Jim Fetzer Interviews Rick Siegel Today on GCN

Rick Siegel will be appearing with Jim Fetzer on GCN to discuss Disinfo and Misinfo today Feb 6 at 3PM CST.


A pair of scumbags.

A pair of scumbags.

I would appreciate

if someone could tape this.

Two of the Leading Lights of the Movement

I can't wait.

International Truth Movement

Oh, and check out our new Disinfo Page

Too funny...

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

They will be discussing


seems a popular topic lately - yes?

It'll be interesting to see how deep a legal hole they will dig for themselves.

Fetzer and Siegel discussing disinformation....

....that's a redundancy, isn't it?


Maybe this is a good thing....

Doesn't two negitives equal a positive?

---From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious..very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me..You were right. I know the truth about 9/11.

Yours is my favorite....


(Among many great ones...)


I should change it to read "my FORMER church" since I stopped attending when I found out the pastor also knows the truth but didn't want to fill in his congregation.

---From a decon @ my church: "I want to tell you something very serious..very serious, but I don't want you to say 'I told you so'. I want you to forgive me..You were right. I know the truth about 9/11.

It takes guts....

...especially since ministers are now bought-off by the government to tow the line and they have that 5013C (do I have that number right?) requirement to curtail free speech in churches through their tax-free standing.

Couldn't have guessed

A whole show dedicated to "Lookie...we're not the bad guys here... It's them.... Look at them"

They're going to say it before we do.

Very Bushesque..... "They are like the Hitlers"
Ignorance is NOT Bliss

They can try

But - ultimately - the chickens will be coming home to roost. They've overplayed their hand. All the spinning and pumping of propaganda in the world will not negate their own bad press.

By so OBVIOUSLY discrediting themselves while simulaneously pointing fingers at us...they legitimize us.

this was tactical mistake. you can't claim space beams took down the towers while attempting to indict us at the same time. by default people will stampede in our direction.

OH BOY!! SOMEONE is going to get fired over at cointelpro headquarters. sheesh!

I bet

They sit around snorting coke all day.... pumping out these really bad ideas that in their coked up delusions of grandeur sound so freaking good.

Yea.... that'll get it.... Do IT!

Half of the asses are just the inbread relatives of these criminals.
Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Jim Fetzer wrote the book on disinformation

He should be an expert on it. Especially since it's his day-job.

“We're an empire now, and when we act we create our own reality."

Ughh...this is getting out of hand

At this point the goal is simple disruption and confusion. Siegel, Fetzer, and their allies have basically played their cards. Their disinformation only has an effect now as drama and frustration within the movement.

I suggest we all keep on our toes. There is a lot of obvious noise coming from these quarters; let's not allow our attention to be intentionally distracted toward this tabloid-style disinfo.

Don't forget, our opponents aren't stupid. Think these are the only agents they've got? Think again. Some play it cool, some cause a commotion, some wait till the right time...

International Truth Movement

Jon Gold

This from Rick's website:

I hear the whole show will be featured around albanesers and that John Albanese will be the sole focus.

His astounding abilities will be discussed hours on end as his importance to everything American embraced.

In the end the Pope will sing a benediction to the all-powerful cosmic entity that controls our life after death so that he, Albanese, may go in peace. Please pay at the door.

Be there! Starts soon! John Albanese and the albaneser complex. The world as it revolves around John the albaneser. Someone has to tape it for him! He can treasure it with his baby shoes and get it bronzed.

2 hours of albaneser. Non-stop talk about the dorkiest (Albanese) and fattest (Jon gold) albanesers on the net. Don't miss it!

There will be NO getting back to the live show when it is over! How deep will it go, "Disinfo and Misinfo", which is the albaneser?

Call in with your albaneser

(end of quote)

it smells like .... desperation.

ok - so they took the bait. Tokyo Rose will now announce charges of treason against me. i am sure everything about this show will ooze credibility and scholarly extertise. i will of course use it - as will my attorneys.

Note: Disinformation does not work in the information age.

Disinformation in the information age is the equivalent of digging a hole in quicksand. The more you dig the more entrenched you become in your position. YOu can attempt slinging mud at others to extracate yourself - but - low and behold - the information superhighway remembers everything you ever said - at the speed of light - and you sink deeper and deeper and deeper into the morass of your own empty science.

you see - without a real foundation of truth, Disinformation at most can enjoy 15 minutes of fame - before the villagers round up the idiots and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.


