Internet Archive Reposts (and "Corrects") BBC Foreknowledge Video (the same thing as the "Internet Archive") has re-posted the BBC video regarding the collapse of WTC 7.

If I correctly understand what is saying, the original BBC video clip downloaded from the Internet Archive's beta site had an incorrect time stamp put on it by the Canadian who recorded it:

"News from BBC TV was recorded by the Television Archive, a non-profit archive. Video available as a loan (stream) only.

BBC World was received from Bell ExpressVu (a Canadian direct-to-home service) and encoded using a real-time MPEG-2 encoder. The encoder was setup to include the time in UTC as part of the video – UTC is also known as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and is the time in London during the winter. Because of daylight savings time being in effect, this means that UTC is four hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time. The time that was used to set the encoder’s time-code came from NIST using the NTP protocol.

The following was then posted in the "Review" section by someone claiming he was an engineer involved in capturing the video:

"[This is from an engineer involved in capturing this off-air production. -brewster]

During this week on the Internet a Flash version of some video from 9/11/2001 was released which shows BBC World announcing that World Trade Center 7 (also known as the Salomon Brothers building) had collapsed. However, the announcement of the collapse was before it actually happened.

The Flash version contained added text showing the time, but the person that added the time got the time-zone wrong, indicating times in Eastern Standard Time and not Eastern Daylight Time as was the case on 9/11/2001. Needless to say, this caused much skepticism about the real time the video was recorded.

V08591-16.mpg runs from 20:54:47 through 21:36:28 UTC. The following events were observed in the video:

16:58:08 EDT comes the first mention of the collapse.

17:01:17 EDT the collapse is mentioned again.

17:08:48 EDT they cut to a live shot from NYC and talk about the collapse with a reporter (who has the WTC7 visible behind her!)

17:15:07 EDT there is a problem with the feed and BBC switches to some pre-recorded material and does a couple of interviews

The next file, V08591-20.mpg runs from 21:36:28 through 22:18:09 UTC. At 17:39:15 EDT, the BBC runs video actually showing the collapse which has already occurred at 17:20:33 EDT according to"

I have posted my own review asking for clarification:

"I read Brewster's comments in his review.

Is the official Internet Archive position that the BBC broadcast saying that WTC 7 has collapsed was actually broadcast AFTER that building in fact collapsed?

And if that is Internet Archive's position, I presume that does not apply to the BBC 24 video, as:

(1) that video, to my understanding, was never posted at Internet Archive; and

(2) that video contains a date stamp on the lower-left corner which appears to have been encoded by the BBC itself.

Clarification would be greatly appreciated."

Stay tuned ...

Boy was that ever confusing!

More clarification on the time thing please and thank you.

“We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth”
~ George W. Bush


.Please digg the story on this page and bury the debunking911 conspiracy story on this page:

Check the homepage if you dont see them,


UPDATE: The debunking911 story was buried. Good work!

It's good to have this clarification

and make sure we are "spot on" about this, but either way THE FRICKIN BUILDING is in the background. That's the meal ticket right there ... 

Reality got you down? Read the La Rochelle Times:


Forget the timestamp subterfuge! It is irrelevant. The building is standing behind her LIVE as she says the building has already collapsed. Advanced notice was given; someone knew the building was coming down and we must demand to know the source of that inside information.


Was it a live shot or not?

And that would open a whole

And that would open a whole different can of worms:

We misinformed you about WTC7 AND about our footage being live--but we're still credible! Honest! Trust us! Please?

Impeachment. Accountability. A better world.

Am I just confused here

... or are they trying to explain away building 7 being in clear view in the background by pointing out a timestamp mismatch? It almost seems like they're laughing at us.

sorry, but wtf?

sorry, but wtf?

I think they were pointing out my erroneous use of EST...

I used EST on my vid, when I should have used EDT.

The times are still valid and the timezones have been corrected in my V2 vid.

See :

Everything else is valid, when it says 5pm EST, it is in fact 5pm EDT.

So yes, the news reported the building collapsed twenty minutes too early.

Hope this explains...

911veritas ---->

You're the Man veritas. Thanks for clearing it up. Peace.

This bit is aimed at me...

