9/11 Truth on Fox News Boston - Oct. 10, 2007

9/11 Truth sign on Fox News Boston on October 10th, 2007. Thanks to the guy who did this. Keep it up, people.

Sorry for the poor video and audio.

Superstar !!! That's the way to do it...


Many thanks and best wishes


Get it here:

10 @ .95 cents each!

Very nicely done

And what a great sign. Great work. Putting up a big Ron Paul sign this weekend. Everybody join me in getting these signs up.

The Sign!

Get it here:

10 @ .95 cents each!

You people

need to get Ron Paul off the brain.

Great job

but again I ask to those 9/11 truthers that live in NYC which has to be what about 4-5 Million? Could not at least ONE of you once in awhile head to "Good Morning America" and the "Today Show" which BTW have millions of viewers everyday and sneak a 9/11 is an inside job sign somewhere in the crowd.

This is the same station

This is the same station that interviewed William Rodriguez (as he talked about explosions prior to airplane impact and the interviewer not having a clue what he was referring to and didn't ask him to elaborate whatsoever)....if I'm not mistaken...that woman looks the exact same woman who was doing the interview.

"The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments."
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, section 191
German philosophe