Rosie O'Donnell - 9/11 truth barrage- today's blog! Q & A section of her blog

Teri writes: Do you believe in many conspiracy theroy’s?
Do you think if you were not a celeb you would still suffer from depression?
Please don’t take offence to my ?’s they are ment well.

rosie: i believe there is more to 9 11 than we have been told
depression runs in my family - so yes

vicki writes: Have you seen BBC vid of reporter telling of collapse of bldg 7 with bldg 7 still in background and 20 minutes before it collapsed? Weird to the max. So much we don’t know. Truth will out. Peace.
rosie: i have
the plot thickens

Leslie writes: Bush’s reaction to attack on 9/11 should b compulsary viewing. He didn’t move a muscle, didn’t look at who gave him the news but it’s his expression that’s so alarming & it wasn’t shock

rosie: shock was the look on everyone elses face
that morning
not his

i agree

stacey writes: OMG!! Where have I been?? What is this third tower that fell?? Where can I read more information on this tower? Sharing your opinion on the veiw has opened my eyes to so much plz. reply!!!!!

rosie: building 7
there is a link on my home page

Jada writes: Do you believe the U.S. government is spying illegally on its own citizen and using invasive and convert tactics to silence dissent?

rosie: i do

Noelle writes: the towers,Bush was not behind that, are you kidding me?He isnt a good enough actor to pull that off. Remember his reaction at the school when it was whispered to him.real emotion. i check it out, tho

rosie: real emotion?
r u kidding me
he didnt move a muscle
after hearing we were under attack

Deb writes: If I trust this info, I must believe that my govt has murdered its own people 4 $ in the name of God. I literally vomitted! Why isn’t this info aggressively investigated? Hell on earth.

rosie: info is out there

( posted by the beheading hoax guy, read our side of the story here - )
Orangutan. suggests:

Contacting Rosie.

Here's a link where she sometimes takes questions.

Also email the other hosts on the View to show your support for Rosie and 9/11 Truth:

If only....

If only half of what is said in this is true then it's very good for the cause. Someone as famous as Rosie can open eyes.

Thanks video!


Rosie Just Recieved a Brand New 911 Video

I sent her a link to this new 911 doc.

TRUTH SURGE 20Videos.htm

Have you seen it?

Rosie Recieves Brand New 911 Video

sorry, this is the correct link to the video


A few weeks back she

A few weeks back she mentioned that everyone should see Loose Change on her blog, so she's been on board for at least that long...

Show " love my guns to much to think that highly of Rosie" by get it right

Rosie is extremely brave & honorable in speaking out about 9/11

truth when so many other celebrities will not touch the subject! We are very fortunate to have her doing what she can to spread the truth!

I'm sure Rosie is getting all sorts of flak by now. We need to support Rosie however we can, and not pressure her to do too much at once, IMO!

(P.S. I greatly admired Rosie ever since she began saying that, "We should support our troops--by bringing them home.")

like most liberals(but not

like most liberals(but not all,im proof)Rosie is dead wrong on the gun issue(gun laws dont hurt criminals,they only hurt responsible gun owners. criminals dont go through the usual channels to buy guns). i could really care less though considering she has the heart and character to call 9/11 like she sees it. grow up.

Hey Rosie...

Why not have a few family members on the View? And John Feal? And a few representatives from Make a week of it.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

Why not go over to Rosie's

Why not go over to Rosie's blog and write her?

No need

I'm pretty sure she visits here..
“We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth”
~ George W. Bush

It does look that way...

...from this snip from the blog above:

"vicki writes: Have you seen BBC vid of reporter telling of collapse of bldg 7 with bldg 7 still in background and 20 minutes before it collapsed? Weird to the max. So much we don’t know. Truth will out. Peace.

rosie: i have
the plot thickens"

We all know where that vid came from (tx again 811veritas).

It's good to know what we do here matters, at least somewhere. And more over time.


That vid's been all over the web. She may easily have seen it from a link on YouTube.

Not that I'm hoping she's *not* here, mind you (even though she and I could get in a lot of fights over politics, LOL).

