What I Saw on 9/11. (Part 1)

September 11, 2001

I was concerned about being late for work that morning. It was a crystal clear cloudless morning when I left my apartment and headed into work at 888 7th Avenue in Manhattan. My appointment was for 8:30 to meet with my department head in the corner office of one of this building’s uppermost floors.

I arrived approximately 15 minutes late and was approaching his office, laptop computer still slung over my shoulder, jacket still on, when the loud sound of an approaching plane began to fill the air. An employee with an office immediate adjacent to the corner office I was approaching could suddenly be heard yelling out “Oh My God!” as a very large commercial jet passed over our building. This was a very low flying plane, and given its size we all felt the effects of the illusion that it had almost hit our building. In all probability it was not as close as it felt, and the noise this plane made probably added to the effect of a perceived near miss. But it was indeed flying too low for Manhattan.

My manager, and one other employee already attending the meeting in his office, rose to their feet and stood at the very large panoramic windows looking south, watching the plane move towards downtown. I clearly saw American Airlines written on the plane.

“That’s very low” was the remark of the original employee who now had come out of his office and had moved to my side at the window just outside my manager’s office, looking in a southerly direction. We all held our breath as, from the perspective we were looking, the plane appeared to be headed towards the very tall central building of Rockefeller Plaza. It of course passed this building unscathed and continued heading south. It appeared to me to be moving slowly, rocking from side to side, from wing to wing, unsteady. The employee still standing in my managers office remarked, “He’s in trouble.” Another employee added, “He’s headed to JFK.” I remember wondering why a pilot in trouble would fly over the densely populated skyline. And why was he not veering off to the left to make JFK?

The plane continued south plowing straight into the North Tower. It was completely silent except for the gasps of all the employees who were watching. I remember yelling “holy shit!” and just staring at the huge ball of smoke that rose up from the tower. I moved to my desk (which was just steps away) and quickly plugged my laptop in and attempted to dial my wife, despite the fact that I KNEW there was no possible way that she could be at her office. She had been running later than me that morning (since she had to be in by 9:00), and was still in the apartment when I left.

There was a lot of excited shouting in my office as people all talked at once and started recounting to each other what they had just seen to new people who were now streaming out of their offices - to see what all the noise was about. The long hallway with the panoramic window facing south became very crowded. Everyone just stood there dumbfounded staring at the burning tower and its ominous black smoke.

I was busy logging on and attempting to go to MSNBC to see if there was any news – which there was not. Soon the internet and email went down completely. I spent the next 15 minutes walking back and forth to the window and my desk, dumbfounded over what I had just seen and still attempting to call my wife. It seemed like no time at all had passed before an employee pointed to another plane that was making an elliptical slow curved approach towards the towers. No one seemed alarmed. It was just a curiosity that another plane was in the sky. It was a very clear day, and as anyone who has looked out from a skyscraper knows, visibility can stretch almost to the horizon on a clear day. It was therefore no problem making out that this was another wide-bodied commercial jet. This was my initial impression when I saw it, and seemed to be the shared impression of those I spoke to after it struck the tower.

Again a silent explosion followed by gasps and small cries from my fellow employees. Some employees immediately started streaming towards the exits. The realization that commercial jets were intentionally being flown into skyscrapers was now apparently dawning on people – and people were beginning to panic. The word terrorism immediately started to be uttered by people. Someone had a radio going and people were crying standing around the radio attempting to understand what was going on. i had the strange feeling of emotions that well up in your chest and makes your voice quiver ever so slightly. I was continuing to attempt to reach my wife, although now the phones seemed to be hit and miss. Sometimes I would reach her office when I dialed (and get their voicemail), and other times I just received a tone indicating that the phones were down. Heavy traffic – no doubt. My cell-phone was even worse. No dial tone at all.

Eventually, I decided to start heading downtown to my wife’s office, where together we witnessed the panic in the streets and the collapse of the North Tower. But, I’ll leave that story for Part 2.

Thanks for the account,

Thanks for the account, John. I liked this passage:

"It seemed like no time at all had passed before an employee pointed to another plane that was making an elliptical slow curved approach towards the towers. No one seemed alarmed. It was just a curiosity that another plane was in the sky."

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

North Tower not hit by American Airlines?

Submitted by John Albanese on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 1:53pm
I clearly saw United Airlines written on the plane.

So you saw clearly that it was United?

Please tell us which flight THAT could have been?

And silent explosions?

I think your little group outed itself with this.

what a psy-op fuck-up !


"I think your little group

"I think your little group outed itself with this."

