Founders Of Student Scholars For 9/11 Truth React To Fox News’ Ron Paul Smear Campaign


“That's an extraordinary statement, as someone who lived through the attack of September 11, that we invited the attack because we were attacking Iraq. I don't think I've heard that before, and I've heard some pretty absurd explanations for September 11th. (Applause, cheers.)"

That is how former New York Mayor, and GOP Presidential Candidate, Rudolph Giuliani responded to GOP Presidential Candidate Rep. Ron Paul’s opinion that we were not attacked on 9/11 because Islamic Fascists “hate our freedoms,” but rather, because of blowback from irresponsible U.S. foreign policy that has had America interfering in the affairs of middle eastern nations for years.

To most, Paul’s position would not be considered out of line. Anyone who has any semblance of understanding of the history of U.S. covert operations knows that the assertion that the U.S. has been interfering with Middle Eastern politics is true. Ever since the end of World War II, the United States has insisted upon being involved in the region’s affairs in order to remain friendly with oil rich nations and keep those nations from falling into the hands of individuals that won’t comply with western countries. In order to keep things that way, America has engaged in some unscrupulous behavior that has stirred hostility in the region. Ron Paul is merely expressing an understanding of that hostility, not excusing it. The neo-conservative candidates and their lapdogs are insisting that that the historical record is not important because they have “declared war on the west.” This mindset is ignorant and mind-blowing.

With that said, Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth has never entertained the notion that Islamic Fascists who want to harm Americans don’t exist. Clearly we are fighting these people in Afghanistan and Iraq; however, it is our stance that there is evidence to suggest that the events of 9/11 could not have been carried out by Al Qaeda operatives acting alone.

Last summer, Rex Tomb, Chief Investigative Spokesman for the FBI admitted that the FBI has NO HARD EVIDENCE linking Osama Bin Laden to 9/11. Additionally, when put on the spot, several government officials have admitted that there is no evidence connecting Saddam Hussein to 9/11. Well if it wasn’t either Bin Laden or Hussein, then don’t you want to know who it was?

That is the goal of our organization, to lobby for a new investigation that will clear up any questions as to who is responsible for the death of 3,000. This leads us to the discussion of our YouTube video that FOX has been spinning to create controversy, “Ron Paul Meets the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth.”

Several members of our organization live in New Hampshire, which hosts the nation’s first presidential primaries. Accordingly, Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth attend political events and ask presidential hopefuls if they would support a new investigation into 9/11.

In February, Justin Martell, Mike Jackman, Eric Jackman, and Natalya Waye attended a house party in Pembroke, New Hampshire for Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. While there, we approached Rep. Ron Paul, and, because we heard he had questioned the official story about 9/11, asked him if he would support a new investigation. To which he said that it would be “worth while.”

When Justin Martell approached him and asked him the question, he opened the door for Ron Paul to say whether or not he felt 9/11 was an “inside job,” and he did not say that. The video was edited and loaded to YouTube in late February.

Suddenly, three months later, the video is being used by FOX to connect Ron Paul to 9/11 conspiracy theories. FOX News "journalist," Michelle Malkin, first attempted to connect Ron Paul to 9/11 conspiracy theories on the John Gibson show, and then put the icing on the cake when she, while guest hosting the O'Reilly Factor on May 21st, unlawfully aired a clip from "Ron Paul Meets the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth," and then proceeded to participate in a discussion about Ron Paul's alleged allegiance to 9/11 Truth (Oh my! A conspiracy, indeed!).

The efforts of neo-conservative attack poodles like Michelle Malkin to disparage Ron Paul with little to no evidence to support their claims is an obvious sign that they are frightened by a man who speaks the truth. Why would they be afraid of a man who speaks the truth? This is clearly because, in our opinion, the neo-conservatives have lost touched with what being a conservative is! Malkin claims that Ron Paul has no place in a Republican presidential debate! How exactly is a Republican who supports the 2nd Amendment, has NEVER voted to raise taxes, wants to increase border control, is against big government, advocates for states rights, refuses to support tax payer funded abortions, and believes in a Reagan-esque policy of non-intervention, not qualified to be in a Republican debate? He is clearly more qualified than his opponents, who, in this post 9/11 madness, have lost touch with what it means to be a true conservative.

