Panel Will Discuss 9/11 Attacks Friday



OREM — The community is invited to a panel discussion Friday about the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and the increasing amount of violence and tragedy in the world.

The panel will consist of Jack Monnett, author of "Awakening to our Awful Situation: Warnings from the Nephite Prophets" and former BYU physicist Steven Jones, who was terminated from Brigham Young University for his views about the Sept.11 tragedy in New York City.

Joel Skousen, who writes a column on, will also be a panelist.

The open discussion is from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Orem Senior Citizen Friendship Center at 93 N. 400 East in Orem.

For more information or questions, send an e-mail to

I know this is a stupid comment but,

I used to go play pool at a place in Orem some 40 years ago.......

Met a great girl at a dance there too.......

Wish I could vist there again to be at the presentation.

"There are none so hoplessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." (Goethe)