You're fucking daft. Let's assume the planes were swapped -- is a paint job too much to ask for? 2.3 trillion the night before and they can't get a paint job?

Your "no planes" fantasy has long since been debunked; but then, you already knew that.


The Eleventh Day of Every Month


Danse, you must be joking.

Are we to believe Albanese now and change the sequence of events of 911 to:

First , a UNITED AIRLINES plane smashed into the North Tower (eyewitness: John Albanese and his group)

Second a UNITED AIRLINES plane smashed in the South Tower (as seen on video)

AMERICAN AIRLINES flight 11 is lost.

Maybe Albanese could clear this up?

Who is daft? Born yesterday, huh?

I think this perfectly demonstrates

the intellectual dishonesty of those who seek to smear us. any mistake - any typo - any mispoken human error - is blown way out of proportion and turned into something that it is not.

u2r2h is obviously more concerned about the fact that i accidently typed "United" instead of "American" than to address the issue of whether people saw planes that day.

pathetic. truly pathetic. and this is a PERFECT reason why so many of us do NOT want to dignify their questions with answers - because they play "gotcha" with any typo or mistake you make from recounting a memory already 5 years old.

You Clearly Typed "United"

John, you're as full of crap as that Lauro Chavez that the members of this forum thoroughly discredited.
Why does the gang that runs this site continue extending you such latitude with your incompetent grandstanding and self-righteous self-promotion?


best of luck with the no-planes meme.

You're a Meme


I've been watching some of

I've been watching some of the Mash-up vids over at Haupt's bloglines site. Has it ever occured to you that those vids themselves are classic examples of mind control movies? I practically had seizures watching that one with the ranting debunker who turns into an African mask and keeps saying "I believe planes hit the towers."

Talk about strange psy-op stuff. And it included shots of Fred Flinstone and Barney, or was that a different vid?

By the way this 9/11 truthling/hero says, "Nico Haupt is an inside job."

Good view

Were you able to clearly actually see windows in the plane?

i saw the beverage cart...

with a v-8 and sprite situated next to a cup of ice... when's that disinfo mockument...um, i mean documentary coming out?

Don't remember

i never thought in a million years that 5 years later i would have to answer cross-examination from morons who insist there were no planes involved in 9/11.

How could you confuse UNITED with AMERICAN ??? It reeks of your

Your reaction was also predictable, Albanese

A grumpy fart who know everything better. An upper-class moron.

How could you confuse UNITED with AMERICAN ??? It reeks of your non-chalance with the subject ... deep down you DO NOT CARE about truth, you care about something else.

A freudian if there ever was one.

You see, you claim to have been so priviledged to have witnessed the holy grail of the whole inside job, THE FIRST HIT ... and then you non-chalantly give us shitty reports on it .. you have outed yourself.

Tells us more about how many sugars you took in your tea that morning or what emotions got your little heart to cramp up. Maybe you'll let slip another truth about yourself.

Don't show us photos of the vantage-point that you had, don't give us dots we could connect. Keep dismissing scant evidence, push your eminence.

Here we are, trying to be utmostly steadfast in analysing the ACTUAL EVENTS and we are DISMISSED by a moron who doesn't even care to be an accurate witness.

I have long pondered whether LIMITED HANGOUT is a valid tactic that the DEFENDERS OF THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE would employ, and have decided against it.

But you make me suspicious.

How could you confuse UNITED with AMERICAN ??? It reeks of your

Your reaction was also predictable, Albanese

A grumpy fart who know everything better. An upper-class moron.

How could you confuse UNITED with AMERICAN ??? It reeks of your non-chalance with the subject ... deep down you DO NOT CARE about truth, you care about something else.

A freudian if there ever was one.

You see, you claim to have been so priviledged to have witnessed the holy grail of the whole inside job, THE FIRST HIT ... and then you non-chalantly give us shitty reports on it .. you have outed yourself.

Tells us more about how many sugars you took in your tea that morning or what emotions got your little heart to cramp up. Maybe you'll let slip another truth about yourself.

Don't show us photos of the vantage-point that you had, don't give us dots we could connect. Keep dismissing scant evidence, push your eminence.

Here we are, trying to be utmostly steadfast in analysing the ACTUAL EVENTS and we are DISMISSED by a moron who doesn't even care to be an accurate witness.

I have long pondered whether LIMITED HANGOUT is a valid tactic that the DEFENDERS OF THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE would employ, and have decided against it.

But you make me suspicious.

Lets compare:

I claim I, like thousands others, saw planes.

You claim there were no planes to see - and lash out at me with personal insults and adolescent smears.