Also, there is one person who has been involved in this whole Joseph McCarthy like, 9/11 "Truther," witch hunt who appears to have contracted a strain of the 9/11 Truth Virus, and it's not Ron Paul. In 2002, Michelle Malkin wrote an article called "Just Wondering," in which she entertained the idea that Flight 93 was either shot down or blown up by a bomb, that an editing error that suggested that there was a gun on board Flight 11 was not an actual error, but that it was called an editing error in order to cover up what happened on Flight 11, and lastly, that Katherine Smith's death was not an accident, but possibly a murder! This excerpt is particularly interesting:

"The eight-mile-wide debris field seems to bolster claims of an on board explosion. So did the discovery of a one-ton chunk of the plane's engine far from the rest of the crash site - which some say points to evidence that a heat-seeking missile targeted the flight. Then there's the eight-minute gap from the time all cell phone calls from the plane ceased and the time it crashed."

Compare that passage with Ron Paul's statement from our video that Malkin cites as "evidence" that Paul is a "secret truther":

"The investigation was an investigation in which there were government cover-ups"

So did Michelle Malkin forget she wrote this article, or think that no one would be astute enough to find it? We have sent several messages to Malkin to ask her to comment on this, and she has, so far, failed to reply. This whole fiasco only shows how flimsy and transparent FOX's so called "journalists" actually are. Malkin was right when she said that she was "stirring the hornets nest" by bringing up Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and if she wants to continue to slander us on national television then we ask her to bring us on the air to defend our stance and discuss her 2002 article. On behalf of the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, we ask Michelle Malkin to either show up or shut up, and stop trying to discredit America's last honest politician, Congressman Ron Paul.

Justin A. Martell
Founder – Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Michael Jackman
Co-Founder – Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Mark Peters
Webmaster – Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Postscript: We've sent another email to Malkin that says, even though she is not a student, we would be pleased to induct her into Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth as an honorary member, because she is clearly a 9/11 "Truther."

We can expect

a lot more of this. All the the sub-human slime at Fox know how to do is smear the truth. By the way I just spotted a new 9/11 truth site. I was quite impressed. Tons of truth videos to watch. Check it out truthers. Some Ron Paul and Aaron Russo stuff also.

I had to rate this a one.

"Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth has never entertained the notion that Islamic Fascists who want to harm Americans don’t exist. Clearly we are fighting these people in Afghanistan and Iraq;"

Wow, I see the student scholars haven't done their homework, you get an 'F' from me.

a 1???

So because you don't agree with one sentence you give the whole thing a 1? Whatever.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!"
-Dr. Frank Greening


So we're not fighting terrorists in Iraq and Afganhistan?

Justin A. Martell

In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand at the mongrel dogs who teach! Fearing not that I'd become my enemy in the instant that I preach! My pathway led by confusion boats...mutiny from stern to bow!

I agree with you that there

I agree with you that there are people out there that want to kill Americans. There are many now in the middle east thanks to our actions there recently, but the idea that we are fighting "terrorists" in Iraq more than we are just fighting against armed militants is the issue. "Terrorists" is the boogeyman phrase used to label that entire region to justify our wars. They are against us because of our empirical escapades in their country, they didn't start off as "terrorists", and i think that label is way to broad of a brush, but I didn't vote you a 1 ;)

I didn't rate him a one for the 'terrorist' remark.

It was the neo-con introduced 'Islamofascist' remark that sent up my red flag. The "We're figting them there so we don't have to fight them here" BS was just the tipper.

& yes Stallion I rated it a 1 for this simple reason, what's your point?

You guys are hideous! I'm

You guys are hideous! I'm not a neo-con! Sorry that my choice of wording when acknowledging that there are muslims that want to harm Americans was not to your liking. Christ!

