Idiots & Patriots

This video destroys the tactic of labeling anyone who wants 9/11 Truth as a Conspiracy Theorist (used specifically as a derogatory comment, insinuating someone is mentally challenged; i.e. Bill Maher saying Truthers need Paxal). This video pounds home the message that questioning 9/11 is not crazy and in fact is very Patriotic. Those trying to say such things fall now into the category of Idiots. This is a unique video and it's message is undeniable: Demand 9/11 Truth!

Idiots & Patriots





You Must Be Kidding or your

You Must Be Kidding or your simply interested in preventing countless others to gain the confidence to speak openly about 9/11 Truth. You and your cohorts here who have hijacked 911 Blogger are up to no good. This video was on the front page for the same reason it was on the front page of WhatReallyHappened: it is good. The video draws in people who otherwise would not look into 9/11. Once they are watching the video they will be shown that, contrary to what Bill Maher and the rest of the Corporate Media is telling them about 911 Truthers being Conspiracy Theorists, "people who need Paxol," you know people with mental health problems, no, when they watch the video they'll see that there are load of Government Officials and Military Officials and Scientists and Scholars and Architects and Engineers who are Truthers. And these people clearly have the reputation to counter the Conspiracy Theorist label. You are a disgrace. What's even more disgusting is that 911 blogger is now taking orders from IDIOTS like you.

It may have an effect

and it's nicely done. By all means , put it out there and see what happens. But I gotta tell ya, most of the lowest-common-denominator target audience will be more interested in ogling at the undulating plastic Barbie doll than examining their attitudes or facing reality.

Despite You Blocking 911 Truth

The video made it to YouTube's front page toady despite your efforts to prevent people from learning more about 9/11 truth. Today many people learned that there are serious officials and scientist and soldiers who are investigating 9/11. Today some people learned that the 9/11 Truth movement is not just a bunch of tin foil hat wearing fools.


to the lowest common denominator .




The lowest common denominator is the largest percentage of people. That is the goal, to reach the largest percentage of people. Or do you honestly think there will be results when a handful of these high minded folks decide that just by them knowing the Truth it will be enough. Those people are ego maniacs. They need to get over themselves so that the people can have an oppurtunity to know what a truthful life is really like, so that justice can be served.

For The Response

The lowest common denominator is the largest percentage of people. That is the goal, to reach the largest percentage of people. Or do you honestly think there will be results when a handful of these high minded folks decide that just by them knowing the Truth it will be enough. Those people are ego maniacs. They need to get over themselves so that the people can have an oppurtunity to know what a truthful life is really like, so that justice can be served.

The lowest common

The lowest common denominator is the largest percentage of people. That is the goal, to reach the largest percentage of people. Or do you honestly think there will be results when a handful of these high minded folks decide that just by them knowing the Truth it will be enough. Those people are ego maniacs. They need to get over themselves so that the people can have an oppurtunity to know what a truthful life is really like, so that justice can be served.

The lowest common

The lowest common denominator is the largest percentage of people. That is the goal, to reach the largest percentage of people. Or do you honestly think there will be results when a handful of these high minded folks decide that just by them knowing the Truth it will be enough. Those people are ego maniacs. They need to get over themselves so that the people can have an oppurtunity to know what a truthful life is really like, so that justice can be served.

The lowest common

The lowest common denominator is the largest percentage of people. That is the goal, to reach the largest percentage of people. Or do you honestly think there will be results when a handful of these high minded folks decide that just by them knowing the Truth it will be enough. Those people are ego maniacs. They need to get over themselves so that the people can have an oppurtunity to know what a truthful life is really like, so that justice can be served.

The lowest common

The lowest common denominator is the largest percentage of people. That is the goal, to reach the largest percentage of people. Or do you honestly think there will be results when a handful of these high minded folks decide that just by them knowing the Truth it will be enough. Those people are ego maniacs. They need to get over themselves so that the people can have an oppurtunity to know what a truthful life is really like, so that justice can be served.

The lowest common

The lowest common denominator is the largest percentage of people. That is the goal, to reach the largest percentage of people. Or do you honestly think there will be results when a handful of these high minded folks decide that just by them knowing the Truth it will be enough. Those people are ego maniacs. They need to get over themselves so that the people can have an oppurtunity to know what a truthful life is really like, so that justice can be served.

That's got to be...

some kind of world record.

Thats a B.S. comment "counterproductive"

How can you just brush off a work of art by one word? What are your reasons?

Did you watch the video? You talk like a gate keeper who gives no reasons for refusal.

I gave a ten for this video, because it explains what is happening. How people are distracted away from the Truth by MSM. Like it or not, it is a fact.

The reasons are: there are

The reasons are: there are many MSM hypocrites who seek double meaning examples to represent the message of what the various groups in the truth movement are trying to say. They will only focus on the Idiot part and little attention will be paid to the patriots. In our current world of quick videos, the nuances are lost with short attention spans of the viewers if they are not aware of the lies of the "Official Conspiracy Theory".

