John Albanese to appear on Visibility 9/11 with Michael Woolsey

The broadcast time of this interview is still to be announced.

"...Ashcroft has revived the FBI's totally discredited COINTELPRO program, which flourished from 1956 to 1971, during the anti-war and civil rights movements."

John Ashcroft On Trial
Turning Justice On Its Head
by Nat Hentoff
January 11, 2002

This week, Visibility 9-11 visits the topic of COINTELPRO in what hopes to be a new series on issues facing the 9-11 Truth Movement. "Left gatekeepers", dis-information specialists, agent provocateurs, and internet "trolls" all work to distract and/or discredit the fine work of literally thousands of good and caring Americans involved in 9-11 Truth. It is important to recognize the history of things our government has done which has violated every tenet of a free society.

John Albanese will be discussing his upcoming film "Disinformation in the Information Age" and the rash of disruptions that have taken place within the 911 Truth movement over the last several years.

Subjects to be discussed:

- Cointelpro today - this is not your father's Oldsmobile - is it legal under the constitution?
- Is all research created equal?
- When good researchers turn bad.
- Smears, libel, slander, defamation of character, insults and threats of violence - and other hallmarks of legitimate scholarly discourse - are they actionable under the law?
- Poison pen letters and mystery URLs. Where are they coming from? Inquiring legal minds what to know.
- Is it a hate crime or freedom of speech? You decide.
- Can disinformation campaigns work in the global community and information age?
- The ramifications for America when illegal covert operations targeting peaceful Americans are exposed. It is worth the effort?


I look forward to it.

Of course, it won't be as cool as when I was on. :D

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton


I'm glad that Michael has decided to confront this issue head-on as well. Everyone should listen to his show from last week - the archived Pacifica program on cointelpro that he played is required listening for all activists.

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Show "Does anybody else see the irony in this?" by Killtown
Show "yes" by wolfowitz in sh...

You threatening John?

"all in due time" sounds like a threat to me.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton


and you sound like a self-aggrandizing fool for making that statement. "all in due time" means the truth will come out and the disinformation will be exposed. now if you take that as a threat, you're not stable or you're worried about job security. later.

I asked you to clarify...

And you have. I'd hate to think you were threatening him, and that did sound like a threat. Hence the question mark. Thank you for clarifying.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

Show ""get off the shanksville garbage pit"" by Killtown