Real Men Stand Up to Fascists

The fascists' view of masculinity is that -- to be a real American man -- you have to rally around the "strong leader", you have to talk tough about the "war on terror", you have to get pleasure out of watching "our team" (the sole superpower) beat the stuffing out of a bunch of third-rate armies like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Are they right? Well, psychologists tell us that rallying around the authoritarian leader is actually a very infantile way to affirm one's masculinity.

Okay, listen up guys. Real men don't bluster like George W. Bush or Bill O'Reilly. Real men stand up to fascists.

Our forefathers stood up to the British king and fought for our freedom. Our forefathers stood up to tyrants and won their liberty and freedom.

THAT's what masculinity really means. That's where the pedal hits the metal and the rubber meets the road. It is the dictators running our country who are the danger, who are stealing the future from us, and our kids, and our grandkids.

Come on, buddy . . . stop posing. And start acting like a real man.

"If you're really a patriot, you will defend the constitution. If you're a coward, you'll defend the elite who want to subvert it. Real men stand up to fascism. Cowardly men become boot lickers."
- Chris D

"Most Americans aren't the sort of citizens the Founding Fathers expected; they are contented serfs. Far from being active critics of government, they assume that its might makes it right."
- Joseph Sobran

Note: Of course, real women stand up to fascists, also. And I welcome women to write about why they are standing up to the strong men.

Moreover, it is not a question of how much testosterone or estrogen one has in one's body. Instead, I believe it is a question of how much one cares.

This essay focuses solely on men who lack confidence, and who fall for a "quick fix" for their insecurities, because they are the ones who tend to rally around authoritarians. Women who are confident in their femininity don't tend to fall for the authoritarian trap, and so this essay does not address them.



Is this getting voted down? He's arguing against fascism.

A "Full And Complete Accounting" Of The 9/11 Attacks

Maybe it wasn't the message...

Sometimes people DO consider the messenger... especially if the messenger displays odd patterns.

May I be so bold, Jon, to suggest you slow down just a tad? (four minutes?) Some people may feel that you dilute a good message by so often being first or early with your comments, too many links too often, cut-pasting your own fan club letters, or like this... posting additional dramatic material without commenting from your own heart (other than counting aloud your own points).

It's an article about "Real Men Standing Up", but you simply posted the words of some other man.

These, on the other hand for example... are my own words. Maybe some people take umbrage to your high-handed (is that like fascistic?) pounding over our heads with the sad but truncated plight of 911 Families, while humanities whole receives far fewer words from you on balance. Your weird, and frankly, sycophantic insistence on the importance of Sibel Edmonds to "The 9/11 Truth Movement". Your strange name calling of those who see intentional demolition requiring much more than tin darts and jet fuel, such as myself.

I give you "down points" every once and awhile. If you don't like it, please petition for a complete removal of the points system all together. I'd give you up-points for that. Otherwise, STFU ya points-whore.


Thank you Erin...

For the opinion, and for calling me a name. I believe this is the third time in the last few days you decided to call me a name. To each his own I guess.

I contributed a video that argues against fascism in a thread about fascism. I contributed something to the thread. And it got voted down. We now know the reason why is because Erin S. Myers thinks I am "weird", "sycophantic", and a "points-whore." We also see that Erin S. Myers seems to have a problem with Sibel Edmonds, someone who has always been cordial and responsive with my correspondence with her, someone that is related to 9/11, someone who's issue has not been resolved, and someone who's issue may in fact bring criminal charges against those who may have taken part in the 9/11 attacks. Why ANYONE in the movement would be opposed to that, blows my mind.

I took the liberty of contacting someone close to Sibel about you Erin. I am not going to mention their name, but they told me that you are "a little/lot tiresome at this point. He wants all of us to jump up and down and agree with him about something or other..."

Guess what Erin, I don't agree that Controlled Demolition should be the focal point of the movement. I think truth, accountability, and justice FOR ALL ASPECTS OF 9/11 should be the focal point of the movement. I'm sorry you have a problem with that.

Again, thank you for voicing your opinion.

A "Full And Complete Accounting" Of The 9/11 Attacks

You're welcome, Jon

And best of luck to ya.


Good monologue.

Jon. I voted it up 'cuz that there gurl is just so durned purty.
But seriously. I don't watch network fiction TV as a rule but this is quite exceptional.
As long as this type of message is being offered to the masses, there is still hope for the future of democracy in America et al but I imagine this is a rarity on the boob tube.

who is Chris D? good quote

who is Chris D? good quote whoever he is

"The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments."
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, section 191
German philosophe

Oh, come on...

9/11 Truth and resistance to fascism require lots of testosterone? I really don't think so.

You totally misunderstand what I am saying.

