NeoConservative Manifesto

This is an interesting short video — "The NeoConservative Manifesto".

Very well done, by Barry from

Also mirrored for posterity here:

This is a great video. They

This is a great video. They showed it in one of my film classes.

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Here's a similar one

about surveillance, probably inspired by the PNAC one.

interns < internets

Yeah, but....

....9/11 wasn't the "pretext", it was the "tool" for all that followed....

As we all know.

Stylish clip, though.

more on PNAC

A lot of people know about PNAC, but very few people have taken a hard look at its origins. PNAC was a spin off from the American Enterprise Institute, and 100% of the members are Zionists. People have also gotten confused between the actual authors and people who just signed their letters. Rumsfeld for example is not part of the special in-group as its chairman William Kristol revealed, ironically on the Colbert report. PNAC was co-authored by the same people who have been caught lying about the Iraq War's pre-invasion intelligence. We are talking about only around 28 people who helped fabricate evidence and pass it off to the president and journalists (and in some cases fake journalists like Gannon). PNAC's ideas and statements stem from Israeli policy papers. And PNAC's papers are comprised by Israeli citizens who are connected to every major Zionists group on earth.

In fact, PNAC's papers were written by the very same people who wrote Israeli policy papers and hold dual citizenship with Israel. The war in Iraq and control over energy resources ect is all lined out in Israel's A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" which was written by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. That is just one of many papers this little blood for money cabal cranked out. The IASPS (Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Science) also wrote a paper called the Afghan Vortex a year before the invasion. Note also that the US had ships already in place set to invade before 911.
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you."Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil 89 (1886).

Show "More anti-semitic clap-trap" by doughnut


doughnut. that's a compelling counterpoint you offer...(yawn).

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you."Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil 89 (1886).

You strengthen my point

You strengthen my point by attacking me instead of speaking to the points I make.

Typical of your ilk.

Your extreme ignorance does not behoove you.

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief Correspondent

"When the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box."

9/11 Truth is the Path to Peace

überParanoid anti-semitic crap


überParanoid anti-semitic crap espoused by the likes of you is hurting the 9/11 Truth and Justice Movement, but most people see it for what it is

so vote away

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief Correspondent

"When the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box."

9/11 Truth is the Path to Peace