Final COPA viddy - John Hankey, creator of "JFK II - The Bush Connection"

The final video I am uploading is of the talk by John Hankey, researcher, writer and teacher, creator of the films "JFK II - The Bush Connection" and "The Assassination of JFK Jr. - Murder by Manchurian Candidate".

Not really 9/11 related, but really interesting, nonetheless! His talk focuses on his research surrounding "The Assassination of JFK Jr.". The video quality is a bit dodgy, but watchable. Unfortunately, the audio drops a bit at the 41:00 mark, so you'll have to bump it up a notch.

There were two other presentations that were really informative for JFK researchers, one was a presentation by Rex Bradford who is running the great Mary Ferrell Foundation website, and the other was by archivist Ben Rogers, who is in charge of the Penn Jones collection down at Baylor. Rogers had the foresight to archive several newspapers immediately following 9/11 for about a week, and has several of the newspapers scanned, and online;

"Project 9-11"

The Baylor Collection of Political Materials home page;

For a high-quality DVD of the COPA meeting contact Ralph at Justice Vision:

email: ralph (at)

Phone: 213-747-6345

Ralph is a dedicated documenter of conferences of this type, and has lots of DVDs to sell.

(John Hankey's talk is Copyright 2006, John Hankey.)

The Why? portion of the

The Why? portion of the presentation pretty much sums up the 9/11 connection.

Basically stated, JFK Jr. would not be counted on NOT to publish unbiased investigative articles about 9/11.  This after publishing an article written by the mother of Yagil Amir, who assassinated Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. In the article she states her son was a Mossad asset, and she named names.

He was made an example of to keep the media silent (along with the anthrax). 



Anyone who hasn't seen JFK II should watch it today.

some other George Bush