Open Letter from 9/11 Rescue Worker to Rudy Giuliani


Open Letter from 9/11 Rescue Worker to Rudy Giuliani

Friday, August 10th, 2007

Dear Rudy,

My name is John Feal. I am a 9/11 responder who was horribly injured at Ground Zero during the clean and recovery. I spent 11 weeks in the hospital fighting for my life and lost half of my left foot. But please do not feel sorry for me.

Yesterday in Ohio you praised yourself a hero and compared yourself to the real heroes of 9/11. You say you were there longer then most 9/11 responders -- that sir is an insult to the 9/11 community.

The thousands of responders including the three in Michael Moore's movie SICKO got sick on your watch. And while you paraded around being hailed a hero, the real heroes of 9/11 got sicker and many have died. Regina Cervantes, Billy Maher, and John Graham are heroes -- they are my heroes -- and they were forced by our government's neglect and denial to seek help elsewhere. So what if it was Cuba? If your wife or son was sick, and you were told the only place to get your loved one help was in Cuba, I believe sir you would not hesitate. So whether it is Cuba, Russia, China, Mars, Venus... help is help. And the problem is not where they got help, but that our great country and federal government failed them. You failed the real heroes of 9/11, and the great people of New York and now you want to run this country.

Attacking Michael Moore and the 9/11 responders is not the way for any self-proclaimed hero to act. Mr. Moore has helped these responders, has helped dozens more and is continuing to help these brave souls while elected officials sit idle and let heroes die.

I implore you, Rudy Giuliani, to meet these three wonderful human beings. I implore you, Rudy Giuliani, to step up to the plate and grow a set of Abe Lincolns and help all 9/11 responders who got sick on your watch. Many more will die if our great nation and not-so-great leaders continue to leave great New Yorkers and Americans without care. Shame on you sir for being a poseur and trying to capitalize on your mistakes while thousands of true heroes get sicker.

In closing, sir, I wish you great health and happiness, but not success in your presidential campaign unless you do what is morally right and start helping 9/11 heroes. If you couldn't help the people of our great city, then how in Sam Hill are you going to help the people of this country?

Sincerely & God Bless,
John Feal
9/11 responder/advocate/founder of the Fealgood Foundation

Sack O' Batshit sez: 'I Misspoke About Ground Zero'


Giuliani: I Misspoke About Ground Zero

Aug 10 04:07 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

The Dishonorable Rudely Ghouliani,
9/11 Accomplice and Terror Profiteer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said Friday that he misspoke when he said he spent as much time, if not more, at ground zero exposed to the same health risks as workers combing the site after the Sept. 11 attacks.

"I think I could have said it better," he told nationally syndicated radio host Mike Gallagher. "You know, what I was saying was, 'I'm there with you.'"

The former New York mayor struck a nerve with firefighters and police officers when he said Thursday in Cincinnati that he was at ground zero "as often, if not more, than most of the workers."

"I was there working with them. I was exposed to exactly the same things they were exposed to. So in that sense, I'm one of them," he told reporters at a Los Angeles Dodgers-Cincinnati Reds baseball game.

Fire and police officials responded angrily, saying Giuliani did not do the same work as those involved in the rescue, recovery and cleanup from the 2001 terrorist attacks, which left many workers sick and injured.

"I have a real problem with that statement," said Battalion Chief John McDonnell, head of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association in New York. "I think he's really grasping and trying to justify his previous attempts to portray himself as the hero of 9/11."

On Friday, Giuliani said he was trying to show his concern for the workers' health.

"What I was trying to say yesterday is that I empathize with them, because I feel like I have that same risk," he said.

"There were people there less than me, people on my staff, who already have had serious health consequences, and they weren't there as often as I was," Giuliani said, "but I wasn't trying to suggest a competition of any kind, which is the way it come across."

Giuliani's explanation further angered his ground zero critics, prompting several to issue a statement demanding an apology.

"He is such a liar, because the only time he was down there was for photo ops with celebrities, with politicians, with diplomats," said deputy fire chief Jimmy Riches, who spent months digging for his firefighter son.

"On 9/11 all he did was run. He got that soot on him, and I don't think he's taken a shower since."

"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)

Rudy "mispoke", and "rantings of a Democratic front group"

9/11 workers outraged by new Rudy claim

Friday, August 10th 2007, 4:00 AM

"He's not one of us. He never has been and he never will be. He never served in a capacity where he was a responder," Sferazo said.

In the aftermath of the attacks, admirers dubbed Giuliani "America's Mayor," praising his leadership in the face of an unprecedented disaster. Detractors, including the International Association of Fire Fighters, which put out a scathing 13-minute video on his performance, suggested he profited politically and financially from the attacks.

"[Giuliani] is self-absorbed, arrogant and deluded," said IAFF spokesman Jeff Zack.

Responded Giuliani spokesman Michael McKeon, "Americans saw Rudy's performance for themselves during the aftermath of 9/11 and will dismiss this as the ridiculous and partisan rantings of a Democratic front group, because that's what they are."

I wonder if Guiliani will now claim he "misspoke" about that comment in bold above too...

Giuliani: I misspoke about ground zero
Staff and agencies
10 August, 2007

"What I was trying to say yesterday is that I empathize with them, because I feel like I have that same risk," he said.

Giuliani‘s explanation further angered his ground zero critics, prompting several to issue a statement demanding an apology.

"On 9/11 all he did was run. He got that soot on him, and I don‘t think he‘s taken a shower since."

"I think he was simply showing what his true character is — a self-absorbed, self-deluded promoter who got caught and is now just simply trying to backtrack," Schaitberger said.

“We're an empire now, and when we act we create our own reality."

Dear John Feal

............Your to kind. He will be charged with the others for treason. My prayers are with you and all of the first responders,and the firemen of 9/11.

Oh. Oh.

According to PBS tonight - Washington Week.- Rudy is the leading Republican candidate by a large margin.
Doesn't really give me a lot of confidence in the electoral process down there
...if you know what I'm saying...