During this week on the Internet a Flash version of some video from 9/11/2001 was released which shows BBC World announcing that World Trade Center 7 (also known as the Salomon Brothers building) had collapsed. However, the announcement of the collapse was before it actually happened.

The Flash version contained added text showing the time, but the person that added the time got the time-zone wrong, indicating times in Eastern Standard Time and not Eastern Daylight Time as was the case on 9/11/2001. Needless to say, this caused much skepticism about the real time the video was recorded.


This bit was their view on the video...

V08591-16.mpg runs from 20:54:47 through 21:36:28 UTC. The following events were observed in the video:

16:58:08 EDT comes the first mention of the collapse.

17:01:17 EDT the collapse is mentioned again.

17:08:48 EDT they cut to a live shot from NYC and talk about the collapse with a reporter (who has the WTC7 visible behind her!)

17:15:07 EDT there is a problem with the feed and BBC switches to some pre-recorded material and does a couple of interviews

The next file, V08591-20.mpg runs from 21:36:28 through 22:18:09 UTC. At 17:39:15 EDT, the BBC runs video actually showing the collapse which has already occurred at 17:20:33 EDT according to

Sorry, to make light of this

But while you used EST instead of EDT, they used ESP!

Researching the evidence on BBC.

I can't believe the good fortune we got when 911Veritas stumbled upon the information of the BBC's reporting several years ago on Sept. 11th. Unbelievable. I'm glad we are still on this and it seems we are going to get to the bottom of it. Just another piece of evidence to include in the court case against the official story. We need more breaks in the weeks and months ahead. I sure wish Michael Moore had the balls to cover this. Hopefully we'll keep getting some breaks to keep us motivated and determined. Rosie on "The View" was nice. Charlie Sheen. This footage on BBC. Hopefully some more celebrities will add fuel to the fire that our movement is creating. Anyway. We'll keep seeking and spreading the information as we get it.

With respect to Moore

I have been emailing that hog regulalry. It's upsetting that he hasn't followed up with his Fahrenheit film.

I urge anyone else to do the same by emailing Moore here:

Hopefully, the Loose Change gang's film will get the indy-documentary film buzz going. I am tired of seeing Al Gore's face. How great would it be to see those guys claim an Oscar?

Sweet dreaming. But great post otherwise, Orangutan.


The BBC News 24 clip has the time in the top left hand corner doesn't it? This shows 21.54, which was 4.54pm New York time.

"The encoder was setup to include the time in UTC..."


What does it matter if it had a UTC timestamp? London and NYC were both within DST on 9/11, thus 5h apart, so the BBC's own timestamps, you know those from News24, translate right into 1654-1736. I mean - is this supposed to be some kind of explanation for why they pulled the video? They didn't notice before that it had a UTC timestamp? In case they hadn't, they would have labelled it 1554-1636, and yet it was correctly labelled all along.

So yea, keep us updated on that clarification, please.

Show "George Washington fielding an excuse for the BBC?" by Jim Fetzer

I am not attempting to say that

the BBC or the Internet Archive is correct. I am trying to clarify THEIR position.

You cannot discredit someone's position until

you pin down exactly what their position is.

say what you want about Fetzer

but that mofo went on Hannity and Colmes and brought up the Mineta testimony like a champion.

///////////////////// - $1 DVDs shipped - email for info

This is also a newsworthy story

because Internet Archive, which pulled the video, has now REPOSTED it.

He's just being scientific and thorough...

I know it's correct, so have no problems with his scrutiny.

Heck, this video has had more scrutiny by 9/11 Truth researchers than any I have ever known, in all the time I have researched 9/11.

It'll be proven that it was a basic error, where I typed "EST" when I should have typed "EDT"...

This has been corrected in the version 2 video.

The timing is still valid and correct.

Nothing more, nothing less...

Thanks for your concern.

"He's just being scientific

"He's just being scientific and thorough..."

Fetzer doesn’t understand those terms dude.

Jim Fetzer jumping at the chance to provoke division?

Now Jim, why do you say that about GW?

I'll just use for the sake of arguement, a hypothesis. GW wants to be absolutely certain about this to ensure Nobody can take one simple thing out and prove it to be baseless.
The hypothesis being, I recall, is the same as you saying We have to investigate all avenues to come to a concrete consensus to remove all doubt. Now is it ok for you to say this when it comes to speaking about the space beam technology, and then turn around and criticize GW for wanting to be thorough? You must be consistant in what You do in relation to what you say.



