911 Mysteries: Demolitions.... University of Arizona Website FRONTPAGE!!



9/11 Mysteries wil be showing tomorrow night at the University of Arizona and they are announcing
the event on the front page of the University web page.

"911 Mysteries: Part 1 -- Demolitions"

Monday, February 19, 2007 -
7 pm

This important, detailed documentary presents clear scientific analysis of the fall of the buildings at the World Trade Center and contrasts that with the official story we have been given about Sept. 11, 2001.

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Room S202

All are welcome

Auditorium size:
Large (101-500)

Africana Studies


All events are subject to change/cancellation without notification.

e-mail i got Hello, My name

e-mail i got

My name is Amber Dixon, and I am a student reporter from Arizona State University. This Thursday I will cover the rally on ASU campus for the 911 Accountability Conference the following weekend. I've read your article and may use some of the information, but I fail to find your name anywhere on the document. Could you please email me your name?

Amber Dixon

i think she's refering to this article, but i'm not sure:



Great news. Coming out right into the open. Good luck with the event. Let us know how it goes.


That's a beautiful thing.

Let us know how it goes, wish I were there to run a table.

Keep it up, brothers and sisters, we are headed for the tipping point.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Be well.


I hope ASU and NAU follow the U of A's lead in showing all 9/11 Truth movies on their campuses.

Just like the Grand Canyon's creation...slowly but surely....
the truth about 9/11 will come out with events like this!

Go Wildcats!! Keep 'em coming!!

Interesting sponsorship

Africana studies is responsible for this? That's interesting! In any case it's just one more step in the right direction, that just goes to show what a distraction things like the BBC hit piece and the routine flare-up of internal drama (currently Rick Siegel something or other) are.

The REAL truth movement is moving along just fine. The stage-managed bullshit is barely keeping up. This will all make a great study someday on the subject of how public myths eventually fell out of favor once the Internet began achievng its potential.

I wonder if Arizona's premier 9/11 denier John McCain is starting to sweat a little, and I wonder if he has anything to do with the fact that Arizona seems to be a hotbed of national 9/11 truth awareness?


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero

WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force


Africana Studies

Why did they sponsor a contraversial event?

No fear of retribution..... LOL... I'd love to see anyone try to axe Africana Studies.

Genius move!........ "Thaat's raaaacist!"
Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Nice to have the...

....gratuitous race-card "forcefield" up and operational on our side for once....


The Empire makes use of it sooooo often.....(although it's more of an "attack beam" in their case...you know, "believe in 9/11 Truth and be an Anti-Semite or believe in the OV and we'll let you remain in your liberal comfort-zone self-image", etc.)