Coroner: Not Sure If 9/11 Toxins Killed Borja

Coroner: Not Sure If 9/11 Toxins Killed Borja

Last Edited: Saturday, 10 Feb 2007, 9:37 PM EST
Created: Saturday, 10 Feb 2007, 9:37 PM EST -- New York City's chief medical examiner found that a rare lung disease killed retired cop and 9/11 first responder Cesar Borja.

However, he can't exactly what caused Borja's illness.

His family believes toxic air at Ground Zero is to blame. Borja was among the first responders who worked at Ground Zero following the Sept. 11 attacks.

Borja's death inspired President Bush to earmark $25 million to help pay medical expenses for first responders.

Cesar Borja died Jan. 23. His son, Ceasar Jr., attended the president's State of the Union address with Sen. Hillary Clinton.

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translated from russian:

Seems to me that the NYC chief medical examiner wants to keep

his career & his pocketbook safe & secure.


I suppose Borja has the same "rare lung disease" as hundreds of other first responders?

I hope this is just a Fox affiliate spinning the truth. If the coroner's verdict really is "unsure," he just added to this tragedy an appalling act of denial.


100+ people have died. All of which worked at Ground Zero. Several 1000 people are all experiencing the same types of problems. All of which worked at Ground Zero.

I have no idea where these problems originated. It truly boggles the mind.

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