Disinformation definitions by Jim Fetzer with examples by.... Jim Fetzer

9/11 Truth and Disinformation: Definitions and Examples

“We're an empire now, and when we act we create our own reality."

News Flash!!.......From the BBC time stamp department......

" We have just found in our Archives a news video regarding the Saloman Brothers building in New York. The video in question is in regard to our correspondent reporting on the collapse of the previously mentioned structure also known as WTC 7. It has been circulated throughout the World Wide Web with an incorrect time zone attached to it thereby creating the illusion of erroneous reporting on our behalf. We consider our sources to be true, solid and double--checked to insure accuracy. Any of these incorrect time marks within these circulated videos are none of our doing.'
(Please disregard the actual uncollapsed, previously mentioned structure located directly behind our correspondant.)"

Frede Farmand, Danish super archiver

Frede Farmand and Studie Generale
If anybody has tapes of BBC World from 9/11 I would guess it would be Danish journalist Frede Farmand.He is running an organisation called "”Studie Generale"

For the last 35 years Frede Farmand has been taping everyday tv and radio programs from Denmark and around the world,(YES HE'S GOT EVERY FREAKIN' DAY COVERED!). He has earned alot of money selling old recorded Danish tv programs back to the channels that originally broadcasted them,but no longer keep tapes of their own programs.Pretty smart guy...His archives are bigger than Danish national broadcastings.

He would be the man to contact.Actually, I am sorry I haven't mentioned him before,I just suddenly rembered him now.
From (correted the link now)
"Frede Farmand is a freelance Danish journalist, researcher and broadcaster, most famous for putting his life at risk by infiltrating Danish neo-Nazis for a recent TV documentary"
Contact Frede Farmand:
911blogger should take contact to him regarding tapes from BBC and other broadcasting from 9/11 or any other important date..As I said, he would be the man to have them.And I think he would be sympathetic to our cause,since he's been giving speaches on who the real terrorist are.


Sadly, this story is

Sadly, this story is another Internet-only story.

it does not exist in the "real world", newspapers and TV are not informing their audience about it AT ALL.

What does that tell us about the "real world" ??

Is it wholly manufactured?

despair not, compadre, soon

despair not, compadre, soon internet will be the only real world source,as tv and newspapers draw their last breath... :)

(Monday, I sent this story to all major newspapers in Denmark, no response at all, no coverage.. they all suck..I guess they need another Bilderberg meeting before they can make a decision...)

Big wedding = corporate media + public EU media => complicity

".. they all suck..I guess they need another Bilderberg meeting before they can make a decision..."

LOL, that's the comment of the day..

WOW - comments on YouTube

check out the comments on this popular YouTube video about the BBC's pre-knowledge of WTC7 collapse:

Read through the comments. Apparently YouTube is suppressing the statistics and deleting comments, this causing the users to become really mad!

I have a feeling something is up in the air...

I haven't been able to

I haven't been able to comment on any BBC/WTC7 video at all at YouTube.
Just sent the story to the biggest tabloid newspaper in Denmark again
( ,but they probably won't run it, even though their slogan is: "dares where others are silent"
Keep pushing the story though.

YouTube Video.

Good work Channing. I got this video

up at Crooks and Liars and on
Let's keep spreading this thing around. Thanks for the link.

They are beating this down over there

Last comment was over 2 hours ago???

Yea.... right!

I would love to know what the "real" numbers are on this firestorm

From now on when I say "Real" or Reality" I will signify them with quotations so as to make the "doubters" feel more comfortable
Ignorance is NOT Bliss


quote from there: "More Fluoride quick! They are beginning to wake up!"

WOW! 192.400 views!!!

WOW! 192.400 views!!! (on the BBC/WTC7 video Channing just link to) :

Ha! Ha! just saw this comment from "Nothern5tar" on this video:

""We've had such terrible loss of credibility, maybe the smartest thing to do is bury it. And we made that decision to bury and we watched the videos disappear." - The BBC "

That's the funniest comment ever man!

They've loked the views count... it is totally bogus.

