News Anchor Assaults 9/11 Victim's Family Member


Very classy move to make peace after being physically confronted. Even if you don't get through to the reporter, you made an effort to remove the hostility that would build resistance to your message. Cool too that the officer was supportive.
Great work.

redirecting back

Focusing on what happened at the end redirects people away from the more basic problem here of using aggression and confrontation to get the word out, and how many people have a real problem with that, even if a very few at wearechange don't.

Be Stubborn, Be Defiant - Just Don't Lose Your Cool!

Keep reminding 'them' that they need to quit covering 'fluff' pieces and provide coverage of 9/11.

And stay out there in Times Square - youre being seen and noticed.

Street action reaches people that the internet doesn't.

Excellent work! We need to become more assertive with the

mainstream media, as they are gatekeeping 9/11 truth & they are also concealing the plight of the dying first responders!

The msm are now accessories-after-the-fact to mass murder & high treason!

Great work I can learn from.

I noticed many of the videos posted on home page are "no longer available". Consider uploading/hosting on alternative sites like:

Maybe we need a blog post to list all of the options so people can become familiar with the choices.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Many hands make light work!
Every day, every 11th!

Thank you for this video et bonne année 2008 for the 911 truth.

Herblay FRANCE

Thank you so much for this video because even during Christmas we have to think of our solders on the front and of the victims behind our solder's rifles. This Christmas with all Al Gore's global warning and our luxury outdoor Christmas lights, ... and all our stupid military destruction you are right to demand that the journalists do his job. But please, the violence is on their side. We will are pacific and working for the citizen's interest. We are just asking for them to do their job.

My most best loved neighbour is a journalist on the agriculture but I ask him all the time to tell his colleagues to do their job. Tell the truth on the 911 attacks ! For three times I have been on the market of Herblay
and the 23rd of December 2007 (no photo on the internet)
he has been the person who has given me the most moral encouragement to be there and I appreciate that. But I have the feeling that he can still not accept that the American government could have been so evil. Can you imagine that my journalist friend who is very intelligent and human just cannot accept the idea that the evil is on the Christian side rather than the Muslin side.

Keep up the good work and as in judo let the opposition who has all the money and weight behind them, fall down by their own faults. I am convinced that Gandhi would be behind your actions.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2008 ( for the 911 truth) à tous


Please, please, please..let them do the yelling

Let them appear to be irrational and out of control.

Our power lies in calm persuasion, the rules of logic, the laws of physics and occupying the moral high ground.

No matter how frustrated you get, yelling or other coercive behavior will not advance our cause in the long run and should be avoided. Let them make themselves look bad. Better that you stand in the background of the shot with signs quietly or singing/chanting (something other than "9/11 was an inside job" too). (We really need some good songs to sing in public.)

FYI - Assault is verbal, battery is physical. Battery was definitely committed here by the reporter on Mr. Badillo. I couldn't hear enough of what was said by the reporter to know if he also committed assault, but I'm going to guess that he did. You have video evidence here, and at the very least could contact his network superiors and file a complaint regarding is behavior. Is this really how they want their reporters to behave in public?

Be cool in public folks, our real audience is all those passersby who witness these interactions.

Excellent that you made peace, why not wage peace from beginning to end?

The the change you wish to see in the world. - Gandhi

I hope that all you brothers and sisters in NYC are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Really good song.

A really good and eternally relevant classic to sing in public.
By the original Truther, John Lennon

I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

I've had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

Agreed and thanks. What different times these would be

were he alive today.


As poor as my singing voice is, I will endeavor to learn this song and add it to our group's repertoire when working in public.

Let's make 2008 The Year of Truth!

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

The title is misleading. It

The title is misleading.

It should read "9/11 'Truthers' harass local media" because that's exactly how it played out.

There was no assault, just restraint on their part not to assault you for being so antagonistic.

This was very unprofessional, in my opinion. Surely you don't expect this reporter to "break the story wide open". Too much time is spent on your promotion and video editing and unnecessary audio splicing, and less on effective activism.

This piece can be used as fodder for any media pundit to label anyone who questions 911 as "crazy", and the more I see these videos they seem more concerned with promoting WeAreChange and Infowars than they do with promoting factual information in an articulate and respectable manner, like shouting at Warren in California that he's a murderer.

This should be considered constructive criticism. I applaud your bravery for standing out in the cold and promoting the appeal for a new, independent investigation, but if I was a novice spectator to this debacle I would've been entirely turned off to the 9/11 "Truth" movement.


Are you blind son? At the 2:45 mark, you don't see the FOX/CIA

liar march up to, then bump into to, the victim's family member while also trying to stare him down?

And what's wrong with "promoting WeAreChange and Infowars." You should promote them instead of wasting your time defending FOX/CIA propagandists!

Don't be shy guys.

If you truly believe in the idea that 9/11was an inside job, which most of us here do, there is no point in being polite and timid about it. I'm not countenancing all out rebellion but if you want to be heard above the cacophony of truth deniers and disinformation dealers, you have to be aggressive and loud.

