Petition to Demand 9/11 Truth From Search Engine is an Internet publishing service, similar to,, and Their page on 9/11 (viewable at is, unfortunately, a joke. It contains factually inaccurate information -- most specifically, the notion that the terrorist attacks were led by Bin Laden, a statement which the FBI admits there is no hard evidence to support.

I have started a petition to demand truth from The purposes of this are twofold:

1. To get Mahalo to stop spreading disinfo
2. More importantly, the CEO of Mahalo, Jason Calacanis, is somewhat of an Internet celebrity. The Digg community, for instance, dislikes him very much. I would like to leverage the noteriety of Jason Calacanis to spread 911 truth.

And so I am promoting this petition in hopes that Internet media outlets that like to follow his moves will find this to be a story worth reporting on. I also think the fact that the FBI admits there is no hard evidence against bin Laden is one of the best pieces of evidence, as it is so simple and most people have the simple equation of "Bin Laden = 911" firmly implanted in their mind that to dispel that with government words is effective.

You can sign the petition here:

And you can use the links below to promote the stories on social news sites:

View and vote on Digg
On Reddit
On Newsvine


The best way to contact me is via email at jason at calacanis dot com.

If you've got a business proposition please be blunt and to the point with me and I'll respond as quick a I can.

My mailing address is:

Jason McCabe Calacanis
2200 Colorado Avenue, Suite 729
Santa Monica, CA 90404

My office phone is: 310-828-8284.
My cell phone is: 310-456-4900.

Sending tactful email.

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