Many professionals in their fields have made great strides in discoveries of evidence that 911 is a conspiracy on the American people, and world at large. To have their photos and names placed side by side with base level cartoons is questionable, IMHO.

I understand there was a great deal of work that went into producing this, and you are to be applauded for your dedication, however, I just find it counterproductive to mix the message with the cartoon content of sexuality with some of the movements heros, which can be taken out of context and used as someone else's advantage.

Before writing this reply, I viewed the the vid a second time, and still feel the same. It did slip the mind on the first post that this was produced by WeAreChange, and I have great respect and love for Luke and Company, more than you'll ever know. There are times when I watch some of the videos where members are confronting the powers that be and tears well with pride of what some of our young patriots are doing. There is a very soft spot in my heart for all of you, please keep up the good work.


The minds of micro management of the Truth movement.

Get Over Yourself

In all honesty, and with respect, you cannot possibly be unaware that those who you are fighting against have been duping the American public for years by getting them to watch stuff with "cartoon content of sexuality." So much so that it is embedded into the way many Americans think. If you cannot understand the concept of bringing the message down to the level of understanding most identify with then you need to broaden your horizons. Otherwise, good luck preaching to the choir.

yeah, i'm not a big fan of

yeah, i'm not a big fan of this being on the front page.


How does calling someone a "conspiracy theorist" insinuate them as being mentally challenged? They call us that because we're theorizing about a conspiracy. Sounds like someone's a little insecure!


Sorry to say this but if you can't figure out how calling someone a "conspiracy theorist" nowadays doesn't insinuate being mentally challenged, I guess your an idiot. Have you been paying attention to anything for the last 6 plus years?

But I guess if your making money off the whole Conspiracy Label by selling or promoting Conspiracy Clothing, I guess you have your priorities. You'll excuse me for my priorities. You want money and I want Truth and justice for the massacre of 9/11.

Has 911 Blogger been hijacked by a bunch 911 profiteerers and dis-info agents, or just by a bunch of Idiots?

"Conspiracy theory" is usually used as a pejorative label


by Floyd Rudmin
April, 2003
Floyd Rudmin is a member of the Psychology Department, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway.

"Conspiracy theory" is usually used as a pejorative label, meaning paranoid, nutty, marginal, and certainly untrue. The power of this pejorative is that it discounts a theory by attacking the motivations and mental competence of those who advocate the theory. By labeling an explanation of events "conspiracy theory," evidence and argument are dismissed because they come from a mentally or morally deficient personality, not because they have been shown to be incorrect. Calling an explanation of events "conspiracy theory" means, in effect, "We don't like you, and no one should listen to your explanation."

In earlier eras other pejorative labels, such as "heresy," "witchery," and "communism" also worked like this. The charge of "conspiracy theory" is not so severe as these other labels, but in its way is many times worse. Heresy, witchcraft, and communism at least retain some sense of potency. They designate ideas to be feared. "Conspiracy theory" implies that the ideas and their advocates are simple-minded or insane.

All such labels implicitly define a community of orthodox believers and try to banish or shun people who challenge orthodox beliefs. Members of the community who are sympathetic to new thoughts might shy away from the new thoughts and join in the shunning due to fear of being tainted by the pejorative label.

Read more

Perhaps I am too old ...

Perhaps I am too old and stodgy to see how this one is supposed to make anyone think more clearly about the issues of "conspiracy theorist", etc. I don't get it. Many others will not either.

It shouldn't be too hard to

It shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Those who are trying to shut down the 911 truth movement have been using the tactic of labeling anyone a "conspiracy theorist" who brings up the subject of investigating 9/11. Nowadays that conspiracy theorist label is associated with crazy people. What the video does is it shows people that there are actually legitimate and important officials involved with investigating 9/11 truth, people who you cannot mis-label as crazy people. The doll dancing is nearly a seperate item in the video. Primarily it serves as an example of the mindset of so many Americans who are more interested in watching a piece of plastic move around as opposed to listening to serious people calling for an investigation into the massacre of 9/11. The doll also serves as a honey pot drawing in people who otherwise would have no interest in serious matters like 9/11. Finally the doll and her dance is meant to be entertaining, while simultaneously allowing the message that Truthers are serious people to seep into their minds. I hope that helped.

The best thing is that today my goal was reached when the video reached YouTube's front page. That means a lot of people who hardly ever get 9/11 information were exposed to 9/11 truth and were directed to some fantastic 9/11 websites for follow up investigations. Today more people became engaged in 9/11 truth. All of this despite the counter efforts by many on this blog who are trying to prevent the masses from learning more about 9/11 truth.

A new low

The disinfo / discrediting operators applaud.

Trusted Truth Vicornix

I too thought like you. No planes.