Justin A. Martell

In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand at the mongrel dogs who teach! Fearing not that I'd become my enemy in the instant that I preach! My pathway led by confusion boats...mutiny from stern to bow!

Don't fret,

Don't fret, you can't make everyone happy all the time!

keep up the good work with your group!

must you also take our lord's name in vain??

alright that was a joke... :-P

hey I just realized the next line after your sig is "ah but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now" TOUCHÉ!!

you know I used to be kind of conservative between middle school and high school... maybe that's what RZ meant!



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


yeah, that term always sends

yeah, that term always sends up a red flag for me. we should NEVER play into the muslim bashing. that term doesnt even make sense but it sure as hell gets the sheep to be scared, angry and ready for war. and the whole "fighting them over there etc." is one of the most hilarious arguments ive ever heard. if you believe the official story of 9/11, you believe it was 19 guys. so "al qaeda" cant find 19 guys to pull from "over there" to come over here? whats depressing is people actually fall for this stuff in droves.......

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

kind of like Crypto-Jew

that ugly term that Hufschmid is so fond of. hell if you have one side ranting about Islamofascists and Jihadis and the other about Crypto-Jews and Zionazis you can laugh all the way to the bank as long as you sell guns! think about it!



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


exactly. its almost like a

exactly. its almost like a more extreme version of republican V. democrat or right V. left. everyone gets discredited and we stay stuck.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

I'm not saying...

that their anger towards the U.S. is not justified, as we have been the provocateurs, I'm merely acknowledging that these people do exist and could potentially do harm to Americans. Why they exist is relevant, but not in this particular situation involving Ron Paul, Michelle Malkin, and Student Scholars.

Justin A. Martell

In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand at the mongrel dogs who teach! Fearing not that I'd become my enemy in the instant that I preach! My pathway led by confusion boats...mutiny from stern to bow!

hey justin

don't be too thin-skinned! there is definitely a LITTLE something to the blowback argument. that said let's be clear about what we mean by blowback. some have made it out to be the backlash from our policies overseas, i.e. the fact that we piss people off. in fact the term is more specific--it refers to the unintended consequences of a clandestine operation. something you wanted to do secretly in otherwords actually produces an effect that you can't easily explain without acknowledging the covert op.

problem is that the terms terrorists, jihadi, and Islamofascism were invented precisely to create a reality, not to reflect it. people who argue along these lines are basically channeling those relatively modern schools of thought that place a great importance on terms and vocabulary in determining how and what people think. in 1984 for example big brother removes words from usage and simplifies language not just to control what people think, but even what it is POSSIBLE for them to think. If you don't have the words, you can't have the thought. if you want the thought to occur, you have to invent the word. because we live under a system that closely resembles Orwell's dystopia we have to be very careful in the way we express ourselves, and what words we use, when to clarify them, etc. if we are to effectively combat these sophisticated and pervasive psyops.

anyway, good work on the bird-dogging--keep it up!



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


BANG! as usual you put it

BANG! as usual you put it better than i could have.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

the chance of showing you up is a great motivator Chris

sort of kidding... :) i like being challenged--keeps us sharp, which we need to be to cut down the bad guys!



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


oh, its really not that hard

oh, its really not that hard to show me up, so stop patting yourself on the back,haha,jk.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

psst Chris--your straw is showing...

just when I was lookin all good and shit too. damn!



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


yeah, i suck on computers

yeah, i suck on computers but i would insert a picture of Master Shake here if i knew how.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

very rare LOL on this end

dude I meant your straw as in you are my straw man.... but now I've met Master Shake and well... thanks, man.



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


haha, so you've never seen

haha, so you've never seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force huh? dont you remember the little "terrorist scare" that the light up toy caused in Boston?

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

ah yes, i've heard of it and saw it once

that light up toy scheme was disgraceful. funny, but disgraceful. does Master Shake get told his straw is showing a lot? does he always have it sticking out like that?



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


yes, and his super power is

yes, and his super power is to shoot useless goop out of it. that and he treats everyone like shit. dumbest friggin show on tv but i cant stop watching it. but anyway, whats disgraceful about it? you dont think it was simply the government taking advantage of morons fear? they were basically lite-brites man, lighten up,haha.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Real Truther should be called Real Thinker!

