New Movie: The Reflecting Pool

One of the biggest challenges of the 9/11 Truth Movement has been to get the basic facts about 9/11 into the mainstream media or general consciousness. People who go to see documentaries are vastly fewer in number than those who seek entertainment and distraction. Since I became an activist, only after seeing a film which disturbed me (JFK) and doing some research on the CIA, I have always thought that films are one of the best tools to raise awareness, and we have continually tried to produce better and better films- mainly documentaries. Late last night, Chris Emery, who made a film about the Oklahoma City bombing, sent me a link to a trailer for a new 9/11 film, which is not a documentary-

G.B. Shaw



An investigation of the 9/11 events by a Russian-American journalist and a father of a 9/11 victim implicates the US government in the attacks.

ALEX PROKOP (JK Baltazar), a successful journalist, receives a rare 9/11 video tape revealing missile-like bursts of light on the hijacked planes as they hit the Twin Towers. The footage was sent by PAUL COOPER (Joseph Culp), a driven researcher, whose daughter died on 9/11. Sensing a good story, Prokop travels with Cooper to New York and Washington, DC, where they uncover suppressed information implicating the US Government in the attacks. As Cooper introduces Prokop to key eye-witnesses, the façade of the "official story" begins to crumble. Prokop hears accounts of underground explosions in the Twin Towers moments before their collapse, and learns of mysterious "engineers” who rendered the WTC security systems inoperative the weekend before 9/11. To his astonishment, he discovers that the firm providing WTC security was run by immediate family members of the President.

We follow Alex and Cooper as they investigate the inexplicable collapse of the 47-story WTC Building Seven, disprove the implausible airliner "attack" on the Pentagon, and uncover the illegal destruction of physical evidence from Ground Zero.

The pressure builds as the FBI intimidates Alex's editor, McGUIRE, (Lisa Black) to reveal key sources – while the magazine's corporate investors threaten to kill the entire story. Plagued by the ghosts of his Communist childhood and trying to uphold the independence of American journalism, Alex's search for the truth leads to a dangerous and shocking realization! THE REFLECTING POOL is an intense, sobering investigation into the most controversial tragedy of our time. Drawn from established sources and based on verifiable facts, THE REFLECTING POOL is a thought-provoking study of a search for truth and the profound consequences of not looking for it any further than the nightly news.

There's a trailer on the main website and on YouTube- [].

I hope the film gets wide distribution and think we all should do what we can to help promote it.

This movie....

...looks very promising...

Is it done? When will it be released? How can we contact the producers?

I didn't find this information at their website.

(BTW, the "b" needs to be taken out of the movie's URL in the post above)

Trailer looks excellent

Thanks Carol for bringing this to our attention. I hadn't heard of this film. And, it looks like it's professionally done as a drama, not a documentary, so therefore more gripping for the general audience. Hopefully, the entire movie is as good as the trailer. I'm excited by what I've seen!

correct weblink

Ooops! The link should be

Carol Brouillet

Movie Trailer Link

And this should be an active link:

excellent idea!

When you get a chance, you might want to fix the links in the blog entry and make them clicable.

I am wondering how I could help those people... Definitely an initiative worth helping and promoting.

Boris Epstein

Fuckin' Eh!

This is great news! Can't wait for it to come out. And Loose Change too. Yippie!
The tide has begun to turn. Remember, remember, the eleventh of September!


I saw the film when the filmmakers came to Oakland and I did have to get up and comment on it since this film mainly highlights flashes, missiles, pods, and no Boeings, claims well debunked and years old ( ). Additionally, it does not touch on our strongest evidence at all except for B7, and makes the common 6 walls error on the Pentagon (, among others.

I was glad to be able to talk to the filmmaker, who seemed well intentioned and quickly admitted that the research is now at least 2 years old. But he also seemed not to be aware that scientific organizations based on researching the 9/11 evidence do exist. He believed that the answers to questions like the flashes, "cannot be known," yet Ken Jenkins has an excellent simple physics explanation for them which brushes aside the need for claims about missiles, lasers and pods, ideas that make average people think we're nutty.

I mentioned several organizations now exist which he could refer people to which do take a look at the evidence using the scientific method,, and He said that their website has links, but when I looked, the links go to a group of sites which include letsroll911, serendipity, and at least one dead link.

Months later, no links have changed. is not there, and the old scholars page is. Obviously they still are not interested in the evidence since they are linking to letsroll911, the main pod site on the internet.

Is a disinfo web site ?

Bonsoir ,

much appreciated your entry and followed up the link to "the common 6 walls error"
and found Interesting the information on the six walls. Has improved my knowledge on this issue. Will have to look more into it before taking a stand point. Howerver had a quick look around and have a strong feeling tha this web site is spreading disinfo.
Looked up to see if others have the same idea and found

Yours John

Of course you have to make

Of course you have to make your own judgement call on this, but I think John you're the victim of disinfo.
I believe and are much more credible in terms of rigorous research and rational analysis than discusses Dissembling Websites including

Today 4th of November. Has anyone a downloadable copy of film?

Herblay FRANCE
Sunday 4th November 2007

Bonjour ,

We are the 4th of November has anyone a downloadable copy of this film ?

