Bestselling Author Reza Aslan on Dynamic Duo today 7/9/07, 3-4 pm CT, GCN network 2

Reza Aslan is the author of the best post-9/11 introduction to Islam for general audiences, No God But God. Reza's book was one of the main textbooks in my notorious Intro to Islam course at the University of Wisconsin - Madison last year, even though it uncritically accepts the official 9/11 myth. (As I kept explaining to the provost, I tried to prevent many points of view! Besides, it's a darned good book.)

Has Reza thought more deeply about 9/11 and the war of terror since writing No God But God? Has he, like our fellow Muslim Keith Ellison, noticed the 9/11 - Reichstag fire parallels? Reza is of Iranian descent -- is he concerned about Cheney's plan to nuke America, then use that as an excuse to nuke Iran? Tune in today, 7/9/07 Dynamic Duo, 3-4 pm CT, GCN network 2 to find out. Call-in number (877) 996-4327 x149

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