Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Joel Skousen

Visibility 9-11 welcomes to the program Joel Skousen, author of several books and publisher of the World Affairs Brief. The World Affairs Brief is a weekly news analysis service dedicated to providing an understanding of the hidden agendas behind the actions of the world leaders and other powerful individuals who influence government from behind the scenes.

Joel Skousen is a political scientist, by training, specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, and is also a designer of high security residences and retreats. He has designed Self-sufficient and High Security homes throughout North America, and has consulted in Central America as well. His latest book in this field is Strategic Relocation--North American Guide to Safe Places, and is active in consulting with persons who need to relocate for security and increased self-sufficiency. He also assists people who need to live near a large city to develop contingency retreat plans involving rural farm or recreation property.

Joel keeps and maintains a section at the front page of his website which deals with major government crimes and their subsequent cover-up and includes articles on the OKC bombing, JFK, Martin Luther King, Waco, and September 11th.

Music in this episode provided by Phillip Morris.

Listen here.

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