Good job RT, as usual.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

shucks bubba your making me blush



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


The thing is, I think you still

are backing my point that some people blasted me for last week for my blog that Blowback and inside job are both true.

You say:

"in fact the term is more specific--it refers to the unintended consequences of a clandestine operation."

That clandestine operation was terrorism-related and asymmetric warfare training through western intelligence services and their underlings from 1979-1989, leaving the U.S. with a 'Frankenstein monster' of its own creation currently known as 'al queda'. It wasn't the intention in 1979 during the start of Cyclone and those operations just to create something that 22 years later would be an entity to blame 9/11 for. By the mid 90s, it was clear that the blowback of 1979 policy was networks of extremists who were angry at the U.S., funded by Saudi and UAE networks, and trained by ISI networks. The response to that blowback was to use those networks as a managed adversary for the American empire (sometimes ally still, like in the Balkans). And that led to using 'al queda' to blame for the 9/11 false flag operation.

I think this is what Tarplay writes about

. . .when a gov't exploits the fact that a pre-existing group already hates the gov't. The gov't engineers a horrible event, sometimes by infiltrating an existing group and merely persuading them to commit more outrageously violent acts, sometimes by more actively funding/assisting the group in their actions, and sometimes by the gov't acting entirely independently of the group to commit a violent terrorist act. But in all cases, the group gets pinned with the guilt.

From what you say about the history of Osama et al., it makes sense for the real perps of 9/11 to infiltrate Al Qaeda, nurture the patsies, help them plan one thing while switching what happens at the last minute. Such activity would have the added benefit of leaving a plausible trail for the FBI/CIA and other international intelligence agencies to document the group's nebulous "plans," provide enough intelligence to prompt those agencies to warn us that "something bad was coming," even though what actually happened had likely no resemblance to whatever the original group of disgruntled individuals were planning.

Food for thought.

we ARE the terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq

you can see that right?



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


I think we are the real terrorists.

The so-called "terrorists" are nothing more than people fighting for their country just like we would do if some foreign power tried to take over the States. Would I be called a terrorist if I was fighting for my country in my own backyard? We need to get out as soon as possible, like yesterday! These thugs are just destroying this once great country from within. For the first time in my life I am ashamed to say I am an American. Thank you George Bush and company. I hope you all burn in hell! I'll shovel the cole.

Shhhhh... RT... didn't you learn in grade school...

that the United States of America can do absolutely no wrong!!!

We are the victim. The world hates our freedoms. Blah fucking blah blah blah.

The "War on Terror" is George Orwell's wet dream.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

not really.......

the words we use are very important whether we are talking 9/11, the war or anything else. we should never use "their" words or let "them" frame the argument. the facts speak for themselves. our soldiers are more police than anything else right now. not really "fighting" anyone so much as standing in the middle of a civil war while taking pot shots from mainly Iraqi citizens but also the rare "terrorist". to say this war is about terrorism, even Afghanistan at this point ignores the facts and plays right into "their" hands. we are policing a civil war. there are "terrorists" in Chechnya right now. shall we go "fight them over there"? its probably about the same amount or possibly more than whats in Iraq. but wait, "al qaeda" is in Iraq right? uh oh. see my point? we have to shape the argument, not them. i didnt vote this post down, this is just constructive criticsm. it pains me to see a 9/11 truth group use a term like "islamofacism" and call Reagan non-interventionalist. please dont take it personal, i love what you guys do.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Digg link...

Student Scholars For 9/11 Truth React To Fox News’ Ron Paul Smear Campaign

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

great article

It's been incredible watching the established "media" try to ruin this Ron Paul - but it bounces off of him like bullets off of superman.

I'm sure they'll try to make him appear to be anti-Semitic at the next debate by asking him questions about U.S. support for Israel - a tactic that will surely backfire on them, like all their other attempts.

