George Tenet's New Book

George Tenet has a new book coming out. Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting him to 'out' anybody for their guilt of 9/11, but I am optimistic for 2 reasons...

#1. Who knows for sure, but there was apparently a lot of animosity between Tenet and the White House in the aftermath of the WMD scandals.

#2. Every time anyone talks about 9/11, we are receding new information. Whether it’s true or false, I’m happy to hear what he has to say, and who knows where the most innocuous snippet may lead with thorough research.

Remember, in the latest Woodward book, Tenet had told Woodward about that late night meeting with Condi in which he was basically blown off. It’s possible that Tenet and his Medal of Freedom have been quietly planning revenge against those he thinks turned on him in the White House.

New 9/11 information comes in infrequently that I’m just an addict for more information. And I’m about due for another fix.

My first diary. It's light on substance, I know, but it's just meant as a quick heads up.

Tenet lied to Congress

CIA headquarters received a cable in early March 2000 saying that Nawaf Alhazmi had entered the US. Tenet insisted to Congress that nobody at headquarters read the cable: "I know nobody read that cable." However, a small declassified section of the CIA OIG report released at the Moussaoui trial showed that numerous CIA officers had, in fact, read the document and other documents related to Khalid Almihdhar's impending arrival in the US. So Tenet lied to Congress, and Congress turned round and gave him a medal for it. This is enough to put Tenet in jail.

You want the entry at the bottom

I certainly hope he addresses this issue in his book. And perhaps he will also tell us something about the CIA's penetration of the visa-issuing section at the US consulate in Jeddah, where one consular official issued the hijackers with no less than eleven visas.