Want to figure out 9/11? Ponder the 9/11 "Mineta Stone"

Contacting Rosie.

Here's a link where she sometimes takes questions.

Also email the other hosts on the View to show your support for Rosie and 9/11 Truth:

It can't get much easier than that.

I wrote her...

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

That's a great idea

Having a few family members on the View would be of great interest to the shows viewers. They could also discuss the present state of health of many rescue workers.
Rosie O'Donnell is also a Long Island girl :-) and many, many firefighters, police and other first-responders on 9/11 are (and were) from Long Island.
Rosie is a genuine, caring soul, and she's not afraid of confronting anyone with the truth.
If you're reading this, Rosie: We are all with you and beside you. The overwhelming majority of the country knows or suspects 9/11 was an inside job--we just need someone to bring the subject into the mainstream public media. Then the proverbial "elephant in the room" cannot be ignored any longer: The truth will out!!

PS: My Uncle, from Massapequa, was a retired firefighter on 9/11. He went to so many funerals and memorials for his friends and colleagues who died that day. He passed away two years ago--now he's with his brothers and sisters on the other side.

Contact Roseanne too!!!

Let's get another Rosie on our side. Everybody do their part by contacting Roseanne Barr with some good resources for 9/11 Truth. Peace.

She does comedy shows in Las Vegas and has a voice that middle america really respects. She also isn't afraid to speak about controversial issues and recently appeared on Bill Maher's show. Hopefully we can get her on board. Her website is

Carry on Joe Conason, there'll be peace when you are done . .

Washington Journal
3/1/2007: WASHINGTON, DC: 46 min

Joe Conason, Author, “It Can Happen Here: Authoritarian Peril in the Age of Bush”
Joe Conason talks about his new book, “It Can Happen Here: Authoritarian Peril in the Age of Bush” on the impact of the Bush Administration’s policies on civil liberties.

Caller asks him if he's seen Loose Change . .

"Well I don't . . ah . . . know the google presentation loose change but I . . you can be sure I'm going to go look at it today ah so I can't . . I can't give you an answer about that but you've peaked my curiosity ah . . ." - Joe Conason

Wonder if Joe has watched it yet, he said he would . . .

Wow, I had no idea she was *this* into 911 Truth!

I've seen the YouTube clips where she mentioned Loose Change and all that, but this is so surprising to read! This is exactly who the movement needs, I mean if Rosie can't get the sheeple into this, our only other option is Oprah.

After reading this post I went to Rosie's site (for the first time) and saw she has a link to 9/11 Scholars, Iraq for Sale, and the M.17 DC protest as MAIN links! How f--king cool, can you imagine how many hits her site gets every day??

This has made my day, thanks for posting this!


She links directly to Fetzer, BYPASSES the real scholars site

Anyone notice that she links directly to Fetzer's site? (911scholars) The scholars site with Steve Jones is Please let Rosie know if you are going to her page.

The scholars group agreed to have a neutral page but she doesn't link to that. I've tried emailing in, but I guess Rosie is into nukes, energy beams, no planes at the WTC, Rick Siegel, etc. Instead, she links only to Fetzer's site.

It helps no one for her to link to that. The majority of the scholars voted to leave that site for a reason. Fetzer's 911scholars site has only existed for a couple of months as a scholars group page, so Rosie didn't go around looking for a "scholars group," because the neutral page (both sites) would be the page that comes up.

I have to assume she wants the theories based on hidden military technology in space to propagate, rather than the strongest evidence.

OK, but maybe Rosie doesn't know that Fetzer has fallen into

ill repute with his space-beams nonsense. ( I don't know how long Rosie has been into the truth, and Fetzer was considered very legit by many people until fairly recently , btw.)

the soccer moms awake

stacey writes:

OMG!! Where have I been?? What is this third tower that fell?? Where can I read more information on this tower? Sharing your opinion on the veiw has opened my eyes to so much plz. reply!!!!!

building 7
there is a link on my home page

Whether she knows or not, I

Whether she knows or not, I second the call to point her to STJ911. I've dropped in a note. If enough people do so, with complements to her for her stance, she may change the link. A site of that size is important, we need to make sure the content given out is good.

way ahead of you. i noticed

way ahead of you. i noticed that last week and sent her a quick note telling her to please link to the REAL scholars site.

