More From JoAnne from Counterpunch

Joanne wrote:

I didn't respond to the Piazza Fontana example because I am not familiar with it. Agents provocateurs working for US intelligence and planted in left organizations in the 60s proposed and possibly executed bombings then too. That doesn't prove your point that the US government planned and executed attacks designed to destroy perhaps the most iconic symbols of capital, the Twin Towers, plunge NY's economy and the financial sector into crisis, kill thousands of people, bankrupt the airlines, etc. etc. That's just New York. It also doesn't prove that thousands of people involved in the crime have for five years maintained an iron silence.

Yes, I know about Clarke and also know how Condi Rice responded to that in testimony. I'm not sure of the veracity or context of the Bush quote, but having a report saying Bin Laden wants to attack the US also doesn't contradict my point of incompetence, indifference, hubris and perhaps opportunism akin to that of FDR, who had warnings of a Japanese attack but didn't figure on the destruction of the US Pacific fleet.

This is my fundamental political problem with the "nutters" (your word, not mine): by suggesting some special monstrosity in the Bush administration they deflect from the average-old monstrosity of US foreign policy, decade in decade out, regardless of the party in power. There is essentially no antiwar movement, essentially no element organized powerfully to press for a reverse in foreign policy, in economic policy, no organization on the left worth a damn. In the void there are conspiracy theorists. Your point is, Why not encourage them? I think they have encouragement enough and certainly shouldn't be beyond critique because of grieving families.

Anyway, I wish you well trying to navigate some moderately sane position in a sea of lunacy, but we're not going to convince each other.


I replied:


Well thanks for the conversation. I do feel compelled to respond to a couple of things.

"Nutters" is Cockburn's word, not mine nor apparently yours.

Also you said:
"I'm not sure of the veracity or context of the Bush quote, but having a report saying Bin Laden wants to attack the US also doesn't contradict my point of incompetence, indifference, hubris and perhaps opportunism akin to that of FDR, who had warnings of a Japanese attack but didn't figure on the destruction of the US Pacific fleet."

The position you're describing is called LIHOP in nutter circles. That is, it's the position that the Bush administration Let It Happen On Purpose. If you believe that it's possible that the LIHOP position is true then that puts you squarely inside the nutter camp. That's a "silly conspiracy theory." Don't worry I won't tell Alexander.

Your comrade in lunacy.

The 9/11 Truth Movement, by definition, is an anti-war movement

What we are pursuing is the complete exposure of the system that produces wars over and over again.

Yes, it really is that simple.

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Good stuff. "Joann" clearly

Good stuff. "Joann" clearly values ideology above the truth. She is therefore akin to a religious fundamentalist.

P.S. Can you post her


Can you post her email address? I'd like to demolish each and every point she made, handily.

Ignorance or intellectual dishonesty?

"(B)y suggesting some special monstrosity in the Bush administration they deflect from the average-old monstrosity of US foreign policy, decade in decade out, regardless of the party in power."

Does she realize that this is incorrect? That for a substantial portion, if not a majority of Truthers, it is precisely our contention that false flag terrorism is a tried and true method of manipulation used by many different entities, precisely in order to facilitate a monstrous US foreign policy? The only thing "special" about the Bush version (which is a misnomer -- because it sure wasn't Bush's idea) is that there is the POSSIBILITY that they fucked it up so well that it will be impossible for them to contain the truth.