Its funny, but i did not pick up on this, but "someone" who is reviewing all this stuff for me picked up on this:

"In the end the Pope will sing a benediction to the all-powerful cosmic entity that controls our life after death so that he, Albanese, may go in peace."

It is his impression that this implies that i will be dying?

Hmm.... Does anyone else get this?

oh well. i guess i'll be a martyr for the cause. One more quote for the file.

Good Luck JA...

May the force be with you...

Best wishes

All they can do...

Is make fun of my weight problem. I can't wait to eat.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

Don't Worry

I'm sure they will be using me as a punching bad while you eat your Wheaties.

I think...

Your movie has to come out soon.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

i think

my legal action needs to come out soon.

i'm on my way out - hopefully someone will post the show to blogger or archive it somewhere so i can hear it. i'm off to a meeting.

Check it out;

I couldn’t find a picture of that c*cksucker Siegel anywhere, so I went with Reynolds;

Why do you have to stoop to

Why do you have to stoop to this level? This is exactly the type of stuff that Nico Haupt does, and he uses you as a scapegoat for justifying his actions.

I think ridicule if these

I think ridicule of these two assholes is justified, period.

Here's a second copy, I left out the "A"

Rush Limpjaw

What an idiot.

He just told some poor girl that he hopes that they print more dollars...

She said I hope not.... because that would cause more inflation....

He replied that growing more corn would cause inflation (They were talking about alternative energy sources earlier)

She corrected him again... Nicely saying "No. I don't think that's so... more corn would bring the price of corn down."

Rush didn't get it!

I'm still laughing at the fact that so many Americans listen to him.

I won't even go into the 20 other spun up lies he told in the 20 minutes prior to that.... Including his "Half a brain tied behind his back and he still smarter than everyone" & "having his brain on loan from God"

Rush Limbaugh.... He's a lie a minute!

When everything you are told is a lie.... pretty soon you won't be able to tell the difference.
Thank you fluoride.... keep drinking the water
Ignorance is NOT Bliss


Personally I think Fluoride is a major contributing factor to many of our ailments including many mental disorders. It is definitely linked to people's suggestability.

I was thinking about how so many toothpastes now have whitening ingredients added. Fluoride in excess causes discoloration of the teeth. They could have easily amped the amount of Fluoride that they have been including in municipal water systems and we would have never known because everyone is whitening their teeth on a regualr basis.

Thank God for my Berky water filter with the added Fluoride filter.
Ignorance is NOT Bliss



This show is just starting on channel 2.

Rick Siegel keeps referring

Rick Siegel keeps referring to comments that he bought a domain for Nico, saying they are misinformation because it can't be proven. Seems like he is playing word games in how he didn't explicitly state he didn't, but rather that no one could prove he did.

Did a bit of snooping and here are the registration records for his domain and Nico's new domain

IP Address:
Registrant: Richard Siegel
Domain servers in listed order:

IP Address:
Registrant: Domains by Proxy, Inc.
Domain servers in listed order:

Since 911bloglines.com was registered via Domains by Proxy it is not possible to tell who registered it. However, it is possible to tell that they are both using the same DNS nameserver, which means Siegel at least is providing DNS service to 911bloglines.com. Also, both are on the same IP address so it is obvious they are on the same server... although it could be that they are all just on the same host.

Whether Siegel paid for Haupt's new website or not is not knowable, but it is obvious that both are running on the same server with the same DNS server.

Well investigated "nothanks"

What I cannot believe is that they're trying to make it sound like they're the victims... sheesh

Butter would not melt in their mouths...

I will continue to listen even though their BS makes me want to YAKK !!!

Best wishes

I found out that MSN will do

I found out that MSN will do a search for what websites are on a given IP address. This will make it so I can tell if a bunch of sites are on that IP (like a shared host) or just a few (like a private host).

Here is the link for the MSN search on the IP address listed in my last post.

And here are the domain names which are on this IP address:
www.fooledagainon911.com (another great Siegel site?)

Cheers "nothanks". Now what

Cheers "nothanks".

Now what about this lovely gem?


The bastards at blog.com say it isn't there's and it's in dz's (alledged) name.

Impeachment. Accountability. A better world.