If Ron Paul continues to pick up steam as he is doing now, we'll some day soon see an Al-Qaeda audio/video release supporting him for his "desire to retreat and run from the victors!" Then Fox can use "Ron Paul Endorsed by Terrorists" line.

This Ron Paul campaign has been the GREATEST way to weed out the gatekeeper news outlets.
Do a search on's site for "Ron Paul".....around 100 stories. Do one on - ZERO.
Freaking zero.

Watching CNN attempt and fail to beat the guy up has been so refreshing. I've been saying for years that CNN is exactly the same as Fox, just more subtle.

Ron Paul is a patriot. Hearing him address the new legislation that gives Bush the ability to become supreme ruler of the U.S. in the event of a natural catastrophe is chill-inducing.

Here's a great site for videos of Ron Paul:


believes in a Reagan-esque policy of non-intervention,

What?! Do Granada and Nicaragua ring a bell? Before you were born I guess. Look, not to knock youth, but it seems that some truthers, especially the younger ones, really need to spend some time learning some history. Like the Loose Change guys who thought Cheney was secretary of defense under Reagan, and anyone who writes about Ron Paul's foreign policy views comparing them to Reagan's "non-interventionism".

I realize I will be flamed for this, so be it, but I think what's happening here is that 9/11 awakened a lot of people who had no huge interest in history or politics to get informed. That is on its face a very good thing of course. Problem is it seems that nstead of slogging through a lot of different sources to get a complete picture many are relying on sources like Alex Jones to fill in the gaps in their knowledge. Before someone busts a nut around here, understand that there are no shortcuts to knowledge. Unless you want to be a parrot who repeats things others have said, you need to do your own research which means venturing off the beaten path. Don't just read "both sides" of an issue--every issue has multiple sides. Don't assume that all the best material is well known--most often the most widely promoted and publicized views are so precisely because they are either wrong or leave out important facts. Knowledge is not something you happen upon, like a hidden treasure--it's more like savings--you have to build it up over time and it's not always fun or easy to do that!

Those who will predictably accuse me of being an intellectual snob want you to miss the point entirely. They want you to be happy with low standards. They practice the soft bigotry of low expectations. They will accuse me of saying that others are dumb and I am smart so listen to me not them. Of course this is all nonsense. I would no sooner tell you to have faith in my knowledge than in anyone else's. The whole point that is easy to miss is that knowledge and wisdom require critical thinking and constant challenging of yourself. To those who assume that I make these points to show how smart I am again I say get over your insecurities. We all at one point or another had to (and still do frequently) accept and embrace our ignorance as part of the process of learning. There is nothing wrong with being wrong--only with being unable to recognize the fact and learn from it.

It's very easy to find excuses for not doing unpleasant things (like reading boring books). I'm a visual learner myself and routinely fall asleep while reading so don't even start with that one. YES video documentaries are a fun and fast way to learn about issues--I watch them all the time. But they should only be part of your learning diet--you need to read as if you were eating vegetables. Widely and without wishing constantly you were eating cake instead. Finally let me just say that when I was young I thought I was brilliant and that people who advised me to listen to my elders were just looking for ways to put me down. I realize now that I'm in my early thirties that of course one need not listen to ALL of one's elders--some people NEVER learn after all, but I do understand in a way I could not possibly have in my youth the value of life experience. So call me a snob, a jerk, a codger, whatever. I probably would have when I was a kid. And when you're my age just wait! You'll be giving this same lecture, believe me.

Anyway that's it. Make sure to vote me down so I know I reached you! ;)



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


suck off!

Just joking, of course. You give sound advice and it shouldn't be voted down.
The frustration lies in the fact that our side gets the burden of facts while "their" side has the benefit of generics and generalizations and faux patriotism and fear-mongering.

I think you're completely justified and looking out for the student scholars, since critics will act fast to discredit them while warmly embracing something as vague as the "War on Terror" or the existence of freedom-hating "terrorists" with no such requirement of historical accuracy or fact-checking.

