Previously unreleased Tarpley speech, Lee Hamilton vs. UGA Truth Squad, and other 9/11 Truth resources.

Hey y'all,

Here are three 9/11 Truth resources that you probably haven't seen before. Enjoy!

1. Webster Tarpley's Sunday Sermon to the 9/11 Truth Movement - 1/28/2007
This speech was given to activists who gathered in solidarity with the peace movement for the United for Peace and Justice March earlier this year. The audio was recorded at a breakfast presented by D.C. 9/11 Truth. Special thanks to the folks at DC 9/11 Truth for putting the event together and for booking Web and Craig Hill.

2. Out There Radio - Episode 37: "What is Truth?" - 2/12/2007
This is a 2 hour episode of the talk show I do for WUOG in Athens, GA. This material was recorded the same weekend as the Tarpley speech. Included are interviews with Truthers at the UPJ March and a half hour speech by Craig Hill, (MIHOP) Green Party Candidate from Vermont. If you like what you hear, check out our web site at or subscribe to the podcast in the itunes directory.

3. UGA Truth Squad vs. Lee Hamilton - 3/27/2007

What do you think?

Current News: Ray McGovern

Current News:

Ray McGovern was just on Tucker Carlson (moments ago) and stated that he has evidence that the pre-war Italian memo's leading up to the Iraq War were forged at the request of the VP.

Tucker pressed him for the proof and he stated he would not discuss at this time, but that the individuals names are in the public domain.


Physics/Science/Mathematics do not lie, only people do.
9/11 was an INSIDE JOB

Michael Ladeen? The


Ledeen and a couple close cohorts, I think Chalabi was involved as well.

News editor at The Watchman Report,, delivering 9/11 truth to the Christian community

Everyone should

listen to Tarpley's talk. Lee Hamilton is a snake, but I can see why they chose him for the 911 cOmmission, he actually believes what he says.

Physics/Science/Mathematics do not lie, only people do.
9/11 was an INSIDE JOB

not to mention he has a long

not to mention he has a long career of covering powerful peoples/interests asses. he was the chairman of team that "looked into" Iran-Contra.

George Bush Jr. has

George Bush Jr. has appointed numerous felons and others from the Iran Contra scandal to prominent positions in his current administration. He has suspiciously appointed Iran-contra insider, Lee Hamilton, to head the 9-11 investigation after a failed attempt to appoint wanted war criminal Henry Kissinger.

"......former Congressman

"......former Congressman Lee Hamilton, chairman of the House select committee investigating the Iran-contra affair, was shown ample evidence against Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, but he did not probe their wrongdoing. Why did Hamilton choose not to investigate? In a late 1980s interview aired on PBS 'Frontline,' Hamilton said that he did not think it would have been 'good for the country' to put the public through another impeachment trial. In Lee Hamilton's view, it was better to keep the public in the dark than to bring to light another Watergate, with all the implied ramifications. When Hamilton was chairman of the House committee investigating Iran-contra, he took the word of senior Reagan administration officials when they claimed Bush and Reagan were 'out of the loop.' Independent counsel Lawrence Walsh and White House records later proved that Reagan and Bush had been very much in the loop. If Hamilton had looked into the matter instead of accepting the Reagan administration's word, the congressional investigation would have shown the public the truth. Hamilton later said he should not have believed the Reagan officials.