More Naomi Wolf 9/11 Comments- intvw w/ Ian Masters Dec 16

Look for the "pod cast" link near the top- the whole thing is worth listening to- her interview starts about 1:03, 9/11 comments start 1:42-;jsessionid=5916DCAD97A6115AF09F9F74D52709B4?diaryId=2803

i'm paraphrasing- she says with the destroyed CIA tapes, the whole Commission Report is in question and there needs to be a new investigation, she doesn't take a position on the "9/11" issue, but doesn't put anything past the Bush Administration, talks about how Christie Whitman's lies injured her son as proof they're willing to injure/kill people, ends with positive message; when millions of people support truth and justice, the powers that be can't stop it. Masters comments that Hamilton and Kean are now distancing themselves from the report.

MP3 Audio Clip - Naomi Wolf

Friday December 14, 2007
Best Selling Author Naomi Wolf Talks With Alex Jones About False Flag Terrorism, American Facism and A New 9/11 Investigation

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Thanks, this is hopeful. She

Thanks, this is hopeful.

She will get it eventually even if she never really says it in public. But she says the right things, acknowledges her fears, etc. Federal judges now admit they won't trust anything the CIA tries to present them with.

The videotapes destruction is a huge huge issue and can blow open a lot of other situations.

Congresspeople are asking experts in hearings what they can do, should do, and what the legal implications are. One congressperson asked, "What if we asked for all CIA tapes?" The answer was essentially that that could start a rift between the branches. But as it is now, there is literally no oversight ability by Congress because Bush Admin steps in and blocks it.

Apparently the turning point was the 2005 Supremes decision --

"The president also criticized the decision of the Supreme Court that hindered previous attempts to prosecute the prisoners. In late June, the Supreme Court decided to block military tribunals for detainees, stating the prisoners were subject to international law and the Geneva Conventions.

"We have a right under the laws of war, and an obligation to the American people, to detain these enemies and stop them," Bush said in his afternoon address.

The Supreme Court decision was a major rebuke to the Bush administration, as it required the president to first seek the approval of Congress before ordering prisoners to be tried for war crimes.

The decision forced the administration to reconsider the legal battle against the prisoners, and made their future uncertain. "

One expert testifying said that Supreme's decision sent shockwaves through the agency -- realizing they might be tried for war crimes for what they had done -- and that's when they destroyed the tapes.