9/11 remains possibly used on roads: court papers

Source: Reuters

By Edith Honan2 hours, 30 minutes ago

Debris that may have contained bits of bone from victims of the World Trade Center attacks was used to fill potholes and pave city roads, according to court papers filed on Friday.

The charge was made in an affidavit filed in Manhattan federal court in an ongoing case filed in 2005 by family members of those killed in the attacks against the city. They say the city did not do enough to search for remains, denying victims a proper burial.

Eric Beck, a construction worker employed at the Fresh Kills landfill in the borough of Staten Island, where the rubble was taken after the Twin Towers fell, said in his affidavit that the process of sifting through the debris was rushed.

Beck said he saw sanitation workers removing small pieces of debris containing possible bone fragments and loading them "onto tractors, and using it to pave roads and fill in potholes, dips and ruts."

Kimberly Miu, a spokeswoman for the city's legal office, declined to comment on the latest filing, saying it would be inappropriate to talk about a pending motion.

The WTC Families for Proper Burial, the group that filed the suit, has also battled the city over how to honor the 2,749 people who died in the attacks on the Twin Towers.

Some relatives of victims have opposed any effort to rebuild on Ground Zero, calling it sacred ground and saying it would disrespect those who perished there.

Construction of the planned memorial and skyscraper has repeatedly been delayed, in part due to concerns expressed by victims' families.

The remains of about 40 percent of the victims were never recovered, and hundreds of bone fragments have been discovered in and around Ground Zero in the last six months, the lawsuit says.


Dishonoring the family members?

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

Hannity and Colmes

address 9/11 conspiracy issue tonight.

Worried at FOX? One pundit argues Sheen has 1st amendment rights that should be respected. Hannity can't understand why Cuban would fund film. Truth ahead to all.

BIG NEWS???!!!!!

Pretty AMAZING NYPD radio transmissions.

"Remote Controlled Planes?"


The truck with a plane flying into nyc is just like the FEMA posters!! Their truck exploded to cover up what they were doing in it! Am I crazy or does this sound right?!?!?!? FEMA remotely controlled the 1st Jet in!
That needs to be front page NOW! That is so damning!!. The van was around this location for folks to see on google:
74° 0'15.95"W 40°43'40.08"N
Plug that in and hit enter.

I love our firefighters!!! At about 2:01 you can hear one of em saying "..listen you better beat the f**king s!!t out of 'em!" it sounds like some one getting hit by metal in the background!

How could the media not report about that truck bomb or the guys they caught??? They were on high alert already at that point!

We need people protesting every where tomorrow. If this isn't our new investigation we need to make the elites respect us!!

They don't respect us and they kill us this must change!

"... In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." (Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642)


The first question asked,
and repeated was, "what's the message
about the the remote controlled plane"
If i'm not mistaken.

What the van, with the planes hitting
towers painted on, then exploding is just
remarkeably odd.

Why paint the van like

Why paint the van like that?
It makes no sense at all.

This is really wierd.

Why did FEMA have those

Why did FEMA have those posters like that? They said they were there the day before. Those bastards staged it. Look at how they botched Katrina. They're building prisons around the country. They've been setup to enslave us! It's so in your face it's hard to believe! It's part of the BIG LIE!

"... In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." (Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642)

I know FEM was there Sept

I know FEM was there Sept 10, but I don't know about the posters.



I'm sure that's what those two little shits saw when they were sitting in that truck.

"... In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." (Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642)

74° 0'15.95"W 40°43'40.08"N

This works in Google Earth, but not in Google's browser. Is there a transcript of this interesting transmission and what is it's provenance (history)? Is someone leaking this stuff? Who has all of these tranmissions?

This incident should

This incident should certainly be investigated. I daresay there might be a connection to the 'dancing art student' Mossad operation, which as we know was swiftly swept under the rug. Here's a transcription of the most salient exchanges:

"Advise message about the remote-controlled plane."

"We need the bomb squad over here at King...[garbled]"

"Give an update on that plane."

"I got a message on that plane, it's a big truck with a mural painted of an airplane diving into NYC and exploding. No one is in the truck; the truck is in between 6th and 7th on King Street."

