New American Century Set for Disaster Paralleling Third Reich

New American Century Set for Disaster Paralleling Third Reich -

The Bushites thought they had it all figured out. And they thought it would be easy and relatively painless for themselves. Led by a commander-in-chief who was a former combat aviator with the Texas Air National Guard, the U.S. armed forces, with all that combat firepower was going to beat down Saddam Hussein, take Iraq, then move on Iran and Syria, transforming the Middle East into an America-centric oasis of democracy and freedom. The entire oil-producing region of the Persian Gulf and even Central Asia would become controlled by satellites of American hegemony to the benefit of the U.S. economy and to the negating of potential rivals such as China, India, Russia and anyone else who might think they could pose a threat to the New American Century, to be totally dominated by the U.S. with no serious or even potential rivals.

To achieve these lofty goals of democracy and freedom abroad, democracy had to be quietly aborted domestically with election fraud and manipulations needed to put Bush in the White House. From there, it was going to be a cakewalk, like every other magnificent accomplishment President George W. Bush had achieved in his illustrious career in business and government service ...

It was thought to be SO easy that the advice of senior military officials regarding force requirements to take and control Iraq were dismissed by another military genius of the Bush Administration, Donald "Chesty Puller" Rumsfeld, who knew how to win wars in the new century, and that required sending neigh-sayers within the senior military to early retirement in order to enact a program with the best of the remaining "Yes-men" from Tommy Franks down to Peter Pace, with lots of other conspicuously under-performing military "giants" in lead positions along the way. The best performer of the entire military has been General Geoffrey Miller, who did not get personally involved in combat operations but really gave 'em hell in the field of torturing detainees, many of whom were sold into detention for cash rewards.

So, America deposed Saddam Hussein, and with the aid of the Kurdish Peshmurga, actually took Saddam into captivity after a few months and after the sons of Saddam had been killed violently. All these milestones were supposed to result in Iraqi acquiescence to American occupation, but as of December, 2006, the single most desired wish of all Iraqis of all religious sects and cultures is to have a complete withdrawal of all American personnel from their soil. So much for democracy! The will of the people is inconsequential still to the American government and their puppets in the Green Zone.

And it has become clear to anyone free of myopia that there will be no military solution in Iraq for the disaster brought by the Bushites. America cannot win, but could lose catastrophically even in military terms, especially if the Shiites take control of logistics lines foiling an attack on Iran or something similar...

Even adding another few tens of thousands of American troops for a few months will not pacify Iraq, but will result in significantly more American casualties. And the breaking points of the over-stretched American military draws precariously near.

So, what will Bush do? The logical next step from the Bush perspective is to attack Iran. Why? Because Bush cannot see his mistakes -- he believes he is working "God's" will and that God wants American hegemony and control over the world economy and the world's petroleum resources.

So, it appears that the unraveling of the Bush Administration in the last two years of W's presidency may also be the unraveling of the New American Century. The New American Century will not last as long as Hitler's Third Reich, which was supposed to last a millenium, but had maybe ten or twelve strong years before the myopia of that German/Austria commander-in-chief led to disaster and humiliation for a nation and tragedy for the entire world.

Bush' grandfather, Prescott, was a business partner and collaborator with the Third Reich. He was convicted of conspiring with the enemy during wartime. And George W. Bush is leading the powerful U.S. military much as Adolf Hitler led the powerful German military of his time -- to early victory and ultimate disaster.

Bush may very well see the handwriting on the wall. He may feel that if American cannot have the hegemony and strategic control over Persian Gulf oil that no one else will. Maybe he will attempt to wreck the economy of the entire world, destroy the oilfields for a generation or two, and sink the entire ship of modern civilization rather than see prosperity elsewhere but not on native shores. Bush may very well be the apocalyptic president who single-handedly drives America to the rapture where either God will rescue the faithful or they will drown like rats from a sinking ship.

The only thing missing in this sordid scenario is the perspective of the great political writer, Hunter Thompson, who unfortunately died and had his remains fired from a cannon in public celebration and therefore has not been able to witness and document the unraveling of the American civilization he once lived on the edge of.

The New American Century may not even survive to the end of its first decade. It was a bit presumptuous for the neo-cons to believe a New American Century was even possible. These are the same people who sent Republican kids straight out of college to the Green Zone to run the Iraqi stock market and banking system, and who to this day have about six skilled Arabic translators in the entire Green Zone. They are a bit "reality-challenged" and incompetent would be far too kind a word to describe the resulting tragedy and havoc they have wrought.

The Democrats complain a bit now, but only on tactics, not strategy, and they will be unable to resurrect the failed state they were complicit in ruining.

If only Al Gore had not stolen the votes needed to put Ralph Nader in the White House in 2004, we might have stood a chance.

How come rational people everywhere understand that Hitler

murdered tons of innocent men, women, & children & gas chambers & other hiddeous ways, yet can't imagine that WMDs-liars Bush/Cheney couldn't be involved in 9/11?

(BTW, I think Bushy was in the Alabama Air National Guard, not Texas as you stated.)

Nope, it was the Texas Air

Nope, it was the Texas Air National Guard.

But, yeah, the mainstream

But, yeah, the mainstream liberal and progressive understanding of 9/11 makes no sense. These people accept that the neocons lied about Iraq, rigged elections, pissed on habeas corpus, sponsored unprecedented war profiteering, legalized and practiced torture, let the people of New Orleans drown, paid operatives to report fake news, and generally acted as the most criminal administration in history, BUT... they can't believe the same people might have orchestrated 9/11?

That position makes no sense to me.

Simuvac, I can't understand it either

So what are We left with to figure why?Speculation? Were people this same way through history?ala human nature?
Are many so busy with their lives that this becomes a hinderance to them, that it is something so deep they don't care to fathom it? Or don't want to fathom it? It's in the past, leave it there? To busy to worry about such things, got their own lives to take care of? Those are just a sample of responses I have gotten from relating what really happened on 9/11, people that have a non -sense of outrage, as if they are detached from it.
It seems all surreal to them, those who have had their eyes opened have never asked what they could do, believing they are powerless to do anything.
Everybody thinks somebody will be able to do something, it's a job anybody can do, but they believe nobody is doing it, because they are not seeing it on their main source of information....The MSM

The Left doesn't understand 9/11 Truth is the only way to win

I think the unfortunate answer is that the Bushites have won in ways the so-called Left is unwilling to acknowledge. Power struggles ultimately are resolved with force, even though dialogue can often negotiate differences and avoid conflict. Look at what the Left has done in response to the neocons' seizure of power: lots of letter writing, some protests in the streets, lots of documentary films. I'm sure the Bushites don't give a shit about most of this stuff. Protests make it look like there is real resistance out there, when there is not.

Bush retains complete control, even though the most optimistic polls say about 30% of Americans support him. That's incredible. The Bushites control the most powerful army in the world, they control the Supreme Court, and most importantly they control the mass media. All of this is done with, optimistically, 30% of the voting public (maybe 15% of the population) in support. Hitler had the same numbers before he became dictator.

Real democracy in America was lost when the CIA was created. What we see now is the realization of shadow government (the son of a former CIA director, VP, and President): total control of the most powerful country in the world with maybe 15% of its citizens supporting the agenda.

This situation is heading for an armed conflict, I fear. That, or total fascism. At some point, people will have to risk much or lose everything.

It's like watching someone get pushed in the shoulder repeatedly. You can protest all you want, but the only meaningful action eventually is to push back. And I don't think most people are willing to take that risk, and that's why the Bushites are so arrogant, and that's why they keep doing whatever they want to do (like 9/11).

Real Democracy lost when the CIA was created

How Ironic, the movie The Good Shepherd is coming out on friday. I don't know how this movie will be like , but I'm sure it will be to put the CIA into a more favorable light.
I will push back when it comes to shove, I would rather risk much more sooner, than wait for it later. I can feel it.

1947 - National Security Act

1947 - National Security Act created the CIA and the NSA (its stayed secret for another 40 years)

1947 - Israel created (UN Resolution - Two States (Jewish/Palestinian)/ Independence (1948) / Etc.

Just funny that the CIA and Israel are the same age...

This after the end of WWII would indicate the new world order (of that period) was laid out during the periods of 1945-50 or so...  Very interesting period of history, with many of the choices playing an integral role in today's Headlines.