Victronix -

I share your concern. I hope you will join me in contacting her and addressing this issue.

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

The facts remain

......Why did'nt she put more into the show when James Brolin was on? And what about Barbra Walters?
My point to this is that we have more than enough reasons to warrent a full independant investigation,but until we get major media coverage our fight is up hill.
Our celebrites could do this,however just making a few comments will not get it done.
So Rosie i commend you for finding the truth.
What are you going to do with it?

Barbra Walters is the show's exec producer

and the ABC/Capital Cities/Disney execs are her bosses. They can pull the show off the air anytime they want. Walters is mindful of that fact, I'm certain.
Step by step, little by little, the seeds are being planted, and they're beginning to grow...
Be patient, although it's difficult at times, because we know so much. Progress is being made at a rate never experienced before. It's all been good--and it will increase exponentially.

About the Show:

"The View" is produced by ABC Daytime and Ms. Walters' Barwall Productions, with Ms. Walters serving as executive producer along with Bill Geddie, who also serves as executive producer for "The Barbara Walters Specials."

Dear MrEguy

I agree much progress has been made.My point is there are few people with the ability to get major exposure. True the risks are high,but so is the reward.
Where are our hero's? Where are our patriots?
Charlie Sheen spoke out.Now what is he doing?
Don't get me wrong.I am glad Rosie found the truth,but if she does nothing with it the impact will not differ from our abilities..

Celibrities like Sheen & Rosie must be very cautious in talking

out about 9/11. The NeoCon maniacs & their cronies have a huge arsenal of governmental, (extra-governmental), & corporate abuses they can try to inflict upon those who cross them!

absolutely, you saw what

absolutely, you saw what they did to Sheen. do you think it was a coincidence that days after Sheen comes out hard for 9/11 truth a story appears in some celeb rag connecting him to the murder of a pornstar? what a crock. also the stories connecting him to pedophilia of some kind if i remember correctly. im sorry, but i dont think that was a coincidence and he has been silent on 9/11 ever since.

Dear Chris & Colombo

Like i said the risks are high.So what's the point in getting excieted if a person in the national spot light knows the truth? It would seem to me that they would fall into the catagory of i know what they did ,but what could i possibly do about it?
Remember guys there is power in numbers.Do you think that it ever would be possible to organize a weekend event so huge that it could'nt possibly be ignored? Look at the anti war ralley.
Jane Fonda was there. Could it be possible to convince James Brolin,Charlie Sheen,Ed Asner,Rosie, and i am sure ALOT of knowing celibrities to attend?
Dr. Griffin,Steven Jones,and all the experts. The firemen,first responders,air traffic controlers,and the surviving family members?...........Wow is that wishful thinking!
I hate to sound negative,but what is the point on convincing the masses if nobody stands up?

and why did albanese...

include the slo-mo clip of rosie appearing to give the finger to brolin after mentioning 9/11. back to the editing room, dr. disinfo.

this is the fourth time i

this is the fourth time i have seen you "name-dropping" (a form of flame-baiting) in the last 2 or 3 days.. please refrain from interjecting names of those whom you have personal disagreements with into unrelated comments as this does nothing but promote inner feuds and flamewars. thanks.

fair enough, dz...

but this is a legitimate question and not off-topic. i admit that the tone of it is not particularly tactful, and apologize for that. i will consider that in my future posts, but i must add that i tend to make my point (or at least attempt to) and move on, not getting into prolonged debates on topics unrelated to 9/11. with that in mind, i'll refrain from 'name-dropping' and continue to post with a clear conscience and most definitely without blinders, although i can't guarantee that a few bad jokes won't make the cut. thanks for the site.

dz on patrol

rock on robo cop. Besides, I think Rosie was flipping it to that blond air head next to Brolin.