Real WOMEN stand up to fascists, also (see this for why I DON'T think you need alot of testosterone to stand up to fascism:

But men who lack confidence, and who fall for a "quick fix" are the ones who tend to rally around authoritarians. That's what the research shows.

GW - Standing up to Fascism

has nothing to do with one's ability to be a "real man".

Some fascists are "real men". They just lack honesty and have no moral beliefs. Stooges may be a better word for it.

I first bumped into the word "Globalization" last weekend at the Miller Center website. They broke our 200+ year history into 8 categories.

I have no idea why but that's what is displayed at that website. The last Category is labeled "Globalization" (1989- ) and lists presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush.

Today I read an article where Nancy Pelosi referred to the term Globalization and Alan Greenspan claimed that Bill Clinton embraced Globalization.

I do not like the term "Globalization". I think it stinks of Hitler and his set of Fascists.

BUT the term does explain why the 2000 Coup of the presidency was so important to those who were dishonest enough to cave into the pressure from the Bush Crime Family and the other countries that were also involved in 9/11.

There were at least 2 US Supreme court Judges who should have recuse themselves from voting on the 5-4 decision to appoint GWB president. Especially the one that was appointed by his father Bush Sr.

They don't teach the Bill of Rights or Constitution in history anymore. They are making students in some of the New Jersey Middle schools wear uniforms in public schools, similar to the Nazi youth league.

I am glad that Dan Rather has the guts to bring out the fact that the government has been influencing the media for a very long time.

The devaluing of the dollar is one of the economic means of lowering our standards of living without having to deal with the Constitution.

Our children, even the college graduates don't have any idea how bad off they are. That scares me. They are willing to sign anything even though it may not be what they think they are signing. That's where the foreclosures have come from.

I am going to become more of an activist and start handing out copies of the Bill of Rights and US Constitution. They need to be re-educated and think for themselves rather than rely on what someone is telling them to think.

No, I understand what you are saying very well...

and there are many, many interesting points to be made about masculinity as a cultural construct in relation to dissidence and resistance. However, I don't understand why you would trivialize the issue by including a line like this: "Sometimes I wonder whether the guys who fall for this b.s. are trying to compensate for their lack of confidence as men. Testosterone levels in American men have, on average, been dropping for the last 20 years. Is that why so many men are following for the fascist dog-and-pony show now?" The last time I heard someone in the Truth movement make a reference to testosterone levels was when Alex Jones blamed the police response at Virginia Tech on falling levels of the hormone. (And I think he talked about pseudo-estrogens in their NWO-supplied water bottles as well.)

As you certainly must know, women by and large have much lower testosterone levels than men. In your post, you connect lower levels of testosterone with a susceptibility to fascism. Do you see a problem here? I think you can make your whole argument on the basis of a socially-constructed masculine image without invoking a cause-and-effect relationship between androgens and resistance to tyranny and oppression.

You still do not understand what I am trying to say.

I just added this to try to explain:

Note: Of course, real women stand up to fascists, also. It is not a question of how much testosterone or estrogen one has in one's body. Instead, I believe it is a question of how much one cares.

This essay is focuses solely on men who lack confidence, and who fall for a "quick fix" for their insecurities, because they are the ones who tend to rally around authoritarians. Women who are confident in their femininity don't tend to fall for the authoritarian trap, and so this essay does not address them.

No, you still do not understand what I am trying to say...

and this is not the place to go into an extended discussion of gender theory. If it's not a question of hormone levels (and it's not), just take out the damn sentence about low testosterone ;)

Here's the crux of the issue: both men and women have both estrogen and testosterone. It's not an either/or proposition. It is characteristic of men to have more testosterone; it is characteristic of women to have less BUT STILL AN APPRECIABLE AMOUNT. Therefore, attributing low resistance to fascism to low testosterone is just flat-out derogatory to women (and pre-pubescent boys, and men who have low testosterone for whatever reason, and so forth.)

The question of who is susceptible to authoritarianism is a hugely important one, and I applaud you for addressing it. But I gotta say, you're just barking up the wrong tree with the gender stuff unless you put it in the context of a critique of gender. John Stoltenberg's Refusing to Be A Man might give you some ideas. Addressing the ways in which masculinity as a social construct sometimes undermines and sometimes supports authoritarianism could be the material for a whole book (at least!).

And I'm happy to say that I am not at all confident in my own femininity -- because I have found it to be a shifting morass of meaningless ideas foisted on me that have little to do with my own experience of being a human being in a body with two X chromosomes. It is my HUMANNESS that makes me resist fascism and empire, and my humanness that causes me to feel compassion for other humans and therefore work for 9/11 Truth.

I'm don't intend to be picking on you, GW, but this is my area of academic expertise and I have strong opinions about it. Peace.


I have deleted the sentences about testosterone, and changed the ending to this:

Note: Of course, real women stand up to fascists, also. And I welcome women to write about why they are standing up to the strong men.

