TONIGHT! John DeCamp on 9/11 and Empire Radio,, 9-11 pm CT

John DeCamp is the author The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska --one of the most disturbing books you're ever likely to read. See also:

Before I started studying 9/11, I thought allegations of literally diabolical corruption in the highest places--Alex Jones reporting on New World Order human sacrifices at Bohemian Grove and so on--sounded highly improbable. But the more I look into it, the worse it gets: Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut looks like Bambi compared to some of the stuff DeCamp documents.

John DeCamp's book is a lot more convincing than the hollow denials of the Omaha World-Herald. As Webster Tarpley tells us in chapter 20 of George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, DeCamp's book "tells the whole story" of the Franklin scandal, one of the dirtiest bits of laundry of the NWO drug-running pedophilia ring that seems to have taken over the USA.

DeCamp may help us answer some interesting questions: Why was gay male prostitute "Jeff Gannon" issued fake journalist credentials and given the run of George W. Bush's White House along with access to classified material? Why did "Gannon" check in to the White House on several occasions and not check out--suggesting he spent the night there? If one blow job was enough to get Clinton impeached, why aren't the Democrats all over Gannon-gate? And is Gannon-gate connected to the NWO pedophile ring exposed in John DeCamp's book?


If you really want to know just how deep the rabbit hole goes--or were wondering what John DeCamp thinks about 9/11--tune in tonight, Tuesday 11/13/07, 9-11 pm CT, to

[My future radio guests include G. Edward Griffin, Annie Machon, Dave Lindorff (this Friday), Yvonne Ridley and more. For the schedule and guest list, see:]

Show "You thought William Rodriguez was convincing." by petgoat


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Ignorance is Bliss!

John DeCamp admits to a degree of loss of psychological shelter after investigation of the Franklin Credit Union! He admits freely, "I wish I never knew any of this." It's the same phenonmena that keeps 9/11 Truth only on the periphery of most people's consciousness! People don't want to know the very in the raw and ugly truth!

Kevin Barrett is right to connect the perps behind the Franklin Cover Up to the September criminals of 9/11. I believe, as the public learns more, there will be greater awareness much of our present perilous dilemma has its roots in the Iran Contra network and its money laundering ops of the eighties, which the Franklin Credit Union was merely one! The Rogue Network hit its stride and became big business in the eighties and has only grown from there!

Omaha's Larry King was rushed off to a federal psych ward before he could ask Vice President George H. W. Bush for his assistance! King has served his time and currently works near Washington AC/DC. It shouldn't surprise anyone at this point.

Barrett should follow up on his tease below next week with DeCamp:

"DeCamp may help us answer some interesting questions: Why was gay male prostitute "Jeff Gannon" issued fake journalist credentials and given the run of George W. Bush's White House along with access to classified material? Why did "Gannon" check in to the White House on several occasions and not check out--suggesting he spent the night there? If one blow job was enough to get Clinton impeached, why aren't the Democrats all over Gannon-gate? And is Gannon-gate connected to the NWO pedophile ring exposed in John DeCamp's book?"

I believe, there's much more here as well. Noreen Gosch could certainly add to the discussion! Is Gannon Johnny Gosch as some suspect? Did he survive elite pedophilia to become a CIA operative of sorts?

It bothers me that I live in a state where a major state park is named after an alleged consort of Omha's own Larry King. It bothers me a school buidling on a college campus here is named after a former Chancellor who had to vacate his position because of homosexual encounters at his school quarters! It bothers me that he was able to move on to a greater position! It bothers me that conduct is as bad as it is in Washington AC/DC and they seem only to run afoul of the law when it favors the powers that be!

I look forward to next week's follow up with DeCamp! Yeah, Barrett is right, when you think it couldn't get any uglier, you realize more disillusioning truth! It took me years to accept the ritual abuse, satanic perversion, mind control and murder involved in the Franklin Cover Up. I used to believe Bonacci was only a little creep, incredible, but he turns out to be the most credible witness to attest to the scandal!

Ignorance is bliss! Barrett is right, "The Franklin Cover Up," is a book not going to go away and a big reason... can't believe them!


"Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept by public incredulity."
- Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)

"He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today." - T.Edwards

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived and dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive and unrealistic." - John F. Kennedy

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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