Is the "Mortgage Meltdown of '07" related to "9/11"?

I'm not big on the whole "New World Order" thing, but I admit that it is not all wrong. (that's how these things work — you mix truth and fact and reality with lies of various types and forms and degrees (including skew, spin, etc.) and fiction and fantasy, stir well in a blender, and pour out a high-octane cocktail of pareidolia-laced hyper-paranoid Six Degrees of Separation propaganda and disinformation — to what degree I am right (or wrong) about this is arguable, so we do, but let's just agree to disagree for now)

The events of 9/11 were most probably performed for a number of reasons, not just one. And it may be (probably is) a huge, complex, tangled web of reasons. There were so many people (groups, etc.) who benefited, directly and indirectly, immediately and afterward, that it is sometimes difficult to grasp the forest for all of the trees and other forest denizens. Some of the reasons and outcomes were obviously intentional and planned, others were obviously not so. And because "The System" ('everything') is SO complex, and SO inter-connected, it is near-impossible to figure out what is really going on. (or what really happened, and why, and....)

What we are seeing in the 9/11 Truth and Justice Movement is the attempt to figure out some of that and answer some of the questions and separate the wheat from the chaff and so on. Overall, I'd say we're not doing half-bad.

It is probably safe to say that the U.S. monetary system, and therefore the world monetary system, had something to do with it. (again, to what degree, in what ways, etc....)

But the many houses of cards that so many have contributed to building (yes, even you, directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, etc.) cannot stay aloft forever, and they will eventually collapse, in part, or in whole. We have all ignored some of the symptoms of the disease, helped put band-aids on gaping, suppurating, gangrenous sores, swallowed various pills that hide or reduce some of the symptoms, and so on. So we are all complicit, in some way, shape, or form, to some levels and degrees. (if you are alive, you can't help it — it's the way things work)

How fast, and in what ways, the houses come crashing down remains to be seen. Some predict one scenario, others predict other scenarios. Some are more right, some are more wrong. (again, you would be better off if you steered clear of attitudes and viewpoints of "absolute certitude", and those that champion them)

Anyway, the housing mortgage problem is pretty huge and very important, and because the fallout is potentially disastrous, it could be one of the problems to which some misguided souls thought "9/11" might be the answer. Or it could have nothing to do with anything, except in the ways it does because everything is so inter-connected and inter-woven that if a butterfly flaps its wings in Calcutta you sneeze on a Sunday afternoon two years later. (Chaos Theory and science is fascinating)

Unfortunately, that is indicative of some of the complexity involved in our daily lives now. (and always has been, but we do live in a much more complicated world today, which has implications and affects and results)

So, just as there are no easy answers, there are no easy questions. You do have to not let yourself go insane thinking about it, but you really should keep it in mind, if only in the back of your mind, when you make decisions, and allow things to affect, and how much they affect, your thoughts and beliefs and actions, oh my. All the while attempting to stay objective, and open-minded, and as unbiased as possible, and all of that important critical thinking stuff. And remember that "it" is not as easy and simple as some would have you believe.

Just so you know, in case you didn't, in October, Goldman Sachs issued a report forecasting an incredible 35 to 40 percent drop in California home prices in the coming few years. You can read the following article to see what a problem this whole thing is, and it's only a small part of the much bigger Whole, so imagine what The Whole is like. (and then try to not go insane or get too depressed — good luck with that)


The author is " not big on the whole "New World Order" thing" ?
what a goddamn ostrich he is .
"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya

At least I'm not an ass-ostrich

(sometimes I really crack me up)

Not only can you not see the forest or the trees, you think the forest denizens are all boogey-men trying to sell you paper products.

Since Critical Thinking and objectivity are apparently not close associates of yours, it's no wonder you think the way you do.

You have allowed yourself to be guided down a primrose path that is not only not the higher road, but it is not well maintained, either.

Your "black and white is the new black" attitude and viewpoints will always fail you, because NOTHING is "black and white". And it's not even a few shades of gray. (but neither is it thousands of shades of gray, as well)

Plus you're shrouded in a mist of pea soup fog so thicvk that's all you can taste, so you can't see where you're going anyway.

But that doesn't mean you can't find your way back to some form and level of normalcy and objectivity if you try hard enough.

I am — doughnut – no more. —– Ave atque Vale!