Two Letters Added to the Journal of 9/11 Studies

Two frequent contributors to have published letters in the Journal of 9/11 Studies: George Washington and Reprehensor.

"The legal principle called "burden of proof" can help 9/11 activists to be more effective in promoting 9/11 truth and in obtaining justice against all of the perpetrators of those attacks." -- found in "Burden of Proof" by Geo. Washington:

A new topic has been opened in the Letters section of the Journal to encourage well-written letters to Senators and Representatives. Reprehensor's "Open Letter to Jane Harman, Re: Terrorism and the Internet" is an example of such a letter. It is found here:

The editors of the Journal of 9/11 Studies encourage submission of well-researched and written articles such as these, to commence the peer-review process. All papers are peer-reviewed, unless an exception (very rare) is granted by the editors and then a disclaimer is added to the posted paper. Information on where to submit papers is found here: .

Reprehensor's letter


Great Job

Great Job

Reprehensor's letter

I agree, that was very well done. A careful, step-by-step but complete exposure.

Has that Mark Weitzman fellow apologized and recanted yet? He should.