Moreover, it is not a question of how much testosterone or estrogen one has in one's body. Instead, I believe it is a question of how much one cares.

This essay focuses solely on men who lack confidence, and who fall for a "quick fix" for their insecurities, because they are the ones who tend to rally around authoritarians. Women who are confident in their femininity don't tend to fall for the authoritarian trap, and so this essay does not address them.

All righty then.

I think that's an improvement!

NWO-supplied water bottles

Thanks. I haven't laughed like that in a long time.

But you really shouldn't drink water or anything out of plastic bottles. Supposedly there are chemicals that leach into the liquid that the body interprets as hormones and it can mess you up. Either a little, or a lot.

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent, Principle Investigator, Forensic 9/11ologist

To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. — Abraham Lincoln

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. — Robert Heinlein

My pleasure...

Your point about plastic bottles is well-taken.

Psychological Analysis: It does our Movement Good.

I like the psychological analysis here and I think we need to better acquaint ourselves with these matters if we plan on getting past our current situation. These are the base reasons and causes people can't handle the truth, follow inadequate authority figures, cower in the face of controversy, etc etc. We must understand our enemies and their followers if we are going to better defeat them.

Well said

Well said

I keep thinking of a

I keep thinking of a Twilight Zone episode where a mysterious well dressed stranger delivers a small cubicle box with a single button on the top, to a frenetic chain smokin' nail biting bitch. He leaves the box with the simple instructions: "push the button and I will give you $100,000.00, but someone "YOU DON'T KNOW" will die. The woman's husband tells her not to touch it as he leaves for work, but when he comes home the box is gone and a briefcase containing the money is in its place. When asked where the box went, she replied that the man took it with him and would be giving it to someone that "WE DON'T KNOW".

"REAL" people do the right thing.



"But men who lack

"But men who lack confidence, and who fall for a "quick fix", are the ones who tend to rally around authoritarians"

Maybe they are just psychopaths. Psychopaths on the lower level always look up to psychopaths on higher levels with more power.


Information Clearing House Newsletter

ICH: Marching Towards Hell

We, women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country, to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs." From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says: "Disarm, disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."-Julia Ward Howe

"In the general course of human nature, a power over man's substance amounts to a power over his will." -- Alexander Hamilton

"Most Americans aren't the sort of citizens the Founding Fathers expected; they are contented serfs. Far from being active critics of government, they assume that its might makes it right." : Joseph Sobran (1946- ) Columnist

"A State which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands -- even for beneficial purposes -- will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished.": John Stuart Mill - (1806-1873) English philosopher and economist

"I never could believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world, ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready saddled and bridled to be ridden." Richard Rumbold - (?-1626) British Colonel - Source: His final words on the scaffold before he was hanged in 1685.

And oft fumble bard-ly

"Might, Half Ta Kill Ya"

Fists, words, fisted words
Silver tongue powwow with pipe
Even aegis by sedition and mutiny
For equitable liberty fuels my gripe

Little more need be seen
Nothing more to be heard
For what more refreshing to feel
Than to flip a fascist the bird

Short to last breath crushing squeeze
Grappling tight a tyrant's neck
Loving acts like divine forgiveness
Release! "gag, gasp"... what the heck


And thanks to ladies of better grace, here's Dick Gregory:

Edited video... (apparently Dick said Google-bad word)

The problem is the terminology, and the approach.

The term "real men" is a mindless bit of slang, most often employed by those who seek to limit thought and analysis, not expand it.

When you attempt to co-opt the language of mindless fascists, it's not necessarily going to work. There is no literal real world connection to "real men." You're just dividing people into groups based on your own personal opinion of what is desirable, just the same as they do with the original usage of "real men."

It is therefore a cheap propaganda trick, and not some well thought out psychological theory. And it comes off that way.

Is there a place for propaganda in our movement?

That is the heart of the matter.

As far as I'm concerned (personal opinion), there is far too much propaganda in this movment, and not enough hard facts mentioned.

A propaganda line such as "real men..." could be useful for getting attention, just as any advertising slogan piques people's interest. But it can also turn off more people than it attracts. When resorting to weak emotionalism that attacks "masculinity" or "feminity" you run the risk of alienating the audience.

No one wants to be dictated to from the internet about what a "real man" is supposed to think and feel. It's all a bit silly.

Far better to just get them to think and feel.

70 Disturbing Facts About 9/11

John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State Blog

johndoraemi --at--

John, you say

"Far better to just get them to think and feel."

Yes, but (1) many people are ruled by emotion, and their thoughts follow emotion: and (2) men who are obsessed by masculinity and their lack of confidence therein, THAT is what they are feeling -- and so, I would respectfully argue, that is what needs to be addressed in emotional language THEY will understand.