Frustrating dilemna.

thanks tired

on the whole I think the student scholars have to be given a TON of credit for their initiative and energy. it's tough love guys, I swear! as frustrating as it is to be held to higher standards than your opponents, remember that that is just going to make you better while they continue to descend to the lowest common denominator.



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


hahaha, i almost fell off of

hahaha, i almost fell off of my chair when i read that line. no offense guys, you do great work, but were your parents big Reagan fans or something? and RT, i can assure you that Alex Jones doesnt call Reagans foreign policy non-interventionist and he actually has a pretty good grasp of history regardless of what conclusions he reaches. i know i know, not this argument again, but hes not all "doomshill" all the time like you think :-)

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

that wasn't a dig at alex per se

so maybe i shouldn't have used him as an example. just about people who latch on to one source and trust it. but yeah, no need to rehash! i'm sure aj knows his history--it's his listeners i worry more about...



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


we can agree there. some of

we can agree there. some of his listeners take him way too seriously. its like i said, i dont always agree with his conclusions and opinions but many of the people that listen to him sure as hell do to a fault.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

NORAD has just reported a flock of flying pigs over our airspace

should we advise them to stand down? they'll be going back home once hell thaws out... :)



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


HA! thats ironic, i used a

HA! thats ironic, i used a similar flying pigs joke the other day when Jon and i agreed on something. now if YOU and Jon would agree i think pigs really will start flying,haha.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

you know i think i did rip you off

cause i remember reading it. and hey, there is plenty that you know who and I agree on. unfortunately there are other things i don't think we will ever agree on, but whatever, that's life.



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


true enough

we all have the same basic goals here anyway. we want the whole truth about 9/11. people can disagree about how to go about getting that truth but i say let the chips fall where they may. the only line of discussion i discourage is DEW and no-planes for obvious reasons. everything else is a plus for us in my opinion. but thats a different argument for another day.....

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Well Said

Myself and many others out there, spend hours researching, and reading about global politics/history. Truth owes no allegiance to any politcal bent, and should be the root cause for all of us. I realise that many people simply do not have the time these days to take a serious look at many of the issues surrounding 9/11 and other matters of domestic/foreign policy. My own personal search (by the name) has taken me particularly to look at "who controls the money"..both in America, Britain, and most of the world. In this world, it is the control of money, that is the control of power. Recommend the film "money masters". The film was made in 1996, and predicts through a quote by David Rockerfeller which appears at 3hr 27min(yes...long film but eye opening), DR says "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the naton will accept the New World Order." The Narrator is making this video, to warn us that the "international bankers" may be creating a new financial crash in which to gain more power, as they have done in the past. Surely it is not too much of a leap of the imagination, to see 9/11 as this "major crisis" to help us accept the New World Order. When looking at these names also, we cannot say that David Rockerfeller is at the top. He owes his money, historically, to the biggest banking name, now led by Lord Jacob Rothschild.


Throughout history Bankers have NEVER been anything more than treasure tenders for the 'Elite'. Somehow I don't think that has or ever will change. I do agree starving the Beast is an effective means to an end of this madness, I just don't see those that feed the Beast as our overall problem.

Thanks for the advice...

However, I am not a conservative, but in listing reasons why so called "conservatives" should be attracted to someone like Ron Paul, I was trying to write from their standpoint. And most of them truly believe that Reagan's policy represents non-intervention. I'm perfectly aware of Operation Agent Fury and profits from Iran-Contra arming guerillas in Nicaragua, and that these actions don't exactly represent a policy of non-intervention. BUT most "conservatives" admire Reagan and are under the delusional impression that his policy was non-intervention. THEREFORE, they should be attracted to a candidate who claims that he want to implement such a policy.

and no, I did not vote you down.