It's the evil Google BBoobCTube.

The true threat to liberty comes not from terrorists but from our political leaders whose natural inclination is to seize upon any excuse to diminish them.
~~ Walter Williams, Nightly Business Report, September 2001

Here's an idea...

Why don't we spend 5 more years debating controlled demolition amongst ourselves instead of focusing on the questions put forth by the family steering committee and the documented information about money transfers, warnings, gag orders, omitted testimonies, whistle blowers, and the like?

///////////////////// - $1 DVDs shipped - email for info

Sounds like a freaking

Sounds like a freaking brilliant idea! :)

I agree with you to an

I agree with you to an extent, but we have been given an opportunity here to bring forward more information about the implosion of WTC 7, and we really can't afford to look a gift horse in the mouth.

But in general I think we should be focusing more on exactly the issues you raise. And the fact that these are the issues the victims' families wanted raised makes your point even more compelling.

Can we do both?

Can we do both?

Moreso: do all of us have to pursue the same angle?

Certainly not! So whoever wants to push Mineta, pushes Mineta - whoever wants to push CD, pushes CD. Everybody's business is nobody's business.

Ok, fine with me.

Ok, fine with me.

Doesn't change a thing.

It's just a labeling correction.

The tape may as well have been encoded in EDT.

The BBC News 24 segment corroborates 21:54 BST (UCT or GMT +1 hour). NYC and London both on daylight savings.

A 5 hour split.

Despite a labeling mistake, veritas remains undebunked.

Now we have further provenance for the video, and everyone can see that veritas has not screwed with it, living up to his handle.

Good show, sport!

Did Cheney Allow Or Order

Did Cheney Allow Or Order 9/11 Plane To Strike Pentagon?

This is an issue we should be addressing moreso than the "Church of Controlled Demolition"

Get the "young man" under oath to testify what the orders were that he was referring to, etc...

We need a Unified Message if this movement is to go ANYWHERE... otherwise it's just a mass of confusion and infighting based on prominent theories....

To quote Tom Petty:

We've got to Get Together sooner or later
Because the Revolution's here
And you know that it's right.
And you know that it's right.

We have got to get it together.
We have got to get it together NOW!

///////////////////// - $1 DVDs shipped - email for info

Spread this around...

Spread this around to your blogs and the internet...

The comments are great.


Two of the much discussed BBC are available again, but this time as streaming flash files.

Based on the analysis of the time codes, the engineer involved is certain that the BBC was talking about the collapse before the building was reported to have collapsed on the site.

We hope to have other videos from this collection available soon.

Digital Librarian


Free Image Hosting at

Please take the time and watch this fantastic documentary from PBS Frontline about the "tank man" the famous guy from the chinese student uprising in the late 80's.

What's most fascinating is the part where day show the clip to the current young hip generation of chinese after all those 17 yrs. who never had a chance to see it because of the obvious state media censorship and now add Google censorship to the equasion.

The reactions are simply stunning, they just think it never happened, one guy said it was seriously some form of art, wtf?

This is Orwell in our times, blueprint for Cheneyland kids!

Tip: You can look up for the video segments urls and place it all into play list to have a one smooth movie..

Perhaps a very short docu disecting these parts could be made and posted on some video sharing server to spread it around.

This could be one of the best educational tools!


Couldn't help it...

...and I watched #6 first. Now I'm ripping it.

Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, & Cisco in front of CONgress....

They're all evil.

The true threat to liberty comes not from terrorists but from our political leaders whose natural inclination is to seize upon any excuse to diminish them.
~~ Walter Williams, Nightly Business Report, September 2001

My browser doesn't seem to

My browser doesn't seem to understand whatever format those segment links are in; it does nothing when I click on them. Is it in a more portable format somewhere, maybe?

Want to figure out 9/11? Ponder the 9/11 "Mineta Stone"

time stamp

if you watch the original video @ 17:30 the anchor makes a comment about the attacks being 8 hrs ago. so forget time zones just do simple math. the attacks in NY were started at 9 am appx , so 9 + 8 = 17:00 or 5:00 pm... 23 minutes before the collapse. add this to the fact the bldg is visible and the time stamp and the 3 pieces of time evidence win out over govt/bbc spin propaganda.