Still More body parts found at WTC site = KABOOOM!!!

(*Comment - I have no way of verifying this information, I was forwarded this from a good friend in NYC.)

Jan. 26, 2007.


As preparation for the pouring of the foundations of the WTC Memorial were being made there were 7 human remains recovered under the haul road. 3 remains were recovered at 11 Water Street. Bringing the total to 1,052.

766 - Deutsche Bank
209 - Manholes
77 - haul road
1052 Total as of 1/26/07

You can expect the numbers to increase as the search extends further south along the road.

It is a disgrace that they new that there was a very good possibility that these remains would be found under the haul road but delayed the excavation for over two months.

We still do not understand what is happening to WTC debris that has been found.

It is inconceivable to think that human remains are being found with no material from the towers.

Early on we were getting reports of parts of computers and desks etc being found even a part of what appeared to be an ID card.

Since we have raised the issue of the haul road possibly being constructed from material from the pit these reports have stopped.

Someone needs to look into this as something is wrong.

No report on the site of the Greek Orthodox Church but our sources insist that much will be found when that is excavated.

Everyone we have spoken to has told us that the church was bull dozed and paved over and the basement was never even searched.

While their may not be human remains the contents of the basement should still be underground at that site.

Still no response to Community Board 1’s recommendation and still not one DNA match from the nearly 1,000 DNA samples that we have been extracted and sent back for comparison.

Again something is very wrong.

We will keep you posted.

If you have not done so already please sign our petition at:

We have to continue to fight for every single thing.

Put It Above Ground

NYC should halt the construction and ...

... designate the site as a crime scene. How do they know that Ground Zero isn't just a new dumping ground for new murder victims. Have they identified the remains and done a proper murder investigation? I think not. Why not ?

Maybe they just don't care. Maybe they want to rebuild with the funds received from the fraudulent filed insurance claims before the truth comes out and they get caught.

Whatever they build there will be haunted by the tormented souls of the remaining victims that have not been recovered who are trying to get justice. Those souls will never rest in peace.

The Port Authority of NY & NJ can be ordered to stop rebuilding by either the Governor of New York or New Jersey. Does either one have the political guts to stop and investigate ???