Don't be aggressive guys.

>>there is no point in being polite and timid

Since when has being polite been equated with "timid"?

Being aggressive and loud is often not a positive trait that average Americans support in the public space. We all have the right to be there and share it, and not to offend people. If being heard means being aggressive, we need to find a different tactic because that isn't going to help us.

The eye of the storm

is always calm.

DHS has a point.

"This piece can be used as fodder for any media pundit to label anyone who questions 911 as "crazy", and the more I see these videos they seem more concerned with promoting WeAreChange and Infowars than they do with promoting factual information in an articulate and respectable manner, like shouting at Warren in California that he's a murderer."

I agree. The message is better spread in a calm manner.

"This was very unprofessional, in my opinion. Surely you don't expect this reporter to "break the story wide open". Too much time is spent on your promotion and video editing and unnecessary audio splicing, and less on effective activism."

Also agree.

The loud rock soundtrack distorts the audio, we cannot hear what the reporter is saying as he is talking to the camera, instead we hear sheep blaring.

This type of video is going to alienate people. I am a strong supporter of WAC and am disappointed in their latest methods, including how they distribute their video actions.

We accuse Fox news of propganda, yet the editing of this video seems like propoganda to me too.
We should be above that. The audio of the sheep blaring, censoring what the reporter was saying is not fair as we cannot hear what he is saying.

News is about accuracy and truth, The MSM uses edits, soundbites and distortions to promote their agenda. It looks like WAC is heading in that direction. I do hope whoever is edtiing WAC video actions should consider the type of soundrack and the type of editing they do as novices and even veterans of 911 Truth are going to have serious doubts on their credibiliy.

We don't know anything about that reporter. All that shouting provoked him. HE is NOT the entire MSM and taking out one's anger at him is obviously going to provoke him. People on the streets and now worldwide via YouTube can see what happened.

How does one expect novices to 911 Truth to feel about WAC? DHS has a point and his criticism is constructive.

WAC activiites are countrerproductive if they continue this way. How does anyone from WAC expect anyone from the MSM to LISTEN to them when their are shouting at them.

At least towards the end there was some attempt for civil discussion, however the damage is done.

Guys, pls consider very carefully your approach. Others have pointed out before about the type of audio you use on your videos, preventing the viewer from hearing what is being said clearly. The blaring of the sheep audio is obvious censorship preventing us from hearing what the reporter had to say.

Truth works both ways. Don't think, your video NOT necessarily your actions which are commendable in some aspects, cannot backfire IF the Main Stream Audience watches it.

Ask yourself, what the average person watching your video will think.

The approach has to change into a more calm, professional and credible manner if you expect neutral people to listen. Even some 911 Truthers like DHS and myself feel your efforts can be counterproductive. How much more the new 911 Truther.

911 Truth is bigger than WAC and I do hope you guys reconsider how you handle yourself because the pros in the MSM will exploit every mistake you make, small and big to discredit your organization and mission.

You are playing into their hands when you loose your cool verbally.

"It should read "9/11 'Truthers' harass local media" because that's exactly how it played out."

"The title is misleading"

I agree 100% with DHS.

How is WAC different from the misleading MSM now?

We have to look at our own mistakes first before lashing out in public or even in private on the streets.

Who is this reporter. How do we know for sure he does not have any questions about 911? Considering even Lee Hamilton is raising questions about his own 911 Commision Reporter, can anyone in WAC confirm that this reporter is a 100% Corporate Shill?

Which news organization does he work for? Is he a Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly? Does every reporter in the MSM and their affliates work for the CIA?

Or are we blindly grouping people together merely by association.

Win Friends on the Inside, by demonstrating maturity, patience, calm.

Save your aggresion for the the heads of those corporate entities in the Military Industrial Complex- like Bush and Co.

Reporters are human beings, employees doing what their bosses have instructed them to do.

If you want to get them to sympathize with you and listen, talk to them calmly and rationally just as you would like to be spoken to.

We can only open deaf years through a calm approach and appeal to the conscience of people to take positive action.

WAC has to mature and grow into a more effective and professional grassroots organization if you expect people to respect your efforts.

The cop was right and I stand by his words. He is a supporter and he did his job properly and I am glad more provocation was not made.

Rise above one's anger. 911 Truth is a long process and patiece, persistence is a key.

The recent NIE report on Iran is a good indicator of people on the inside making positive changes.
We need people on the inside to effect change and cannot afford to alienate them.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it


The point is that a lot of WAC videos are preaching to the choir and appear to be attempts to appeal to the "cool kid table at the lunchroom".

WAC should focus their efforts on positive activism to introduce new and inexperienced members of society to the questions that us "veterans" have about 911.

It's that simple.


Seems like a long-winded, verbose bashing of We Are Change. We

already have David Ray Griffin, Steven E. Jones, Webster Tarpley, etc., in the truth movement. There is plenty of room, actually a real need for, activists like We Are Change.