Rodriguez/Barrett Midwest Tour Launched

William Rodriguez and Kevin Barrett will be the featured duo at the upcoming 9/11 Midwest Speaking Tour.

WHO: William Rodriguez, world-famous 9/11 rescue hero and the last man out of the North Tower, will be the featured speaker for the September 11th Midwest Speaking Tour. Rodriguez saved countless lives on 9/11, and sprinted out of the building to dive under a fire truck as the Tower came down. He has electrified audiences in Europe, Asia, and South America with his message of heroism and uncompromising truth. You can hear him live and in person on the weekend of April 19 – 21, 2007. For more information on Mr. Rodriguez, go to

William Rodriguez decided to interrupt his worldwide speaking tours and come to the Midwest to defend Dr. Kevin Barrett against cheap shots by local Republicans. Dr. Barrett, co-founder of MUJCA.COM will be discussing his new book Truth Jihad as well as 9/11 and American Empire, Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out.


Ann Arbor, MI – Saturday, 4/7, Michigan League, 911 N. University, 2-5 pm -

Chicago, IL - Thursday, 4/19 at the Portage Park Theater, 4050 N. Milwaukee Ave, 6 pm

Eau Claire, WI - Friday, 4/20, 7 p.m., Schofield Auditorium, U.W.-Eau Claire

Madison, WI – Saturday, 4/21, U.W. campus location and time TBA


Please come and bring a friend. Help support and spread the truth of September 11th. PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY!


As long as Fetzer doesn’t

As long as Fetzer doesn’t tag along I’m sure that’ll be a roaring success!

This is great news

William Rodriguez 's passion and Kevin Barrett's meat cleaver intellect should make an outstanding one-two punch!

Sorry for the off topic but

Sorry for the off topic but Diggs and comment votes needed here;

Keep Rosie on Air!! Sign This Petition!!

Good luck...

Willie and Kevin.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton