I am glad to see this topic coming out of the shadows. I am going to the "No More Wars For Israel Conference" this weekend
in Orange County. Will post about it as it concerns 9/11. Still not too late to go. Google the name of the conference.
All the specifics will be sent out on Friday. Cloak and dagger.

Am reading an excellent book called "Stranger Than Fiction" by Albert D. Pastore Ph.D.
Subtitle "An Independent Investigation of the True Culprits Behind 9/11."
Follows the Zionist trail to 9/11.

In his introduction he compares those buying the official "story" to lemmings. This quote is choice on p. 4.
"The power to fit in with one's social peers can be irresistible. To a human lemming, the logic behind an opinion
doesn't count as much as the power and popularity behind it."

My special area of activism is talk radio. Many of the KRLA (Los Angeles) talk show hosts(some of them national)
will be at the Alex Theatre in Glendale on Sunday, Oct. 21. We will be picketing it for the education of the
lemmings, including the professional lemmings. I talked on the air about it with Dennis Miller today.
If you want to participate contact me at Don't know if it's kosher to do that. If it's not,
scratch it.

Zan Overall also discussed in blog...


I'm not a fan of having "special" websites that just deal with one of the groups accused of 9/11 (as to me all parties involved, including cover-up are CRIMINALS), the evidence should be followed without fear and the "chips fall where they may".

Having specialist websites for various components, i.e. pilots, architects etc does make sense.


I think the "No more wars for Israel" conference is a great and important event, so I hope it goes really well and look forward to reports, footage etc.

Official Link :


Best wishes