
To anyone with a scientific mindset, truths are matters of fact which can be discovered by investigation into empirical reality. Unfortunately, although we would like to believe that we live in an age of reason, to most people the truth is a matter of religious edict. The 'truths' that most people cling to are actually stipulations of a shared belief system. There is an old adage that you will find exactly what you are looking for -- that your prior beliefs provide a framework for what you are willing to accept as evidence. It turns out that truth, as it is handled and conceptualized by the human mind, is a feature of social reality. If discovered 'truth' does not fit into ingrained social practices, it may be shunned or censored for hundreds of years before it is accepted. Nothing that people believe to be true has come into that status without a long history of lensing through the eyes of existing human authorities.

In the past century we have witnessed the social world transformed by technology. People now accept as given concepts and tools that were unknown for most of human history. The motor vehicle, the light bulb, the television, the refrigerator, and the computer are but the tip of the iceberg of recent technological adaptations, most of which are taken for granted or completely ignored. We who study the technology and practice scientific investigations usually imagine that the modern human is at the pinnacle of understanding and knowledge. We imagine that the future will bring individual humans even more understanding and knowledge and that with this increased sophistication, will come world peace, manned planetary exploration, and galactic space travel. We will all become, in short, Captain Kirk.

But if we were each stripped of our social moorings, we would become more like Arthur Dent, whose only unique knowledge is how to make sandwiches. If we were thrust into the distant past, we would not be able to use most of our advanced scientific knowledge because we would not have the tools, such as telescopes and microscopes, to do so. With access to nearly instantaneous worldwide information, we imagine that we are more knowledgeable than anyone else in history. However, without television or the internet, most of us would find that we know very little about our world. Modern humans typically understand very little about their immediate surroundings, either natural or man-made. At the same time we are increasingly convinced of our superior knowledge because we have so much apparently advanced information. But it turns out that most of that information is carefully filtered and selected by social practices and by our own minds. In short, most of us live in carefully crafted fantasy worlds, and we prefer to live that way.

'Conspiracy' has come to mean 'fringe belief' in most people's minds and it will remain that way as long as it is convenient. If a conspiracy is easier to believe in than any alternative belief, only then will people grudgingly accept that they have been fooled. But if the truth is too embarrassing, they will make up more fantastic stories to replace the lies they can no longer believe. People do not want to believe that they were wrong, but if they must, they will put the blame on someone else, so that they can go on believing in their own superiority. Right now we are potentially at a tipping point, in that the current wars may be harder to accept than the false flag operation on 9/11 that justified these wars to begin with. But on the other hand, the roots of 9/11 go way back into histories that most of society would like to forget, because therein lie the conspiracies and manipulations of the public mind that have been going on since history was invented. As long ago as ancient Egypt, history would be erased so that the public would forget inconvenient truths.

That process has been refined for the past 4,000 years, and every western religious tradition has accepted to some degree the manipulation of history. Today, it is often hard for historians to figure out what is real history or what was invented to impress people so that they would accept contemporary politics. In a sense it does not matter, because history is itself an arm of politics and it always has been. Often the politics of science cannot be extricated from the discoveries of science. If you study the evidence you will find that 9/11 was a mass murder orchestrated by elite members of society. Whether we are working to obscure that fact, or publicize it, the effort is primarily a social activity. Whether we work for the elite or against them, we are trying to create a society that appeals to us. If we really want a future where more people accept and believe that 9/11 was an inside job, we must examine our own human nature and our own lives to work out the steps that will collectively take us to that social reality.

Great Essay

I would only add to the sentence "the effort is primarily a social activity" that our movement is also a kind of spiritual campaign because it is grappling with the things people hold sacred in their lives.
Some historians are setting the records straight, like Michael Parenti in the "Assassination of Julius Caesar" and now Jeremy Scahil in "Blackwater".
Patanjali said (and I found this quote here in 911 blogger)

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

- Patanjali (circa 300BC) Cited in “Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling”
- by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer