9/11 Mysteries in Google Video's Top 100

I must add a correction to this post. I was toying with the regional settings on Google, and the ranking I saw was not for the universal Top 100 or the United States Top 100. Suffice to say, in places such as Australia and Canada, 9/11 Mysteries has cracked the Top 100. But please help it out anyway, by clicking on the link.

Well, well, well. Thank you, James Brolin.

It appears the excellent 9/11 Truth video "9/11 Mysteries" has skyrocketed to #58 on Google Video's Top 100, courtesy of Brolin's plug for 911weknow.com.

Please take a moment to visit this link and boost the rating for "9/11 Mysteries".

First I got a message saying

First I got a message saying it is not available at this time. Now it's just buffering indefinitely, and the counter doesn't change.


Works for me. And over 1.2

Works for me. And over 1.2 million views.

Keep it going!

Very good news.

Very good news.

Where in google 100?

I dont see it anywhere!!

It's at #45 right this

It's at #45 right this moment.

Looks like it's fallen off the list

or been pushed - LC2E is at 93 though

regional settings -- my apologies

Oh wait! I see why it isn't showing. I had the wrong regional setting. It's not showing on "All Countries & Regions". Sorry about that. You're right.

For the heck of it, check out other regional rankings.

In Australia, for example, Loose Change is listed as "new" and at #21, and 9/11 Mysteries is at #54.

In Canada, 9/11 Mysteries is sitting at #45.

Yet, in places such as France, Russia, and Germany, there are no 9/11 videos in the top 100.

Most of the other videos in the top 100 remain constant across regional divisions.