in east germany brought THAT system down.
True, there was a fall-back (west germany system) and LITTLE GRIP (unlike the finely honed PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT in the USA)

HOWEVER, there are openings for effective protests.

IMHO there needs to be a NEW arena for us. An encrypted DISTRIBUTED ADDRESS TABLE (like dht in torrent) would be hard to negate and most activism would still go ahead.

In other words, get people into streets, by all means.

But you HAVE TO think up alternatives.

I like to see a small band of people protest WERE IT COUNTS, namely on the steps of the supreme court.. AND at the same time webcast their protest and solicit support from us all via POSTCARDS that they can display to strengthen their protest.

Cooperation with WH

Besides the new Times op-ed, Kean and Hamilton wrote of whole book of similar denials of their own lack of responsibility of running a real investigation. This new piece was probably wrtiten by the same WH policy ghost writer who wrtote their book. So, let the masses have a little bit of criticism - just to satisfy the base and and few cranky others.

What happens next n the offical level? Now Kucinich can't be trusted after he endorsed Obama who said he wouldn't investigate 9/11.

We must not despair

We must not despair

I can't tell anyone else "HOW" to avoid despair. I have enough trouble with it myself.

But I am sure that we must not despair.

That means we must not be defeated in spirit by "the way things seem to be going."

This was stated poetically by the words: "Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a person soweth, so also shall that person reap." (I substitued "person" for "man")

I did not quote the biblical source because I don't want to go into the divisive world of the various religions. Suffice it to say that it was written by a person, confronting despair.

The same thing can be stated: "Karma IS" or "What goes around comes around."

Back to my main point. WE MUST NOT DESPAIR (I say as I fight my own despair).


Keith Obermann

On last night's countdown, Jonathan Turley declared this as a bogus self investigation.