David Ray Griffin to Give Two Talks in Colorado

Leading Spokesman for 9/11 Truth
Coming to Denver & Boulder Oct 19-21, 2007

David Ray Griffin, one of the nation’s preeminent scholarly critics of the official version of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, will visit the Denver/Boulder area in October 2007. Griffin is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Religion and Theology at the Claremont (California) School of Theology and the author of more than twenty books, the most recent of which are Debunking 9/11 Debunking and Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11.

david-ray-griffin-0624.jpgDr. Griffin will explain why he has come out of retirement to dedicate himself to research, writing, and speaking about the events of 9/11 and why he believes that the official account of those events cannot possibly be true. Griffin says he is especially eager to engage people of faith in conversation concerning the search for 9/11 truth and its implications for both religious faith and what he calls “nationalistic faith.”
David Ray Griffin “9/11, Evidence, and Faith”
Friday October 19, 7pm, The Iliff School of Theology, Great Hall
2201 S. University Blvd, Denver. Doors open 6pm.

“‘People of faith’ are often accused of allowing their faith to override evidence. This is often true. With regard to 9/11, the greatest obstacle to seeing the truth---that 9/11 was an inside job---is not the lack of evidence but what can be called ‘nationalistic faith’---the conviction that the leaders of our nation simply would not do such a thing. Genuine faith---faith in God the creator and lover of all peoples---can help overcome the insanity created by 9/11.” Donation $1-$10, sliding scale, no one turned away.
David Ray Griffin "9/11 Contradictions"
Sunday, October 21, 2pm, doors 1pm
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Math Auditorium

"The public story about 9/11 is filled with internal contradictions, some of which are quite stunning, almost unbelievable. To show that the public story is problematic, we don't need to develop an alternative theory or even to confront the theory with scientific evidence. All we need to do is lay out these contradictions, which are documented in the mainstream press." Donation $10, Students $6, no one turned away.

“I believe that David Ray Griffin’s provocative questions about 9/11 deserve to be investigated and addressed.”

--Howard Zinn, author, A People’s History of the United States

"What happened on 9/11 needs to be much further investigated than the 9/11 Commission did."

--Amy Goodman, journalist, Democracy Now!


Griffin's lectures are sponsored by a large and growing coalition of varied groups in Colorado and include The Veterans of Hope Project, The Peace and Justice Program at the Iliff School of Theology, Colorado 9/11 Visibility, Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, and Be the Change USA. For more details, please visit the www.colorado911visibility.org.


Please download, print, post, and distribute a copy of our flyer for this event. Click here for the flyer in .pdf format.



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David Ray Griffin on Air America Radio September 25, 2007

2 out of 3

I have read The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions but, I cannot wait to read Debunking 9/11 Debunking.

Get the Publicity.

I love trying to push these events into the mainstream avenues of publicity. Let's hope we can do it with this one as well.


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