Blackwater: Murder for Hire- Right Wing Christian Dynasty

Blackwater: Murder for Hire- Right Wing Christian Dynasty
Rumsfeld on Sept 10 2001, PNAC,

Just more proof

that completely insane far Reich wing Christofascist lunatics WILL destroy this country if we don't stop them.
The PNAC, Christian Embassy, Neocons, Christian Reich, Blackwater.

These Christofascist are WORSE than the so called Islamofascist the MSM keeps harping on.

Jeremy Scahill - Blackwater Shadow Army in Iraq

Part 1 of 4

Blackwater: Key to WTC Demolitions?

My guess would be yes. Friends who doubt the demolition theories, always point out to me the fact that no one has come forward with any gripping revelation of the true details of a demolition conspiracy, therefore it doesn't exist, because "secrets can't be kept for something of that scale"...or so they say.

Blackwater is a secret organization, largely speaking, whose upper echelons have deep ties to the Bush regime and secret Catholic neo-crusader organizations like Opus Dei. These folks imbue levels of secrecy like none other. Secret keeping is their hallmark. Their recent actions in Iraq, prove them to have little regard and tremendous contempt for human life and law. Blackwater was formed around 1997. The organization has access to sophisticated weaponry and explosives and draws to itself experts in these fields. I suspect that they function pretty much like hierarchical Catholic organizations, incorporating levels and layers of secrecy with definite military or quasi military intentions design to evangelize and spread their ultra conservative philosophy, especially in the Middle East, where for centuries, they have established important political/religious footholds. An alliance between them and the the authors and supporters of PNAC is completely plausible.

Urge your congressional representatives to investigate this lawless band of mercenaries.

Maybe not "Blackwater Co."

Maybe not "Blackwater Co." ... but definitely a model for the rigging crew.

I have spoken briefly, written little, but non-the-less would claim to know a thing or two about what is being raised here.

In short, I would like to encourage researchers and analysts to study first the anthropological origins and NATURAL mind (though arguable wisdom) of the soldier-of-fortune, mercenary, or cheep jingo-fied Patriot. He, or sometimes she, can be found or made wherever humans breed. Trigger pullers combined with excitement thrill seekers, is not that hard to find nor for YOURSELF to become almost addicted to. Think of it like heroin... it'll make a lot more sense.

The vastly more repugnant part, is the role and profit margin of, the pusher, the apologist, or the law abuser.

If you're going to have a little talk with your good congressman... you'll need to remind him or her... that if they keep this shit up by failing to bring a lawful end to it... an army of unpaid, unarmored, unlawful mobs will eventually spring forth naturally for human survival.... and possible string up Dear Congresspersons from lamp posts down Constitution Avenue... and Independence too if need be.

Hate to speculate.....

but.....How much bribe money do you think they needed for 9/11?......

Tnx, for the up.

That was a great clip. Half of the troops in Iraq turns out to be soldiers of fortune. Not regulated by any law. These guys can do anything rape, murder and pillage etc. and are probably busy doing it right now.

Jeremy scahill seems to be an excellent fellow. Why isn't he 911 truther? He would be a great asset.

Remember Katrina?

They (BLACKWATER) are coming back home to roost.

Don't forget those 200 over FEMA "camps" courtesy of Haliburton (now moved to Dubai) and Co.




The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it.

Excellent points C911 and others!!

In Portland, we are very concerned who the players are going to be next week during the two (or more) terror drills DHS is conducting. I posted in Indymedia some local commentary about our concern, along with a great piece by Raimondo at Many questions still unanswered and misinfo and disinfo should be on the rise. Have read that SAIC will be doing their thing, but nothing yet on Blackwater.


Blackwater havoc, from Iraq to New Orleans to Portland??

author: Justin Raimondo, posted by Styve

Portland needs full assurance from local and State politicians that Blackwater, or another "security" contractor, is not scheduled to be in Portland during the Top Off / Vigilant Shield terror drill. That company is a destructive force the Neocons and Far Right are relying on to orchestrate the level of chaos that can thwart effective, practical response to repression, violence, and subterfuge.

Please read the article below, taken from today's front page, and think how screwed Portland would be if these lunatics just happened to have been hired for augmented security purposes, during the "largest-ever terrorism drill/exercise". Per reports from the drill press conference the other day, Michael Chertoff is supposed to be in town for the exercise in terror?! Given that he probably perceives US citizens to be the enemy, perhaps he'll have a Blackwater contingent for his security...

There is no justification for having this terror exercise (see Lie post below,
...the war on terror is an utter manipulation or psy-op intended to override civil liberties,
...DHS is a completely compromised arm of the Bush Regime,
...Blackwater is only inciting chaos in Iraq, and
...the use of Blackwater to terrorize Portland during Top Off/Vigilant Shield is not inconceivable.

A side note...which I am trying to confirm...Greg Palast reportedly said that a company named Paragon Security, or Securities, has had the contracts for Federal Buildings in Portland and also for
Federal locations throughout Oregon, since July, 2007. Palast said that Paragon is owned by the Alaska Native group and has hired Blackwater in the past.

