Balloon Blogging

Ali aka Danish points out a novel form of getting messages out: balloon blogging.

Check out this short video to get the basic idea. The 9/11 truth movement could release 9/11 statements tied to helium balloons in crowded outdoor and indoor areas to get people's attention.

Legal disclaimer: check the laws in your state and federal protest, anti-terrorism and other laws before releasing balloons with 9/11 truth statements to make sure that it is legal. (I have done no research at all to see whether or not it is legal, so you should do so and you are assuming any risk that it is not in compliance with big brother the law.)

Loose Change Producer Korey Rowe Arrested

Loose Change Producer Korey Rowe Arrested
Loose Change producer and Iraq and Afghanistan veteran Korey Rowe has been arrested and handed over to military officials without bail for allegedly "deserting the Army".
Details on

This seems very effective...

Should be used more during rallies. Everyone loves balloons and it takes the message above and beyond the Masses.

ever heard the song 'Alice's restaurant' ?

if nothing else, they'll charge you with littering. And creating a nuisance. Release your balloons surreptitiously.

You have to wonder....

....when a lawyer provides a legal disclaimer to something he kinda, sorta, just might be suggesting.

Legal disclaimer: check all laws, federal, in your state, and any other state you can think of regarding protest, anti-terrorism, traffic, tax, sign ordinance, and any other fucking mala prohibitum laws you can think of, including but not limited to Executive Orders, Presidential Policy Directives, and the Weekly World News rules for posting classified ads, BEFORE getting out of bed each morning to make sure that it is legal to be alive. (I have done no research at all to see whether or not it is legal to be alive, so you should do so and you are assuming any risk that being alive is not in compliance with edicts from the State, whether said edicts are a matter of public record or super double-triple secret, and that you understand the necessity of your being put to a very painful death for less than one iota of variance from any and all requirements not spelled out therein.)

"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)

According to this blog at

According to this blog at it is illegal with lighter than air balloons (like helium), but there are so many things that are illegal. It was illegal for Americans to create the United States according to then English law and it was punishable to be a jew in Nazi Germany..

Or buy a radio controlled model plane and fly it over places like Central Park in New York with a streamer with your message. Like a model of a Boing plane, streamer :" Radio Controlled Since 9/11" :)

what's the price pr. hour for a sky writer? Or one of those planes that fly along the beach with streamers? :)

George Washington, thanks for posting this.


If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Walking through malls with '911 was an inside job" T-shirts

is something I have wondered about for the 11th day of every month activism. The 911 Mysteries website has these T-shirts for sale. If a group of three or four people simply strode through the malls in their areas with "911 was an inside job" and "Google 911 truth" T-shirts on I'll bet we could get a lot of people looking into it.