Justice deferred is justice denied-MLK

Air America's Ed Schultz Embraces 9/11 Truth?

Listening to the radio earlier this evening, I heard Air America's Ed Schultz saying that he would have Field McConnell, a pilot for Northwest Airlines on his show later this week. McConnell has filed a lawsuit charging that many commercial airliners are rigged with explosives that can be remotely detonated and he refuses to fly until such devices are removed. He also alleges that the full truth of 9/11 is being covered up. Ed Shultz has always been very anti 9/11 truth, so it is a big surprise that he would have Mr. McConnell on his show. Heads up everyone.

Relevant articles:

Pilot's Lawsuit Alleges Airliners Rigged With Explosives
Boeing VP admitted fact in speech, remote control connection to 9/11 tantalizing

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet

Northwest pilot from rural Glyndon alleges 9/11 cover-up

Steven Wagner, The Forum of Fargo/Moorhead

Shultz has always beeen against any kind of truth

let alone 9/11 truth.
his broadcasts are grating normallly. "The Democrats will save us!" PUKE! He will probably make fun of this guest!

exactly. ive wasted many

exactly. ive wasted many hours listening to his bullshit and he has always been a pathetic "blue dog" democrat who is allergic to the truth.

also, "Big Ed" used to be a

also, "Big Ed" used to be a republican before his wife "convinced" him to become a democrat. the guy is obviously pretty weak minded, hence his constant bashing and lashing out at people who question 9/11. he cant wrap his feeble little mind around it. i will be AMAZED if he doesnt treat this guy like a crackpot or at least take a few cheap shots at him.

Rosie Recieves New 911 Video

I sent her a link to this new 911 doc.

TRUTH SURGE 20Videos.html

you're great rosie thank you so much

you are truly an inspiration. It really is hard to speak out about 911 in public for various reasons i know. I Wish I was more brave because there's been many situations when i've felt the urge to shout out the truth for all to hear or even tell certain people in private about 911 and i have been too scared i guess for fear of how i would be judged. but these issues are too important to ignore i pray that we all continue to gain in the courage it takes to stand out and do what's right.

How is it great?

If the ONLY link to anything about 9/11 goes to Fetzer's site, this is helping no one.

Does she even link to blogger?

What's with that?

yeah she should do way more

so should i and so should lots of people. and i don't really have an oppinion on fetzer but i think it could atleast open some people eyes that don't know anything except total mainstream garbage that these ideas even exist and then hopefully they could do further research from there.

OT - Mike Gravel 2008 Candidate

This guy is realitively new to me. But he seems pretty solid on the issues. And appears to be a closet Truther. I just posted a new 911 Truth topic to his forum. Any contributions from the Truth community would be good.

9/11 truth debunker admits

9/11 truth debunker admits smear tactics:

This looks fake.

This looks fake.

from her blog today.....

john writes:

Keep up your trash talk about Bush and your ridiculous conspiracy theory about his implied involvement in 9/11. You really are a mess! Get some help!… and some talent while your at it.

u r named after a bathroom
(ZING! hahaha, not bad Rosie.)

Dear Chris

The last thing they would want to do is to piss this woman off.

haha, yeah, i wouldnt mess

haha, yeah, i wouldnt mess with her. its funny too, because it seems like EVERYONE hates Rosie. i dont really see what makes her any much worse than any other celebs, but people just seem to detest her. i stick up for her now, even before her 9/11 comments she was making sense to me(anyone who says to replace the Patriot act with the Constitution is alright by me).

Dont get me wrong

Ok I dont like Rosie because on her views on the second amendment the right to bear arms but then again I think rosie knows and she is not stupid talking about stealing people guns is one thing MSM loves that position but she knows her job depends on the fact that she keeps her mouth shut they the MSM has put a gag order on this issue.IF it takes Rosie to bring this mainstream then what the hell go for it we just need people to be educated on the issue hell if Rosie can figue it out then the rest of america should

To anyone who can

I think it would be cool to send this blog along with ALL the comments to Rosie.

good idea.

i just sent her the link.