Justin A. Martell

In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand at the mongrel dogs who teach! Fearing not that I'd become my enemy in the instant that I preach! My pathway led by confusion boats...mutiny from stern to bow!

ha, ok

good explanation thanks. I'm all for tailoring words to fit people's notions but do be careful when you do it! sometimes there may be better ways to go about it. While I don't care for Reagan I understand that the conventional (wrong) wsidom is that he is an "old-school conservative" as opposed to a "neo-conservative". And we should most definitely be using that difference to drive a wedge between the groups who enable people like Bush to be elected. We have to be politically divisive in some ways if we want to break the red blue corporate duopoly. the democrats for example have long attracted disaffected minorities who they convince need to band with each other to protect themselves, and then they force them to compromise on all kinds of important issues. what is best for any given minority is in fact to leverage their power of numbers by NOT compromising and handing over support unquestioningly to the "mommy" party. rich people and corporations give money and support to both parties--they know how the system works and so they work it. the democrat umbrella is a huge scam meant to cheat all the people under it. the republicans have an easier time as the only groups they have to please are the rich (give em tax cuts and slash regulations) and the intensely stupid (have OReilly tell them what to think--DEATH TAX BAD!!, e.g.)

oh and another trick of manipulation--tell people that you KNOW they are going to vote you down and even ASK them to. Then they won't, just to disagree with you... :)



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


Actually, Reagan did have that policy

But his CFR-controlled cabinet made sure he did not follow this policy of non-intervention.
I'm not letting Reagan off the hook here, but you can look it up- what Reagan said before he took office was quite different than what he did.

Good thing is that Ron Paul is 10 times the man that Reagan was.

and George W. Bush said he

and George W. Bush said he was "not a nation builder" before he took office. words mean nothing when they come from a politicians mouth. Reagan is a criminal too, not just his cabinet.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA


Like I said, I'm not letting Reagan off the hook.
They're ALL criminals, clinton included.

"Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy."
-Ron Paul

When learning about history...

I always find that reading books is good.

"9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in America" by Webster Tarpley is a good primer for the uninitiated regarding the history of state-sponsored "terrorism" over the last two hundred years leading up to and including 9/11.

Currently reading the Albert Einstein biography by Walter Isaacson. Halfway through it. Highly recommended so far.

"A patriot must be ready to defend his country against his government" - Edward Abbey

VERY inspiring video...

sorry if this has been posted before.

rudi and the jets

rudi rudi and the jeetttts

wonder how the anthrax clean-up business is going for the Ghoul??

must be a prophetic businessman to have an anthrax clean-up company in place before 911??

the jets flew in and rudi flew out with bags of loot and MAYBE a pResidency???

Wonder IF he is planning a return visit to Londontown this summer??

London bridge is falling down my fair lady...

from 911 to 7/7/05 to the presidential run

he is the man to watch

I think Hillary is the man to watch

like a hawk. Rudolf has no chance of winning the republican primary. he's Romney's flak-catcher IMHO. the Ghoul's got more baggage than a Pentagon plane crash... which isn't saying much, I realize. ;)



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


Yep, She attended Bilderberg in 06.

& if you do the research you'll find that EVERY US President, since the Bilderberg Group was conceived, has been anointed by these criminals. sHillary's a lock.

Malkin's flip=flop

Quote - "So did Michelle Malkin forget she wrote this article, or think that no one would be astute enough to find it?"

Didn't you guys watch "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"?

Heh, heh. Just kidding. It is kind of weird tho, how some people go from being "Normal" to "O'Reilly" in just a short time.

My real best guess is that its the greenback syndrome. No mystery there. Hell - for a few hundred grand, I'd do it myself!


I'm looking at an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" poster that's hanging up in my room right now! Makes sense with Malkin though.

Justin A. Martell

In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand at the mongrel dogs who teach! Fearing not that I'd become my enemy in the instant that I preach! My pathway led by confusion boats...mutiny from stern to bow!

don't fall for this cheap trick

her questions were hardly "truther" material. speculating that the government shot down United 93 or that the terrorists had smuggled guns or a bomb on board was not really questioning the OCT, it was embellishing it with speculation wilder than the actual false narrative. in fact this is still a problem in the truth movement when some of the questions raised by truthers inadvertently or not in fact support aspects of the OCT that otherwise are totally unsubstantiated, like questioning aspects of the hijackers and hijackings for which there is no convincing evidence whatsoever.



