Audio from an "Evening with Robert Bowman and John Albanese" Boston 9/11 Truth Tea Party

Audio from an "Evening with Robert Bowman and John Albanese" -

Boston College - McGuinn Auditorium (12/15/06)

01 Chris Gruener- Introduction (5.5MB) MP3
Introduction by Chris Gruener of Boston 9/11 Truth

02 Dr Bob Bowman (34 MB) MP3
Dr. Bowman address the attitudes and actions of 9/11 Truth activists and offers a critique of the governments official version of 9/11.

03 John Albanese (19.4 MB) MP3
John addresses the use of the term "Conspiracy" and the lack of accountability in the media.

Dear John


Nice talk...


"We've been offered a unique opportunity and we must not let this moment pass."

— George W. Bush - State Of The Union Address - January 29th, 2002

Very inspiring!

Very inspiring!

John you should post the

John you should post the text from the speech in a blog or something because some of it is outstanding.

just checked it out..

just checked it out.. definitely worth the listen.