Daniel Pearl story on CNN Saturday night - will the wire transfer be mentioned?

CNN Special Investigations Unit: The Journalist and the Jihadi:

He spent his career reporting on Muslim life. But an encounter with an Islamic militant ended with deadly consequences. Christiane Amanpour looks at the real story behind the murder of Daniel Pearl.


Saturday 2/10 at 8PM


If you happen to watch it, please send CNN your thoughts, especially if they appear to distort or omit any information.

Daniel Pearl Story.

Yo DHS, I've been interested in the Daniel Pearl story since I heard about it. I hope the get to the root of things as much as they can. That would be awesome if they get the ISI-Atta connection and all that. I seriously doubt it, but it's cool anyway that they are highlighting the story in general. It's on my calendar.


We fact check it with Chaim Kupferberg, do you listen?


Is it me or isn't it odd that all the "old" truther stories came up in just on e week?

First the Al-Midhar and Al-Hazmi Saudi-ties. Then the Israel spy ring. And now Daniel Pearl?


well, lets wait and see *what* and *how* they report about Daniel Pearl. I wouldnt be so sure this will be a 'truther' story, yet...

I just watched a documentary

I just watched a documentary a few weeks ago about Daniel Pearl on MSNBC where they mentioned the wire-transfer and Atta.

Danny knew too


To my knowledge, the original documentary that appeared on HBO did not mention the wire transfer.

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