If anyone has information confirming this relationship, or other connections, please post as a comment to add to the story, not in the discussion area.

October 5, 2007

The Blackwater Massacre
Out of control 'private' contractors terrorize Iraq

by Justin Raimondo

On September 16, as a car approached Nisour Square, all the folly and tragedy of the Iraq war was enacted on a Baghdad street. In the vehicle were two Iraqis: Ahmed Haithem was driving his mother, Mohassin, to the local hospital, where her husband worked as a pathologist. They never made it.

Instead, four armored vehicles manned by "private" guards employed by Blackwater USA moved into position and fired: Ahmed was hit, but the car continued on its path, out of control. When the smoke cleared, and the casualties counted, 17 Iraqis were dead and 24 wounded. The Washington Post cites one anonymous high-ranking U.S. official as saying:

"This is a nightmare. We had guys who saw the aftermath, and it was very bad. This is going to hurt us badly. It may be worse than Abu Ghraib, and it comes at a time when we're trying to have an impact for the long term."

It's a nightmare alright, especially for the Iraqi people, who have long resented this "private" army of thugs and wannabe heroes, apparently subject to nonexistent rules of engagement. The Americans have slaughtered, abused and otherwise alienated their "liberated" charges before, and the Iraqis did little but bleat a few feeble protests: this time, however, the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki reacted with authentic anger. The Iraqi ministry of the interior ordered Blackwater out of the country, and, although the U.S. State Department initially succeeded in getting this order rescinded, that reversal now appears to have been reversed. If Maliki sticks to his guns, the Blackwater massacre could mark a new phase in the war, one that bodes ill for the Americans.

~~continued at link above

Excellent points C911 and others!!

In Portland, we are very concerned who the players are going to be next week during the two (or more) terror drills DHS is conducting. I posted on Indymedia some local commentary about our concern, along with a great piece by Raimondo at Many questions still unanswered and misinfo and disinfo should be on the rise. Have read that SAIC will be doing their thing, but nothing yet on Blackwater.


Blackwater havoc, from Iraq to New Orleans to Portland??

author: Justin Raimondo, posted by Styve

Portland needs full assurance from local and State politicians that Blackwater, or another "security" contractor, is not scheduled to be in Portland during the Top Off / Vigilant Shield terror drill. That company is a destructive force the Neocons and Far Right are relying on to orchestrate the level of chaos that can thwart effective, practical response to repression, violence, and subterfuge.

Please read the article below, taken from today's front page, and think how screwed Portland would be if these lunatics just happened to have been hired for augmented security purposes, during the "largest-ever terrorism drill/exercise". Per reports from the drill press conference the other day, Michael Chertoff is supposed to be in town for the exercise in terror?! Given that he probably perceives US citizens to be the enemy, perhaps he'll have a Blackwater contingent for his security...

There is no justification for having this terror exercise (see Lie post below,
...the war on terror is an utter manipulation or psy-op intended to override civil liberties,
...DHS is a completely compromised arm of the Bush Regime,
...Blackwater is only inciting chaos in Iraq, and
...the use of Blackwater to terrorize Portland during Top Off/Vigilant Shield is not inconceivable.

A side note...which I am trying to confirm...Greg Palast reportedly said that a company named Paragon Security, or Securities, has had the contracts for Federal Buildings in Portland and also for
Federal locations throughout Oregon, since July, 2007. Palast said that Paragon is owned by the Alaska Native group and has hired Blackwater in the past.

If anyone has information confirming this relationship, or other connections, please post either here or on Indymedia.
October 5, 2007

The Blackwater Massacre
Out of control 'private' contractors terrorize Iraq

by Justin Raimondo

On September 16, as a car approached Nisour Square, all the folly and tragedy of the Iraq war was enacted on a Baghdad street. In the vehicle were two Iraqis: Ahmed Haithem was driving his mother, Mohassin, to the local hospital, where her husband worked as a pathologist. They never made it.

Instead, four armored vehicles manned by "private" guards employed by Blackwater USA moved into position and fired: Ahmed was hit, but the car continued on its path, out of control. When the smoke cleared, and the casualties counted, 17 Iraqis were dead and 24 wounded. The Washington Post cites one anonymous high-ranking U.S. official as saying:

"This is a nightmare. We had guys who saw the aftermath, and it was very bad. This is going to hurt us badly. It may be worse than Abu Ghraib, and it comes at a time when we're trying to have an impact for the long term."

It's a nightmare alright, especially for the Iraqi people, who have long resented this "private" army of thugs and wannabe heroes, apparently subject to nonexistent rules of engagement. The Americans have slaughtered, abused and otherwise alienated their "liberated" charges before, and the Iraqis did little but bleat a few feeble protests: this time, however, the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki reacted with authentic anger. The Iraqi ministry of the interior ordered Blackwater out of the country, and, although the U.S. State Department initially succeeded in getting this order rescinded, that reversal now appears to have been reversed. If Maliki sticks to his guns, the Blackwater massacre could mark a new phase in the war, one that bodes ill for the Americans.

~~continued at link above