Social Studies Lesson on Critical Thinking (with 9/11)

High School Social Studies Lesson on Critical Thinking

This lesson includes 9/11 counter-government information that was designed by a National Board Certified Social Studies teacher. The lesson’s tone should satisfy even Bill O’Reilly, while the substance communicates essential 9/11 facts. Please feel free to comment if you feel different material would more effectively address the facts. The subject of the lesson is to develop students’ critical thinking skills rather than the topics of the lesson’s three components because critical thinking is expressly supported by state-authorized curriculum standards and the 9/11 “truth movement” is not. Some of my colleagues have expressed concern with teaching 9/11 counter-government information to high school students with reasoned conservatism: until “enough” peer-reviewed papers from historians and credentialed experts in scientific fields have been published in leading academic journals, then even if the counter-government theories make perfect sense to us we should not teach them as credible because social studies teachers don’t have the expertise nor curricular authority to do so. The lesson’s designer expresses passion for each of us to use critical thinking skills to research each of the three components of the lesson, and not brush any aside because of a priori prejudice such as, “Surely such information could not be true,” or ad hominem illogic as, “Only nut-cases believe this.” Please feel free to use portions or this entire lesson as you choose. The format of the lesson is cleaner with the links as footnotes; however, this site doesn't support this formatting. If you're going to share the lesson, I'd suggest reformatting with the links as footnotes for a more professional reading of the information.

Critical Thinking Skills Assignments
“Critical thinking is an on-going concern with the problems inherent in human thinking. It leads to the historical art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it. It includes, but is not exhausted by the mental process of analyzing or evaluating information, particularly statements or propositions that people have offered as true. It includes, but is not limited to, a process of reflecting upon the meaning of statements, examining the offered evidence and reasoning, and forming judgments about the facts.” - Wikipedia entry on Critical Thinking

“The critical habit of thought, if usual in society, will pervade all its mores, because it is a way of taking up the problems of life. Men educated in it cannot be stampeded by stump orators ... They are slow to believe. They can hold things as possible or probable in all degrees, without certainty and without pain. They can wait for evidence and weigh evidence, uninfluenced by the emphasis or confidence with which assertions are made on one side or the other. They can resist appeals to their dearest prejudices and all kinds of cajolery. Education in the critical faculty is the only education of which it can be truly said that it makes good citizens.” - William Sumner, former Chair of the Political and Social Science Department, Yale University

“This Framework proposes that critical thinking skills be taught at every grade level. Students should learn to detect bias in print and visual media; to recognize illogical thinking; to guard against propaganda; to avoid stereotyping of group members; to reach conclusions based on solid evidence; and to think critically, creatively and rationally. These skills are to be taught in a context of a curriculum that offers numerous opportunities to explore examples of sound reasoning and examples of the opposite.” History – Social Studies Framework for California Public Schools, pg. 8.
( ).

This is an information paper for parents and students about three assignments on critical thinking skills. We’ll work on each of the three separately as students’ progress and success in our curriculum allow. The assignments examine the most widely believed “conspiracy theories” of the American public. Each theory claims that the United States government is covering-up crucial information and/or complicit in:
• the assassination of President Kennedy,
• the attacks on the US on 9/11,
• the presence of UFOs.

These assignments are important because part of the purpose of a high school social studies education is to produce effective citizens. If our young adults have pervasive and strong beliefs that hinder their participation or cause them to fundamentally question the morals and ethics of our government, these beliefs must be addressed. In each of these assignments, I will challenge the critical thinking skills of all positions without presenting my own analyses. I will encourage students to demonstrate three skills in our conversations and assessments:
1. Discern fact from spin. Facts are measurable, independently verifiable, and consistent with principles of science. Spin is an opinion that may or may not closely conform to factual analysis.
2. Participate in civil conversations based on facts. I will reference social studies skills from the art of argumentation on civil procedure and how students can identify and destroy spin that is not based on fact. In order for students to disagree with a position, they must first accurately state it as a requirement to disagree.
3. Engage in policy decisions. From whatever conclusions people make, conversation leads towards what people should do about issues. As always, I encourage students to participate with issues that are important to them. What is “important” is an individual choice.

Parents and students are welcome to participate in the presentation of information. Please contact me if there is information you consider important that I do not list in my sources below or if you’d like to present information. As always, parents are welcome to attend any class. As always, I encourage parents and children to discuss and research issues they find important. Feel free to contact me if I can be of service to your learning; I have reviewed about ten times the resources that I’ll present in the lessons.

Assassination of President Kennedy: Polls indicate that two-thirds to three-fourths of Americans believe that the US government is covering up key information about President Kennedy’s assassination, and/or that elements within our government were participants (these polls include ABC, CBS, FOX, PBS: , ,,2933,102511,00.html , ).
For the government’s position, I’ll present the purpose and conclusions of the Warren Commission Report (Wikipedia: ) and show portions of the DVD, “ABC News Presents the Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy” (2003 UR) ( reviews: ). For the government conspiracy position of each assignment, there are more sources of information than for the government’s arguments. This is not a slanted presentation, but typical of legal arguments where the prosecution attempts to refute the defendant’s testimony and introduce evidence beyond the defendant’s explanation. This typically takes more time. I’ll show portions of the DVD, “JFK: A Case for Conspiracy” (2003 UR) by Robert Groden ( reviews: ), a DVD by Jim Marrs (author of Crossfire, the most sold book on the topic) titled “Proof” (2002 UR) ( reviews: , and Wikipedia: ), and the DVD, “JFK II: The Bush Connection” by John Hankey (2003 UR) ( reviews: , Trailer available at: . You may also watch on-line at YouTube and Google Video).

After the presentations of both positions’ arguments and class discussions, students will have a choice of assessments. One is a test where I’ll assign five of the following short-answer questions. We will discuss these questions and answers, and students will have opportunity to take notes:
1. Explain the Warren Commission’s purpose and conclusions. Explain two criticisms of this report.
2. Explain the ABC News’ argument that supports the Warren Commission findings. Explain a criticism against this argument.
3. Explain two details of the photographic and/or film evidence that challenge the Warren Commission findings. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.
4. Explain two details of the circumstantial evidence that support US government involvement in the assassination. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.
5. Explain two details of Lee Oswald’s life that challenge the Warren Commission findings. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.
6. Explain two details of the argument that elements within the US government would benefit from the assassination of JFK. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.

Students may also choose to respond to the following essay topic:
Explain how JFK was assassinated using at least three details of independently verifiable evidence. Choose the opponent’s strongest argument and refute it.

Students may create their own essay topic, give a talk to the class, give a PowerPoint presentation, or create some other project (see me for my approval). The essay and other alternate assessments are due within one week of the written test. Students may do more than one assessment for extra credit.

9/11: Conspiracy of Terrorists or an Inside Job? In three national polls from 2006, about one-third of Americans reported that 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government in order to justify imperial war in the Middle East (Scripps poll: , New York Times/CBS poll: , and Zogby:, while up to 84% state that our government is at least covering-up key elements of what happened. A CNN poll topped out at 90% reporting that our government is covering-up elements of 9/11 (poll results archived here: In a 2004 Zogby poll, half of the residents of New York City reported that our government at least knew of the attacks and consciously did not prevent them, and two-thirds want a new and independent investigation (Zogby: This “9/11 Truth Movement” is growing: over 200 people with impressive professional backgrounds in intelligence, military, government, and Ph.D credentials refute the official explanations (Patriots Question 9/11:, and although I’ve not seen any polling data, this belief seems strongest with younger populations.

For background, I’ll show portions of “CNN Tribute - America Remembers” ( reviews: I’ll explain the purpose and conclusions of the 9/11 Commission. In support of the government explanation, I’ll show portions of the DVD from NOVA, “Why the Towers Fell” ( reviews:, and we’ll consider and discuss MIT Professor Thomas Eagar’s paper on the topic (: and with criticism: For the government “inside job” argument, we’ll see the DVD, “Loose Change 2nd Edition” (Loose Change website where you can view the film:, consider and discuss Dr. David Ray Griffin’s paper (The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot be True: , and Amazon reviews of his latest book:, review a website with photographic evidence from Shanksville, PA (Hunt the Boeing:, review a website with photographic evidence and testimony for the Pentagon (Pentagon Strike:, and review the flight recorder data from flight AA77 into the Pentagon (Pilots for 9/11 Truth:

After the presentations of both positions’ arguments and class discussions, students will have a choice of assessments. One is a test where I’ll assign five of the following short-answer questions. We will discuss these questions and answers, and students will have opportunity to take notes:
1. Explain the 9/11 Commission’s purpose and conclusion. Explain two criticisms of this report.
2. Explain the 9/11 Commission version of why the three WTC buildings collapsed. Explain a criticism against this argument.
3. Explain two details of the photographic and/or film evidence that challenge the 9/11 Commission findings. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.
4. Explain two details of the circumstantial evidence that support US government involvement in the attacks. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.
5. Explain two details of the individual terrorists, Al Qaeda, and/or Osama bin Laden that challenge the 9/11 Commission findings. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.
6. Explain two details of the argument that elements within the US government had the means, motive, and opportunity to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.

Students may also choose to respond to the following essay topic:
Explain how the 9/11 attacks happened with at least three details of independently verifiable evidence. Choose the opponent’s strongest argument and refute it.

Students may create their own essay topic, give a talk to the class, give a PowerPoint presentation, or create some other project (see me for my approval). The essay and other alternate assessments are due within one week of the written test. Students may do more than one assessment for extra credit.

UFOs: Real or Hoax? Polls indicate that 50-80% of people believe in the existence of UFOs (UFO Evidence: , and CNN: The government’s explanation is simple: there is no credible evidence for the existence of UFOs. We’ll see a historical review of evidence from the DVD, “UFO: The Greatest History Ever Denied” ( , online viewing at Google Video and YouTube). We’ll consider testimony of people with credible backgrounds (UFO Evidence: , and NetSciencia:, including the Disclosure Project (The Disclosure Project:, with over 400 government, military and intelligence community witnesses. These witnesses report that our government is hiding technology that generates “free” energy that is completely non-polluting. We’ll also look at Crop Circles (Crop Circle Connector:, UFOs in artwork throughout past centuries (Ancient Astronauts. Ellie Crystal’s Metaphysical and Science website. , , and UFO Evidence: A Primer: UFOs Throughout History:, and architectural mysteries from antiquity (Jupiter’s Temple, Baalbeck, Lebanon. Jiri Mruzek. , and Universal Seduction:

After the presentations of both positions’ arguments and class discussions, students will have a choice of assessments. One is a test where I’ll assign the following short-answer questions. We will discuss these questions and answers, and students will have opportunity to take notes:
1. Explain the US government’s position on the existence of UFOs. Explain two criticisms of the government’s position.
2. Explain why the government has refused Congressional hearings for the Disclosure Project. Explain the opponent’s reason.
3. Explain three examples of testimony that affirm the existence of UFOs. Explain a criticism against the validity of this testimony.
4. Explain two details of the photographic and/or film evidence that challenge the government’s findings. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.
5. Explain two details of the argument that elements within the US government have the means, motive, and opportunity to cover-up the existence of UFOs. Explain a criticism against each of the two details.

Students may also choose to respond to the following essay topic:
Explain the existence or non-existence of UFOs with at least three details of evidence. Choose the opponent’s strongest argument and refute it.

Students may create their own essay topic, give a talk to the class, give a PowerPoint presentation, or create some other project (see me for my approval). The essay and other alternate assessments are due within one week of the written test. Students may do more than one assessment for extra credit.

In outline form, this looks

In outline form, this looks pretty good for HS students.

I think you should use DR Griffin's "Debunking 9/11 Debunking," as this volume has the most recent 9/11 Truth arguments.

I also think that it is crucial to impress on young students the importance of the fundamental logical principles "burden of proof" and "explain all of the evidence." Add to this the imperative that all scientific inquiry must start with the evidence/facts and derive theory from these (not the other way around).

If a theory is produced in this way, it should be able to explain ALL relevant facts and observations. If it cannot explain them all, it has not met its "burden of proof" and therefore is a poorly formed theory. A theory will be weakened to the same degree as the seriousness of the facts it fails to explain.
If a theory is very seriously weakened, it cannot be considered credible and a new one must be looked for.

With this basic line of thought, we examine the 9/11 official story and notice that:
The theory came first and facts were chosen to fit it.
It does not explain all of the facts--collapse speeds, etc.
It contains very serious anomalies--uniform collapses, weakened steel frames due to intense heat and yet the windows were not blown out, etc.
It contains a great deal of "evidence" that is STILL being held in secret--black boxes, the airplanes (especially #93), contents of Atta' suitcase, videos and photos, etc.
It avoids mentioning an ENORMOUS amount of destroyed evidence--WTC steel and debris, Able Danger (2.3 terabytes), etc.

Notice that we find many of the same general features with the JFK Warren Commission official story:
The theory came first and facts were chosen to fit it.
It does not explain all of the facts--gunsmoke and shots on the grassy knoll, numerous eye-witness accounts, etc.
It contains very serious anomalies--Oswald's gun could not possibly have been fired that quickly (not to mention accurately), a long bio of Oswald appeared in a New Zealand paper BEFORE the police in Dallas had positively identified Oswald, etc.
It contains a great deal of "evidence" that is STILL being held in secret--sealed for fifty years in 1978 (better double-check that), Oswald's CIA background, etc.
Evidence that was kept secret--especially the Zapruder film
It avoids mentioning an goodly amount of destroyed evidence--JFK autopsy photos, his brain, etc.

Viewed critically, both of these official stories contain obvious and very serious anomalies. Neither has met its burden of proof and both have strong evidence indicating much more credible explanations.

Thank you for the comments.

Thank you for the comments. The evidence in this case does speak for itself when it's presented clearly. And those who would argue against the evidence do indeed have the burden of proof to first accurately state what they disagree with (at least in my class) and then explain why those ideas fail to support their hypothesis. The scientific principle of having the facts support a hypothesis is central, as well as faulty hypothesis being discarded should the facts falsify them.
"Humanity is moving ever deeper into crisis-a crisis without precedent.
First, it is a crisis brought about by cosmic evolution irrevocably intent upon completely transforming omni-disintegrated humanity from a complex of around-the-world, remotely-deplo

Dumbed Down Empire

There's a very real possibility that you could be fired for doing any of the above.

The climate in the "land of the free home of the brave" is anti-intellectual and reactionary. It mostly has been, but now it is undeniable and witch hunts are progressing.

Other teachers have been fired for much less affront to the sensibilities of the fascist mindset.

That's a form of mind control. By getting people to self-censor, and therefore to not influence others, such as students, a generalized mass mind control is defacto the norm.

Don't count on Oreilly leaving you alone either. Hannity and Colmes brought on truthers on the suspicion that they might be teaching 9/11 to college level students.

So, we have a dumbed down populace that is ripe for the state sponsored false flag terror that has befallen us. Not enough people question the government, or know anything about past atrocities for them to worry about it. This dumbed down unquestioning populace makes the likelihood of further attacks (by their own government's operatives as well as other governments working in collusion with them, such as Israel) more likely.

That's the real tragedy. America is toppling, and it's a complex set of reasons that this is happening, but there isn't much that can be done to turn it around because it is so all pervasive and comprehensive.

That's why they can blow up three massive skyscrapers in broad daylight, in front of the world's press, and tell you you're crazy for believing your own eyes. I'm not sure it gets more fucked than that.

Good luck. You'll need it.

70 Disturbing Facts About 9/11

John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State Blog

johndoraemi --at--

Some fights you just have to

Some fights you just have to fight. I'll do my best. I appreciate your comments and well wishes.