The 9/11 Motive?

Take a look at this very interesting speech by investment banker Karl Schwartz:

The Caspian Sea Basin (Kazakstan, Turkmenistan etc.) holds between 11 and
12 trillion dollars in oil and gas resources. There are only three ways to
get it out:

- East to China
- West through Iran, Russia, and Turkey to Europe
- South through Afghanistan and Pakistan

The Taliban who controlled Afghanistan before 9/11 made pipeline deals
with non-US companies and refused to change them to give control of the
region's resources to the US.

Thanks to Brasscheck TV (


Oil/pipeline/Middle Eastern hegemony is not the goal. It is merely a MEANS to their goal. The goal is complete global domination. That is the big picture. We need to step back and see it as such. Once we do that, we stop all the incessant analyzing and dissecting and begin taking ACTION.
The researchers of 9/11 truth, having done great work, their jobs are nearly finished, other than the final organization/compiling of said research. We need to take the achievements of ALL the great research that's been done and apply them to physical/literal ACTIVISM.

Time grows short. We're approaching a great shift.

from Paul Craig Roberts

Who I trust a little more than I do Karl Schwarz... this is about the Iraq War but who are we kidding--same people, same agenda. The neocons are the key because they are the link between the corrupt American AND Israeli factions that have been carrying out these crimes...

Disinformation about Iraq was produced by a special unit within the Pentagon run by Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith. The unit operated outside the normal intelligence channels of the CIA and DIA. Its purpose was to create false intelligence to enable Bush to initiate war with Iraq.

Did President Bush know that the claims put into his speeches by his speechwriters was false?

Who instructed Bush’s speechwriters to incorporate known lies into the President’s speeches?

Why did Vice President Cheney, the Secretary of State, the National Security Advisor, and the Secretary of Defense all lie to the American people and to the entire world?

What is the real agenda?

Millions of Americans have come to their own conclusions about the reasons for Bush’s invasion:

(1) Oil: the US government wants to hold on to power by expanding its control over oil, and Bush and Cheney want to reward their oil company cronies.

(2) Military-security complex: Police agencies favor war as a means of expanding their power, and military industries favor war as a means of expanding their profits.

(3) Neoconservative ideology: Neocons’ believe in "American exceptionalism" and claim that America’s virtue gives the US government the right and the obligation to impose US hegemony on the rest of the world, especially in the Middle East where independent Muslim states object to Israel’s theft of Palestine.

(4) Karl Rove: Rove used the "war president" role to rescue Bush from attack by Democrats as an illegitimate president elected by one vote of the US Supreme Court.

(5) American self-righteousness over 9/11 and lust for revenge.

All of these reasons came together to make a cruel war on an innocent people.

There may be other reasons about which we know not.


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force

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