"Two men got out of the truck ran away from it, we got those two under. "

"Are you holding those two guys, K?"

"Listen beat the fucking shit out of 'em!"

"Both suspects under, K. We have the suspects who drove in the van, the van exploded. We have both of them under, let's get some help over here."

Still Relevant

I'm sure this has been posted before, but this clip from the film "Network" from 1976 is still, if not more relevant than ever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTN3s2iVKKI


This is how "America" treats it's terrorism victims?!

We already know how "America" treats it's veterans.

Mark Cuban Exposes O'Reilly(mp3 included)

Mark Cuban Exposes O'Reilly Hypocrisy On Radio Broadcast
Hearst yellow journalism devotees Popular Mechanics, NY Post enlisted to debunk 9/11 truth again
Mark Cuban Exposes O'Reilly Hypocrisy On Radio Broadcast
Hearst yellow journalism devotees Popular Mechanics, NY Post enlisted to debunk 9/11 truth again

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Billionaire Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks who is set to finance a cinema release of Loose Change narrated by Charlie Sheen, exposed Bill O'Reilly's rampant hypocrisy concerning his coverage of the 9/11 truth movement on the Fox News host's radio show yesterday.

Offering the entire 18 minute segment will probably result in Bill calling on Fox security to pay us a visit so here's a 9 minute clip instead.

O'Reilly admits right off the bat that he has not even seen Loose Change, following in the trend of his fellow debunkers who have already arrived at a judgment without even checking the evidence. Bill's mind is made up! Don't bother him with the facts!

This painfully underscores exactly what this whole charade represents, not an open debate on the evidence, but a cynical attempt to smear Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell and Mark Cuban.

O'Reilly wastes no time in doing so by associating Loose Change with "Nazi propaganda."

Popular Mechanics is owned by Hearst Publishing. As fictionalized in Orson Welles' acclaimed film Citizen Kane, William Randolph Hearst (pictured) wrote the book on cronyism and yellow journalism and Popular Mechanics hasn't bucked that tradition.

During the interview, O'Reilly lauds Popular Mechanics as politically independent and non-partisan, "Popular Mechanics is not a political magazine, it's a technical magazine," when in fact it was darling of the Republican party John McCain who penned the foreword to Popular Mechanics' Debunking 9/11 Myths book.

Returning to the radio broadcast, O'Reilly brings on Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks who plans to mass distribute Loose Change, and immediately makes an argument that Loose Change should be banned just as some books should be banned. Cuban points out that O'Reilly's insistence that "lunacy not be given legitimacy" by affording it any attention is contradicted by the very fact that O'Reilly is covering the controversy on his radio and TV show.

O'Reilly persists with his argument of "marginalizing cranks" which Cuban refutes by asking "how many shows have you spent on this topic?" O'Reilly claims he has only done one show on 9/11 conspiracies which is patently false. O'Reilly has attacked both Jim Fetzer and Kevin Barrett numerous times on his television show.

Cuban's appeal to freedom of speech and his involvement in putting out previous documentaries in association with the Republican party gives strong credence to his argument that people need to hear all sides of the argument, in contrast to O'Reilly's shrill demands for censorship of a film that he hasn't even bothered to watch.


word of the day - presented by your friends at neocorp

red herring

Something that draws attention away from the central issue, as in Talking about the new plant is a red herring to keep us from learning about downsizing plans. The herring in this expression is red and strong-smelling from being preserved by smoking. The idiom alludes to dragging a smoked herring across a trail to cover up the scent and throw off tracking dogs. [Late 1800s]

Why hasn't this link:

Why hasn't this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL-g_kKgDgE

been added to the front page?? This is freaking enormous! How can the naysayers explain this exploding truck?? We need people's attention drawn to this and we need to know who the firefighter's were that apprehended those 2 guys. HELLO?!?!?! We have 2 highly suspicious characters that were apprehended and never made the MSM. Don't the moderator's find this critical?? This is our first huge lead as to who may have been behind the planes flying into the towers and it's not front page....WTF?!?!?

"... In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." (Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642)