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


Still, better than asking no questions at all,

let alone attacking those who do raise questions.

To treat what really happened re flight 93 and the scene at Shanksville as still unresolved is definitely not in the interests of the OCT, with its cherished 'let's roll' account. There may be some who rejected the entire official version of 9/11 from the day of, but for most of us, I think, it was more a gradual process of questioning certain things and more or less accepting others, at least provisionally, until our suspicions (with reason) grew to take in more and more parts of the OCT. Even while accepting the essence of the official story and the 'war on terror' ideology, someone like Malkin could still see glaring gaps in this account, and that the media were generally ignoring these gaps. My guess is that at some point Malkin realized that the official version was so flawed, it and the entire reactionary and militarist agenda supported by it (and by her) could come unraveled if such questioning was pursued, even if initially without any hint of 'inside job' suspicions.

Moreover, while I too can get annoyed when people refer uncritcally to 'the terrorists' and 'the hijackers,' it doesn't follow that all questions concerning such alleged perps necessarily reinforce the official story--to the contrary, finding flaws in the cover story is important for discovering that it is indeed just a cover story, and exposing it as such. One might not have inside job suspicions, but once you start asking re the alleged perps, who were they? whom were they in contact with? what was their relation to U.S. military and intelligence? how were their movements facilitated, by whom, and WHY? then the process of scraping away the cover story to reveal what's underneath can progress (though the power of denial still maddenly prevents many from going beyond this point). The Able Danger revelations, for example, Webster Tarpley has argued actually fit very well within a MIHOP framework, contrary to those who dismissed them as another LIHOP distraction.

I see no reason why a similar approach couldn't be taken to the Katherine Smith story referred to in Malkin's piece:

'Who murdered Katherine Smith, and why? Smith was the Tennessee state license examiner who had been implicated last month in a phony ID scam involving a group of shady Middle Eastern men from New York City. Investigators say there are "connections" between the ring and the Sept. 11 terrorists; one of them had a repair pass in his possession that gave him access to the lower levels of the World Trade Center basement. It was dated Sept. 5.

'A day before Smith was to appear in court over the matter, she died in a bizarre and fiery crash inside a car registered to one of her Middle Eastern co-defendants. Smith was burned beyond recognition; her arms and legs disintegrated in the flames. Yet, her car was traveling barely over 20 mph when it hit a utility pole and damage to the vehicle was minimal. This week, the Tennessee Highway Patrol concluded definitively that her "death was not the result of the crash itself. Her death was by other means." Is this the vengeful work of al Qaeda killers still on the loose?'

One can consider these details without Malkin's concluding question, substituting instead something like, 'was it done to prevent exposure of just who these "shady Middle Eastern men" and their associates and handlers really were?'

(By the way, I find the part about the 'repair pass' to be particularly intriguing. Does it indicate an attempt at laying the groundwork for another cover story in the event that controlled demolition at the WTC couldn't be denied any longer?)

Neither was it in the interests of the OCT and the agenda which it serves for her to have called attention, at the end of her article, to the still-unsolved anthrax episodes. In March 2002 she apparently hadn't yet realized that such honest questioning simply will not do; that in order to be maintained, the OCT demands absolute deaf-dumb-and-blind adherence; and that, beyond not raising such questions oneself, defenders of the OCT must always be prepared to vilify those who do raise them. She has learned, and responded accordingly.

the problem

it doesn't follow that all questions concerning such alleged perps necessarily reinforce the official story

rm, is that some people in the movement do lean towards believing the planes were actually hijacked by these guys, which is by definition an acceptance of an aspect of the official conspiracy theory. That would be fine if it was an aspect of the OCT with evidence to back it up. Because of this reality, and the obvious injustices that have already been meted out to arab muslims based on the unfounded allegations against bin Laden, the responsible thing is to simply use clear language. People who post thing need to understand that if they leave room for unhelpful and/or erroneous interpretations they will be called to account. The reactions I've seen when this is done are not encouraging--people act as if it's a lot to ask to be clear about what is proven and unproven, what is fact and what is speculation.



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force